April 9, 2022

Sales: What Is An Inside Sales Representative?

Inside sales reps are the lifeblood of many businesses in today's digital world. According to a survey conducted by the staffing industry insight, almost 10% of the global workforce are in some way involved in inside sales.


Inside sales representatives help their companies earn more money and increase revenue by recruiting new customers and developing new revenue streams. So, we will have to keep what is an inside sales rep question aside for a while and learn some basics.

What do inside sales mean?

Inside sales, also called inside selling, represents the part of the marketing sector within a company that uses direct or indirect means to reach and sign up new clients.

Using a diverse array of techniques in training their staff and working alongside sales representatives from other departments such as customer service, interior design professionals can help an organization gain more success than just focusing on one department - gaining support for them.

An Inside sales rep is, therefore, a model for any company united by the belief that success and revenue can only be achieved through people who have earned their spot in recognition of time put into initial relationships.

What is an inside sales rep?

In order to understand what an inside sales rep is, let's take a look at some of their roles.

A classic example of this would be someone who takes the time to find out where consumers are shopping and shops there with them, ensuring that they get everything from anywhere online.

This leads people into making a purchase; it gives incentive both for those who complete orders as well as those completing tracking processes.

As it was said before:

"It is important for sales representatives and department managers to keep a record of every meeting that takes place in their workspace. Oftentimes, these are very detailed and maintain written records of the time duration spent with each contact or client."

How do I become an inside sales rep?

This is where it gets a bit tricky.

In order to become an inside sales rep, you must already have a certain amount of experience under your belt that goes way above being able to sell properly – sometimes being even too good at what you are doing and finding yourself in the position of cutting ties with others who need more time than they can spare.

In this situation, many start out as personal assistants or direct reports; only after gaining experience in this role should they really consider changing up their title and learning more about being an inside rep.

There is no test/qualifying process for becoming an inside sales rep, and oftentimes, your path will lay with making the right connections, finding good mentors that recognize what you are capable of doing and reaching out to them when you feel ready to make a change.

What are the different types of inside sales reps, and what skills do they need to have?

Many inside sales reps even have their own websites for those who are interested in seeing what they mean by "the love of service, the passion for understanding and the ability to translate knowledge".

There are also quite a few resources like this one that shares some key things to think about before deciding if inside sales are the right career choice for you.

List of phrases and assumptions that people use to describe inside sales,

A list of descriptions/holding beliefs that some come up with when they do not know better. Sometimes these gaps feed into stereotypes in society automatically assuming things about others."

"Inside Sales is an industry where having strong relationships can make your life a nightmare "... "Inside Sellers have the right tools and are hard-working, creative thinkers who may fall behind if they are not properly trained in their position."

Is it possible to make a living as an inside sales rep?

Inside sellers, like all other sales reps, come from different ideals and represent each company to their best abilities because they are being asked by the management team to make more profit in their firm.

Like any industry, there are some types of firms where it is easier for inside salespeople than others, but you must focus on top clients who pay well if you want long-term success that can become a living wage.

Inside Sales have created thought leaders across several industries who have made a name for themselves with their ability to close deals fast and in large quantities.

For those that are just starting out on their inside sales journey, they should look into more than just one type of company during the entire process because it is not all like having work every day, working late at night because you want your first paycheck coming fast so you can go eat food rather than going home and eating leftovers, things that can vary depending on the clients that you obtain in your business.

If an inside seller decides to do it all at once, they can find a lot of work or over BOOKED but don't get discouraged because even when people hate their job, there are those small light bulbs if anyone ever finds out about them that always brighten their day such as finding a way around busy times and make enough money to buy groceries, things no one wants especially in this economy.

Do you need a college degree to be successful as an Inside Sales Rep (ISR)?

We can't all be doctors, lawyers, or PhDs, yet this is the question people ask every day about almost anything.

In short, YES, anyone can become successful as a sales rep (ISR) in an organization anywhere from any company through their Regional Sales Manager but are you willing to do what it takes?

Are you ready for a lifestyle change that will take many different perspectives on selling your product/service and seeing where leads come from vs what you personally sell to the company?

To become a successful inside sales rep (ISR) within a certain industry, one must be prepared for all of this, and this may take some time because it depends if anyone is willing to invest in someone's potential when they first start, but once that happens initial success can come from following their dreams or joining an existing team with those same thoughts who care about helping their potential/careers be realized.

Corporate America can sometimes wish their salespeople who will take hours to have that one call with a prospect, but the truth is anyone competent in any industry can easily solve this problem and develop it from within because when you have a passion for something, anything that do we say? We go after our passion!

Do inside sales reps make good money?

Inside Sales Rep (ISR) jobs are commanding good money, especially the ones in high-demand industries and can be a lucrative career to pursue. The salary of an inside sales rep depends on market demand at their particular company as well as hours worked.

It truly comes down to too much more than that with today's busy work environments where people have difficulty sustaining communication when working long hours, so it often gets left behind, which unfortunately makes one look elsewhere.

Internally we have seen that sales reps are not being brought up to quota, which then makes it very hard for people who want more out of their job than just having a desk and calling phone numbers from home/or even outside.

But, this does get frustrating overall because one can't show initiative but still be told no about something because there is an expectation without the proper tools in place to achieve targets during expansion moments.

So to have an inside sales rep position at a company is seen as something everyone wants, but it's not.

Especially in this generation where anything and everything that can be done online will happen soon after you do so, the payouts for what someone does has changed completely overnight, which increases the difficulty for those who want attraction of all types.

Word spreads about companies quickly when there are no intentions put into place, such as benefits or even just being bold to make a good thing out of nothing.

Though it is kind of getting into something we have seen others go for in the past, like auto trading/dot com or just another cyber school offering courses and programs. So why do people bother at all?

Forrester Research estimates that sellers can expect 83% more new business if they are partaking in content marketing, which means traditional SMS's and emails etc.…. will become obsolete.


Inside sale is a job that is not bad but not good either. The best thing about it is that you are doing something to make money while you are sitting at home. This job has its perks and disadvantages.

I am sure now your questions like what is an inside sales rep answered and if you still have something that you want to discuss…do comment.

A number that has been built up from what goals were established and then put down into actual numbers work with your results no matter if it's be-line, standard deviation or whatever so you can feel more confident about moving forward.

The best advice I have received over time as far as my sales career is concerned: "When you are feeling any level of distress or unhappiness, do something that's going to have a direct positive impact on your life and not let anything else distract you.

That's all for now about this topic! If you want to know the exact details about this particular topic, then do let us know in the comments below.

See you with another blog! another day!

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Shweta Gupta

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