Do you struggle with what to say in your follow up email after a webinar? Do you want to remind people of the content and get them engaged for next time? This article will show you how to create smart ones that get responses.
No matter how great your webinar is, it's not going to do you much good if people don't show up. Not only does a poor attendance rate make the event feel disorganized and potentially embarrassing for organizers, but if people aren't engaged in what they're seeing (or at least pretending like they are), there's a chance that you could lose them forever as potential customers.
That’s where webinar follow up email crops in.
A lackluster turnout can also affect future webinars, even if the content is still relevant and valuable — after all, it's difficult to get people excited about something new when they didn't bother showing up for the last one.
That said: No matter how well you did live or how many views your recorded version of the webinar receives in the future, you still need to do some follow-up work in order to make sure that your attendees and viewers don't slip through the cracks.
But if you've ever tried to get customers and leads from a webinar before, then you know that it can be difficult — especially since many of them will have already provided their contact information on the registration form.
Whether or not this template is right for your business depends largely on whether or not you have a way of tracking who has viewed or attended your webinar. If so, use this template as a way to thank them for showing up. If not, you'll need to use another template instead.
This kind of email is relatively simple:
It's short It has a personal message (even if it is just your company name) It expresses gratitude
Here's how this could look in practice: "Hi, John! Thank you for attending our webinar on How To Get More Customers With Facebook Ads. I hope that you found the webinar useful and informative. We're sure that with all of the great information you learned there are plenty of new avenues for growing your business that you can pursue now."
Keep in mind that this will only work if your software allows you to track who viewed or attended; otherwise, consider using something else instead.
This email is almost identical to the one that you send right after your webinar — but there's one key difference that makes it ideal for follow-up purposes.
And that's because it reminds people of what they can do next. In this case, you'll want to remind them about all of the actionable tips and strategies from your webinar — and even include a special deal on a related product or service, if possible. This will let them imagine how they could apply these tactics and insights in their own lives and businesses.
Here's an example of what such an email might look like: "Hi Peter! Hope you're doing well today! As we discussed in the webinar, there are many benefits to using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
One of our favorite ways to use these sites is in order to get more customers for our business — and we think that you'll find it helpful too. That's why we created a free guide called 10 Ways To Use Twitter For Business Growth — and we'd love for you to check it out!"
The only difference between this template and the one that you sent directly after your webinar will be in the subject line: instead of saying "Webinar" or "Watch Our Webinar," it should say something like "Check Out These Strategies From Our Webinar." This way, people who didn't attend but want information about what they missed will still see it.
A lot of people who attend webinars are busy, which means they might not have had the time or bandwidth to watch your entire show, even if they want to learn more about what you discussed. This is where this kind of email comes in handy — because it gives them another opportunity to catch up on what they missed, especially after a couple of days have gone by.
Here's an example of what such an email might look like: "Hi Anne! Hope you're doing well today! I'm sure that things are keeping you pretty busy at work right now. Plus, with all the other distractions in life, it's easy to forget about the webinar you attended on How To Get More Customers With Facebook Ads. You can always re-watch it here."
This template is not so much a follow-up as it is a way of asking people what they thought about your webinar — and why they didn't attend. Were there things that you could have done better? Did some part of the webinar bore them — or was something else going on during the time that prevented them from attending?
These are all good questions that will give you valuable pieces of information as long as this email is sent with utmost courtesy, politeness, and respect.
Here's an example of what such an email might look like: "Hi Joyce! Hope you're doing well today! I'm sure that things are keeping you pretty busy at work right now. Since we know that the webinar did not reach 100% of our intended audience, we were wondering if you could answer a few quick questions for us."
This last template is very similar to the previous one in terms of its aim — which is asking people what they think about your webinars and presentations. This time, however, it's not about what went wrong specifically during your presentation; rather, it's about how attendees prepared themselves before your presentation.
Here's an example of what such a webinar follow up email might look like: "Hi Tonya! Hope you're doing well today! I'm sure that things are keeping you pretty busy at work right now. Since the webinar did not reach 100% of our intended audience, we were wondering if you could answer a few quick questions for us."
Note: Make sure to send this last template only after your first three follow-ups have landed in people's inboxes — and even then, only send it to those who actually attended your webinar. After all, there's no point in asking people who didn't show up why they didn't attend; it won't give anyone any valuable insights because these individuals weren't present when you delivered your presentation.
You have just hosted a webinar. Thanks to your hard work and of course, the support from your audience, it was a success. Now you try to follow-up with those who signed up for a free copy of your whitepaper, but also want more people to attend the next webinar so that you'll be able to get more questions during Q&A – Some will tell you what they think about it while some others will open their wallets.
Here are 5 email templates you can use for your webinar follow-up. When you're done reading this article, feel free to move on directly to one of these templates.
When the webinar is over, it's time to reach out to your attendees with an email. You can use either of these email templates for this purpose.
Webinar follow up emails like this are best for thanking attendees for attending the webinar and providing value by giving out great content (white paper). It also asks others if they want to join next week's webinar.
Remember that not everyone who registered will attend the live session, so you might want to include some sort of promo code or discount on your actual product/service in case someone misses out on the first one. Here are some tips on how to improve this template:
Subject: Thank you for joining my webinar:
Hi [First Name],
Thank you so much for joining today's paid webinar and providing value with the content we talked about in this session. I really enjoyed talking to you during Q&A and look forward to getting your feedback. You can view the recording here: [Link]
Before 'see you next week'...
Offer a Discount on Your Webinar Product/Service: We're giving out free access to our upcoming webinar series. If you missed out, use Promo Code: WEBINAR4YOU when checking out on
[Note: A fictional promo code & website name has been used here].
Include a link to view the recording.
Emails like these are best for thanking attendees as well as reminding them of their duties as webinar participants. These emails should be sent out at least 24 hours before your next webinar session. Here are some tips on how to improve this template:
Remind the audience about what they signed up for and why they need it / what is it / how can they use this? Link directly to a webinar-related page (e.g., registration, viewing options). Give viewers more information that they have been asking for during the live session – Be specific! Don't forget to include an image or two from your content (webinar tools, etc.) to get attendees to check them out.
Write an introductory paragraph that tells readers about yourself and why you're writing to them. For example, "Hi <name of person>, this is Maggie Millon of XXX Company".
Ask the reader of your email if they had a chance to watch it yet, along with suggestions of what's in store for them if they did attend it. This way, you can find out who actually attended or saw the webinar so that you can send specific follow-up emails for those people later on.
This template is best for reaching out to those who did not attend the webinar and asking if they want to join next week's session. Here are some tips on how to improve this template:
Offer a discount or product/service-related freebies.
Include a link to view the recording and why you think that it might be helpful for them.
Inform them of what happened last time, whether there was Q&A or not, as well as how many people attended. An image from your content (webinar tools) can also be used here as an incentive for attendees to check it out.
Remind them again about the topic of discussion with a brief recap of what you talked about in the previous webinar.
Use your recap to answer questions about what you talked about in the previous webinar.
Remember that there are multiple options when it comes to using this template. You can send out an email before or after the live session, depending on your preference, but remember that the sooner you send it, the better because attendees have more time to register for next week's webinar.
Sometimes things come up and people forget; this way, you'll get a second chance at reaching out to them! And don't forget about tracking tools like Cerno which ensures high open rate thanks to carefully crafted follow-up emails driven by artificial intelligence (more here ).
Subject: Want to learn more? Join our free webinar next week!
Hi <<name>>,
I'm writing to remind you about our free webinar next week (this Thursday). I think there are still a lot of things that we can learn from last week's session.
Please visit this link if you want to find out more: [link].
If you'd like to join us live, simply sign up here: Again, I hope that you're looking forward to it!
From all of us at 14 Days Web Design Studio, thank you for your time, and see you soon! Warmest regards, Maggie Millon Marketing Communications Manager 14 Days Web Design Studio.