{{first_name}}, are your emails hitting the spam folder?
Hi there {{first_name}},
Did you know 43% of all cold emails in the {{country}} end up in the spam folder?
This is why most Marketing Agencies running outbound campaigns never succeed to get an open rate of 50% or more, impacting overall results to drive opportunities.
Think about it.
That’s 1 out of 2 emails never being read, buried in the spam folder, like being on the second page of Google.
What if you could avoid hitting the spam folder for less than a portion of bitterballen with mustard?
Here is how that would work out for {{company_name}}.
Would driving more opportunities by avoiding the spam folder make sense to you and your clients {{first_name}}?
Ricardo Ghekiere
Co-Founder Halent
Bitterballen or open rates, {{first_name}}?
Hi there {{first_name}},
Since you are reading and opening this email, I assume it was my last bitterballen joke that threw you off.
I told my partner we should have gone for the amazing poffertjes.
All jokes aside, I wanted to follow-up if making sure your emails land in the inbox of your prospects was something you were looking to fix?
As a reminder, here is how that would work out for {{company_name}}.
Belgian greetings,
Ricardo Ghekiere
Co-Founder Halent
PS: feel free to reply in Dutch :)
Howdy {{first_name}},
It's me, Ricardo again.
I’m back with the best deal you'll hear today.
If you are sending outbound emails, and we are not able to improve your open rate after 30 days of using Halent, you get your money back.
No questions asked.
Unless you are not sending outbound emails of course?
Belgian greetings,
Ricardo Ghekiere
Co-Founder Halent
Howdy back {{first_name}},
I’ve managed to resist the urge to pester you about the proposal I sent 3 days ago.
I’ve tidied my desk, got to inbox zero and even done some admin work I’ve been putting off for an impressive amount of time.
I’m sorry to inform you that I can resist the urge no more…
Here goes… Did you manage to consider the proposal to improve your open rate?
If so, what did you think?
If not, when would it be best to send you another pestering email? I don’t wish to take up any more space in your inbox than I need. :)
I hope you don’t mind my professional perseverance.
Thanks so much for this opportunity.
Fingers crossed,
Ricardo Ghekiere
Co-Founder Halent
This template is by Ricardo Ghekiere from Halent
How to do B2B email marketing the right way: Define your ideal customer profile
Email B2B marketing is a huge industry with many people trying to sell their services as the best. The best way to do this, though, is not by trying to sell your audience, but by defining what your ideal customer looks like.
Who are they? What kind of problems do they have? What questions do they ask? You'll be able to build an email B2B that directly addresses those needs and interests your audience and converts them into customers.
Your ideal customer profile is important for your email marketing strategy. If you have the wrong mix of customers, your sales process will fail and ultimately hurt your brand.
Your goal should be to create a well-rounded marketing strategy that appeals to all kinds of people and helps you grow. Have you ever heard the old adage that "a good salesman is a good listener?"
Well, B2B email marketing is no different.
If you want to increase your return on investment with email marketing, make sure to learn about the customer profile of your ideal client so you can write content and send messages that speak to what their needs are.
The best way to do this is by using surveys or interviews. Most people think of B2B email marketing as spam.
B2B email marketing is the method you use to reach out to potential clients and build your company image. It's important that you don't make the same mistakes.
Want more tips on how to write B2B email?
There are many articles and guides on how to write a compelling mailing B2B. However, if you want something more in depth, take a look at the following mistakes that you're probably making in your email B2B sales.
No matter what your company does, marketing is a must. You need to make sure that you have a strong online presence in order to attract new customers.
One mistake many companies make is not having their email addresses listed in every email they send out. This makes it difficult for people to respond because they are not able to find the right email address and contact the right person.
An email marketing strategy without a daily plan is like a car without gas. It ends up sitting in the driveway till the next morning when it gets towed away.
Here are some mistakes that you're making when learning how to write B2B email and some easy fixes to improve your results. You must make a plan before sending out any email B2B, including your mailing B2B.
Try one of these mistakes that are happening to some businesses:
-Not having a B2B email leads in the email
-Not including a link at the end of the email
-Not identifying that you're promoting an event or product
-Focusing on only one action as your goal
-Not having a call to action
- Not including a social media link
-Not Including Email Subscribers in your B2B Marketing Plan
How to Write B2B email That Sells
1- Start with an introduction.
2- Offer a solution to your customer's problem.
3- Provide a short guarantee or free trial period.
4- Include your company's mission statement and list of products.
5- End with a call to action that closes the sale.
Many people believe that the purpose of an email is to ask for a sale. This can quickly turn off any prospect who is not yet ready to buy. The mailing B2B must sell and explain the value of the product or service before asking for a sale.
Here are some common mistakes that you're likely making when learning how to write B2B email that's supposed to sell. A sales email is a significant piece of the marketing strategy for your business.
This can be because it's one of the first impressions a potential customer has with your company, or because you have to sell a service or product in a specific way.
It's important that you write an email that is personalized and compelling so that your clients will want to buy what you're selling.
How to write better B2B email marketing copy: The basics
The basics of B2B email marketing include writing your subject line and table of contents to ensure you target the right people.
Your first paragraph is crucial as it should be tailored to fit your audience and include insights on what they will find in your offer.
In addition, always read your email before sending it to make sure that all of the links are working properly and that your email B2B doesn't appear spammy.
The biggest mistake you''re probably making with your B2B email marketing is letting the content dictate the form. The important thing to keep in mind when writing a sales email is that you have three objectives:
1) telling the reader why they should care about the offer,
2) providing information on how to get involved, and
3) understanding how to market to them.
In order to meet these objectives, you need your copy to be readable, brief, and persuasive. B2B email marketing copy is an essential part of your company's online marketing strategy.
It might seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't need to be that way. In this blog post, we discussed the basics of what you should consider when creating B2B email marketing copy.
Who are the top B2B email list providers?
There are many mailing B2B providers out there and it's tough to find a provider that has the right list for your company. The top providers, in order of size, are BeWow Classifieds, InVertise, MessageLabs, MailChimp, and AWeber.
When you're looking for a mailing B2B marketing platform, the first thing to do is figure out who your ideal audience is. The best way to find these people is through email data, like your website analytics and Google Analytics.
From there, take a look at the top marketplaces for B2B buyers and find which sources of B2B emails they follow. If you want your emails to be seen by more people, start finding ways to get on more channels that talk about your products or services.
Market-leading email list providers have a significant competitive advantage in terms of filtering, segmentation, and segment removal as well as marketing automation capabilities.
The data that these providers collect from their customers allows them to offer an array of customer services from B2B email leads to nurturing and upselling.
If you're in the B2B industry, email is one of your most important sources for lead generation. But if you don't know how to write a good email, you're going to be wasting your time and getting low conversion rates.
Most B2B email sales are initiated with the use of B2B email leads. A lead magnet is usually an ebook, checklist, or white paper that is offered to the buyer in exchange for their contact information.
B2B email leads to many new leads every day and helps you land your first big client. Your email is your most important business tool. You should always be on the lookout for ways to improve your B2B email sales.
The first step in doing this is to understand the steps that you might be making as a company, then abandoning in your B2B email sales process.
A lot of email marketers are making the mistake of sending emails to prospects that they've never contacted.
When you send emails to people that don't know who you are, they're more likely to ignore your message because they're not interested in your brand or product.
You also run the risk of filling their inboxes with promotional messages and sales pitches, which can lead to angry and frustrated customers.
Many B2B email marketers avoid these mistakes by focusing on B2B email leads instead of customers and getting in touch with people who have been on their radar for some time before sending them an email.
When writing B2B email, it is important that you are strategic and know how to appeal to the reader. One mistake that many people make when sending B2B emails is not including what type of company they are targeting.
Some companies will target a wide variety of companies but may not be in a specific industry like healthcare or finance. The best way to avoid this mistake is by doing research on the company and the industry before writing your email.