Ever wonder what the perfect email sequence looks like that gets you your highest response rate? I did, too and I found it! Read on to find out how to write the perfect email that will make you more effective in your webinars.
How to write a perfect reminder email
The last thing you want is for your webinar reminder email to end up in the spam folder. This is an email that you should be sending out every single day, trying not to skip a day.
You'll want to make sure that you're using a "customerservice@" address when writing your reminder emails. Include the date on which the webinar took place and how much time until it begins.
You want your webinar reminder emails to be an effective and persuasive tool. If you don't send out reminders, or if you send out too many, people will either stop coming or simply forget.
You only have time to make one good impression in this world—make that impression a memorable one. Here are some tips on how to write a perfect reminder email: There are a couple different things to consider when writing an email reminder.
First, make sure you're sending emails to people who will want to attend the webinar. Second, avoid using fancy graphics. Finally, make sure you send a personalized message to each person attending.
Email reminders are not one size fits all. The subject line, the length of the message, and content are all important factors in determining whether or not you will see a response to your email reminder.
Messaging is one of the best ways to create a powerful reminder.
Sending an email reminder or text message will allow you to remind your audience on their terms with a personalized and timely message that also provides information about what they need to do next.
The content in this email reveals how to write a perfect reminder for webinars. A reminder email is a crucial part of any webinar. It's also something that many people struggle with, especially if they try to write directly in the body of the email.
So how can you write a perfect reminder email?
The first thing to do is make sure that you will be sending reminders at least once every three weeks.
After this, you should only have text in the subject line and a new paragraph for each person on your list.
The body should only contain general information about what you are reminding them about and not your personal opinions or suggestions for actions.
When should you send your email reminder?
Sending your email reminder too early could result in lower open rates. It is best to send a reminder about three days before the event itself. You should also send reminders about a week before and then one day before the event starts.
You want to send your email reminder days before the webinar, not a week. If you need to adjust the timing of your reminder based on how close the event is, try sending it at least 24 hours before the event starts and check again in one day.
If you're running a webinar, one of the most important parts is sending out that email reminder to your registrants. You should send your final reminder email 24 hours before your event and 48 hours after it has ended.
If you want to maximize the number of people who will show up for your meeting, you should also send them a few days early so they can start forming their own personal investment in attending.
Before you send your webinar reminder email, make sure that your desired email send date is available. This can be found in the 'reminder settings' tab of the scheduler.
We recommend sending your email reminder at least one day to two days before the event. Schedule your reminder email to go out hours before the webinar. If you send it out days in advance, people might forget about the webinar and no show.
If you send your reminder only a few hours before the webinar, people might not be prepared. Schedule your email to go out at least one day in advance if possible so that people can prepare for it.
It depends on the kind of webinar, but for most webinars, you should send your reminder within 24 hours of the event.
If you want to be really sure that people are going to stay on top of their webinar registration and show up for it, then it's recommended that you send reminders in advance every two weeks.
How long should the reminder stay in your inbox?
Most webinar reminder emails will stay in your inbox for between 24 hours and 48 hours.
It's good to keep the reminder in your inbox for about a 72 hour period, but don't send it out more than a week before the event because you'll probably start to annoy people that have already subscribed.
If you're sending an email to thousands of people, it would be wise to set up a different email address just for reminders and don't use any other marketing automation tools or channels during that time period.
You should try to keep the reminder for three days in your inbox. If you have not received a reply after that time, it may be best to follow up with them in person.
In the email, make sure to include a call-to-action button that directs the recipient to a form or website. Include a link to your social media accounts in case they want to share the message with their followers.
If you have already scheduled the webinar reminder, there is some wiggle room for how long it stays in your inbox. A good rule of thumb is to keep the email in your inbox for three days or until the day of the reminder.
After that, delete the email and send another one if needed. It's important to remember that your webinar reminder email should be only a day or two after the event.
This will allow for people to reflect on what they learned and also give them time to register for the next series of webinars you have planned.
The answer is 3 days. This will help you avoid getting swamped with emails from attendees who might not be able to attend your webinar and are sure they want to see it again.
How often should you send reminders?
Webinars, just like any other digital marketing channel, have a limited time to get the most out of them. That's why it is important to send reminders after the event has ended.
The best time to send reminder emails will depend on the nature of the webinar and your audience. The most important thing is to send out emails only when you feel it is necessary.
The most common question out there is: how often should you send reminders? However, the answer to this question will differ depending on your niche and audience.
You need to figure out what works best for your business and you'll have more success at reaching the right people.
For example, if you're running a webinar that sells a course or a product, you should always be reminding people about it so they don't forget to get their free offer. It depends on your audience.
People who may have forgotten to attend a webinar or conference call should be reminded 4-5 times before the event date, while customers who make plans far in advance should be sent out reminders up to 10 days before the event.
Sending reminder emails too often is just as bad as not sending them enough. However, if you send reminders every day, then people are unlikely to agree to join your webinar.
If you send reminders once a week, people who agreed to sign up for your webinar will have time to look into it and decide whether or not they really want it.
The rule of thumb for most webinars is to send a reminder email to the original email list at least three weeks before the event. This allows participants enough time to note the date, time, and location of the event within their calendars.
But keep in mind that while sending reminders at this point will increase sign-ups, it might also lead to fewer people actually attending the webinar. It's up to you whether you want to take this risk or not.
From the blog: "The most important point is not to send out too many email reminders. If you send three reminder emails, that's enough."
There are some key steps to follow when creating a webinar reminder email:
-Branding - Do not automatically start with your name and title. Instead, state what you are sending them in the email and then name yourself after that to establish the connection
-Make it clear they need to RSVP
-Ask them if they would like to be notified of future webinars
-Clarity - Make sure everything is as easy as possible for them to read
-Credibility - Make sure that every sentence is from your own perspective
-Brevity - Keep it short and sweet, but not so short that they stop reading
-Be mindful of the unsubscribe instructions on your website
On the other hand, it is important to give them a clear call to action. If you can’t get them to register or follow your company , it is important to offer them some other way to connect with you and your business.
You might think that your reminder emails are perfect and don't need any improvement. You might think you've covered all the bases with your subject line, registration reminders, and call to action.
However, it's likely that you could do better. You know the importance and benefits of following up with webinar registrants, but have you written a reminder email that makes them want to come back?
This email checklist will help you create a memorable reminder email that helps you drive the most qualified participants to your next event.