March 29, 2022

12 Examples and Facts About Webinar Email Examples That'll Keep You Up at Night

A step-by-step guide to Webinar Email with examples. You'll find best webinar subject lines, and inspiring webinar email examples, reminder, thank you, etc


Webinars enable marketers to provide content in a more consumable manner to their audience.

With webinars, there are no longer any geographical restrictions on who you may contact and how far you can expand your company by webinar email examples.

Attendees and leads aren't simple to get by from your webinar registrations. When it comes to a successful webinar email marketing, you need to start from the beginning.

Here are some tips to help you design the greatest webinar email possible, including the following:

What to Include in the Email Invite for a Webinar? ' When Should You Send Webinar Emails? Various types of webinar invitations, reminders, post-webinar emails, and the best examples of webinar email.

Observe my example

Is there anything else I should include in the email inviting them to the webinar?

Email invitations are sent to potential participants to encourage them to click through and register for the webinar.

As an additional method of publicising your online event, sending out webinar invitation emails is an option worth considering these webinar email examples.

Getting individuals to say yes and understand the benefit is all about making the process as simple as possible for them.

Your webinar invitation email must include all of the following components

WHAT: The name of your webinar

WHEN: The webinar will begin at the specified time (date, time, and duration)

It's a good idea to introduce the speakers, visitors, and hosts.

Signing up for an account (buttons, links, etc.)

In other words, why should anybody attend your event?

Yes, you must include all of the specifics of the webinar in your description:

necessary abilities,

Whether or if there will be a question-and-answer session is unclear.

Biography and accomplishments of our guest speakers

And any other information you feel is necessary.

It's important for your audience to determine whether the webinar is worth their time after receiving your invitation email.

Send further information about why it makes sense to attend and remind your registrants of the date once registration has been completed.

As soon as possible after a webinar

There is more than one email in an example of a Webinar Email. Each email you send will have a specific function.

Throughout this section, we'll explain why each webinar email examples matters.

Email invitation to a webinar

Before the event, you send out an email inviting attendees to join you for a webinar.

This message's purpose is to increase the number of people who register for your event.

The amount of people that sign up for a webinar is a good indicator of the success of an email invitation campaign.

Your webinar invitation email should be sent 2-3 weeks prior to the webinar date. Your target audience will be able to fit it into their schedule this way.

Here's a fact that you should know.

Even if people sign up for your webinar, there is no guarantee they will attend. Some people may overlook it.

However, you may combat a poor attendance percentage by sending out reminder emails for your webinars.

Check Envoke

Emails that serve as a reminder for upcoming webinars

As a result of a high attendance rate, more people sign up for your webinar, but they also attend and participate in it.

The average webinar attendance rate is 46 percent, according to a benchmarking analysis from the webinar industry.

Attendance at webinars may be improved by sending out a reminder email to those who signed up for the event.

You can find out advantages of event marketing, for example, people who signed up for your event would appreciate a kind reminder that it is almost approaching, so make sure they don't forget.

Open rates for webinar reminder emails are higher. In addition to informing them of the start time of your webinar, you're also providing additional reasons why they should attend.

Attendance is boosted as a result.

People are more likely to make a purchase following your webinar for Webinar Email example if they stay engaged for an extra minute.

When and how many emails should serve as a gentle nudge? Here's what I suggest you do:

Prior to your webinar, you'll get an email reminder.

1 day before your webinar, here is your second reminder.

Two hours before your webinar, here's a little reminder:

In order to ensure the success of your webinar, it is important to follow these guidelines:

  • The last reminder email may be sent solely to contacts who haven't opened any of the prior reminders, so you don't seem spammy.
  • This post will go into further detail on how to follow up with non-openers by resending their reminder emails.
  • Following your reminder emails, you are now operational.

What's the plan from here?

After the webinar, it's time to get down to business and make the most of the leads you've nurtured with your finest post-webinar email.

Emails sent after a webinar

Your post-webinar emails should be divided into two categories:

Those who participated in your webinar were included.

In the case of those who didn't tune in,

To avoid sending the identical post-webinar emails to both groups, it's critical that you do so.

It's advisable to send a follow-up email to those who registered but did not attend the webinar, letting them know they missed it and providing a link to the recording.

The best thing to do is send a "Thank you for attending" email to everyone who signed up for your webinar.

Your thank you email should include a link to the replay, as well. Attendees may wish to pass it along to their coworkers or friends once they attend.

As a result of the webinar, attendees are closer to making a purchase.

Attendees who buy within the first 24 hours of your webinar may benefit from this strategy.

The enthusiasm of your webinar guests may be harnessed by inviting them to a one-on-one call, where you can:

  • Find out what they're dealing with.
  • Respond to their inquiries.
  • Make a sale by telling them how your product can solve their problem.
  • The number of emails you have to write is a lot. No.

You'll find step-by-step instructions for creating and automating a webinar email sequence that includes the invitation, reminder, and post-webinar emails in the next part of this article.

Let's take a look at some successful webinar email samples to get your creative juices flowing.

Samples of Emails for Webinars

I've compiled a list of the best-performing webinar email templates for you to use as a guide.

It's up to you whether you want to duplicate your favourite email template or sign up for Automizy and get started with a webinar-specific email template.

1. Invitation to a webinar in a nutshell

This training invitation email has a two-column structure. Giving viewers a clear picture of what's being discussed and who's going to be talking about it.

This is then followed by a second call to action button with a different colour.

That's something you may want to include into an A/B test for future webinar email reminders.

2. Use GIFs to add life to your webinar invitation emails

A millennial's preferred visual language is GIF these days. In order to attract attention to their emails and increase click-through rates, most marketers use the new "GIF Language."

Static email designs can't compete with the fun and excitement that animated Gifs provide for a campaign. Incorporating elements like dynamic transitions, catchy visuals, and even 3D logo animation can elevate the impact of your email content, making it more appealing and memorable for your audience.

The email design for Adweek's webinar invitations has a stunning animated GIF. Red buttons on a white backdrop serve as a good visual contrast in their email design.

3. Include a question in your content to connect with your readers

Listrak utilised a vibrant email design to publicise upcoming webinars. They offered a list of questions in the email that they plan to address in the webinar.

Using one of the questions in your email to pique the curiosity of your audience is a great way to attract them to join your webinar.

4. Use a variety of distinct buttons to encourage users to take action

Copy is kept to a minimum and is concise. A good placement for the title, time, and date has been achieved here.

In this B2B training invitation email, the CTA 'will you attend' at the bottom of the email is noteworthy. If you don't want to feel like you're repeating yourself, this is a good alternative to the CTA "register now."

5. Do not leave behind any valuable data

Leanplum's webinar signup email design, like the GDPR subject, is a little crisp.

Although the concept of the invitation was spot on, it lacks colour and aesthetic appeal.

In the email, you'll find all the information you need to know about the webinar. High-contrast CTA buttons that get a lot of usage are remarkable.

6. Your webinar should have its own logo

Unbounce's email invitation to a B2B conference stands out due to its striking logo. Different marketing issues were covered in an Unbounce B2B session.

Readers would be left with a lasting impression of the workshop thanks to the brand's recognisable emblem on the cover.

Unbounce subscribers will not forget about this email template in the foreseeable future. " This is the takeaway from this webinar email example.

7. Send an email with a video as part of the invitation to the webinar

The popularity of online training and video material is soaring, regardless of whether you're utilising a large course platform or hosting more intimate webinars.

An email invitation from Billy Gene to a Facebook training webinar that uses a hilarious video as its graphic is an excellent example.

8. In addition, the webinar details they offer in the email are constant.

Pop-culture jokes are a great way to get people's attention.

Tell your audience when and where their webinar will take place, to the minute.

Incorporate two more call-to-actions (check out the video or register)

You'll get more signups if you include these elements since people will feel compelled to join as soon as possible.

Ensure that everyone who has signed up for a webinar has done so.

You should send a webinar confirmation email as soon as a participant joins up for the webinar to let them know their registration was successful.

Include the following:

  • "Add to Calendar" button
  • A "Refer a Friend" button
  • In the event that a guest changes his or her mind, there is a link to cancel their reservation.

9. Include the images of your presenters

Webinar hosts are introduced to their audience via Typecast's use of images of those participating in a webinar.

Additionally, the email's layout makes it easy to see all you need to know straight away.

Influence your audience by including a picture of your webinar presenter.

Your webinar host/spreaker, for example, might be of interest to your audience if they are a well-known thought leader in your field.

This might lead to more people signing up for webinars.

10. In your email reminder, convey a feeling of urgency

If the notion of composing an email for a webinar makes you feel overwhelmed, the following email template sample can give you some inspiration.

He begins by announcing the date and time of the webinar, which creates a feeling of immediacy (a few seats left).

From there, a brief overview of what to anticipate is included in the reminder email.

After this, he reminds us that there are only so many locations we can go. And this is what follows:

You need to start living your life on your own terms. "It's time for you to do so." That's a big claim, and it grabbed my interest for the same reasons you did.

11. Send one last reminder email when you're about to go live

It is possible that some of your webinar participants may turn up just on time, while others will be distracted by something else and completely miss it.

Before the start of your webinar, send a last reminder email to encourage more people to participate.

12. Access to an archived webinar link 

In order to get the most out of your final webinar reminder, you must include the URL to your live webinar in it.

If you use the segmentation option in your webinar email list, you may separate your webinar registrants into groups based on their actions. As a consequence, you'll be able to reach individuals from many walks of life with different kinds of content.

A promotional email for individuals who attended your live webinar might be sent as a consequence. Other options include sending an email to individuals who missed the webinar and providing a link to the recorded version.

It's been a while since we've seen each other, but here's a sample of an email from Mindvalley Academy Masterclass that includes a video and four linked links to their webinar replay.

Try Chamaileon


You send out an email inviting people to your webinar before the event so that they can plan their schedules accordingly. This message's goal is to get as many individuals signed up for your event as possible as quickly as possible.

The success of a successful webinar invitation email campaign is measured by the number of registrations obtained as a result of the campaign. 

A minimum of two to three weeks before the planned webinar, you should send an email inviting participants to join in. As a consequence, your intended audience will have plenty of time to plan for it. 

Here's something important to keep in mind: Attendance at your webinar is not guaranteed even if people sign up for it. Perhaps it's been forgotten by some. After reading this essay, you will have a thorough grasp of this topic.

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Soumili Pandey

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