January 15, 2022

Types Of Leads You Should Know About: A Quick Guide!

If you're a marketer, then you know that marketing is a tough job. You might have to constantly research and plan before your next campaign, and even after it has been launched there are so many steps involved in the process. This article goes over the different types of leads that you need to know about in order to be successful with your marketing efforts.


When you're trying to find new customers for your business, it's important to know what type of lead you're getting when someone contacts you. 

This blog will help you keep track of the different types of leads that might be coming in and the best way to maximize their value.

Picture from lead squared

What Are Leads In Sales?

A lead is a potential customer who has expressed an interest in your product or service.

Leads are created by having conversations with people, often referred to as prospects or customers that meet the following criteria: 

  • They have shown interest in what you do and may be interested in buying from you; they show evidence of being able to pay for goods and services
  • Their finances look healthy enough so that it’s not likely that paying for your products will cause them financial hardship (they can afford the price)
  • And finally, there’s no reason why someone else should be talking with these people about your products.

A lead is usually a person who has expressed an interest in what you do and may be interested in buying from you. This means that the conversation with them should not have been initiated by someone else, such as their salesperson or marketing department. 

As soon as they express an interest, it’s time to start working on getting them into the funnel of your business so that they become a customer!

Leads are created when prospects show evidence of being able to pay for goods and services. If this sounds like something out of an advertising copy , then you’re probably thinking that leads are created when a customer is interested in what you do and expresses an interest in buying from your business.

This sounds like something out of advertising copy, but it's not! It means that the conversation with them should have been initiated by someone else (not their salesperson or marketing department).

If they don't show evidence of being able to pay for goods and services, then they're just another prospect who has expressed an interest. 

You may want to follow up on this at some point if there's time available later on. If so, make sure that you follow up with a thank-you note for them expressing interest in your business.

Your finances should look healthy enough so that it's not likely that paying for your products will cause them financial hardship (they can afford the price). This is an important point and one to which I'll return later on when we talk about pricing strategies.

If someone says they can't pay, don't be too quick to write off their request as unworkable. They may have been thinking aloud or talking hypothetically; sometimes people are more comfortable sharing ideas than putting flesh on the bones of those ideas.

Picture from Reww

What Are The Different Types Of Leads?

The five types of leads you need to focus on are:

1) Qualified Leads - These are the people who have an interest in your business and will be a good fit for your company. They're usually looking for specific products or services, so you can use this type of lead as a starting point when identifying potential customers. 

You can also use these leads to help determine what products or services they might want in the future – which is great! Just make sure that you don't sell them something they don't really want (and then wonder why it didn't work out). 

2) Interested Leads - These are usually people who have a general interest in your business and might be looking for something more specific, but they haven't yet decided on what it is. 

You can use these leads to help determine what products or services you should sell them in the future – which is great! Just make sure that you don't sell them something they don't really want (and then wonder why it didn't work out). 

3) Unqualified Leads - This type of lead isn’t necessarily a bad thing; however, if someone comes to your website through this method without having any interest in your business, then you’ll want to follow up with them and find out why they didn't purchase anything. 

If someone doesn't have any interest in buying from you, it's probably not a good idea for that person to be purchasing directly through the website – unless of course they're already searching online for something else entirely!

4) Cold Leads - These are people who aren't looking at your company or product but still provide valuable information about how interested other potential customers might be. 

This is also useful because if these types of leads were converted into paying customers, it would be a great return on your investment.

5) Warm Leads - These are people who have expressed interest in the product or service that you're selling, but they haven't yet purchased anything from you. 

You can use these leads to determine how much of an impact social media has had on your business – which is great! Just make sure that you don't sell them something they don't really want (and then wonder why it didn’t work out). 

The Five Different Types Of Leads Based On Sources They Come From

There are five different types of leads that you can use to drive traffic to your website:

1. SEO (search engine optimization)This is the most common type of lead, and it’s made up of people who have done a Google search for information about your product or service. 

These people tend to be more active than other users, so if you want them on board with buying from you then the best thing that could happen would be for someone else in their network like this person and buy something too! 

If they do decide not purchase after all then at least they know about your business and are aware of what you offer.

2. Direct mail – This type of lead is made up of people who have been approached by a friend, family member or colleague to buy something from you. 

They may not be familiar with the whole process but they do know someone that knows about it so this can still work in your favour! If they don’t purchase then at least their friends will know all about how great you are and might think ‘hey, I should check out that guy/gal over there!'

3. Social media – These leads tend to come from social media websites. You can use these platforms to tell your story and drive people back to your website, or you could just post a link in the hope that someone will buy from you!

4. Referral – This is where an existing client tells their friends about what they like about working with you so new clients are attracted by word of mouth! 

They may not have bought anything yet but if enough of them do then it’s bound to happen one day as more and more people hear good things about how great this business is doing for its customers/clients etc.

5 . Email – This is the most popular type of lead because it’s free and you can get in touch with people that way. It may not be as effective as some other options but this is where a lot of businesses start out!

6. Word-of-mouth – This one isn't really an option, it's just something to keep in mind when trying to find leads for your business so don't neglect these types of leads altogether! 

There are many ways you could use word-of mouth advertising such as social media or email marketing campaigns. You could also ask family members and friends to use these methods of advertising for you.

How To Create A Successful Lead Capture Strategy?

A successful lead capture strategy is one that will help you to increase your conversion rates, reduce the number of abandoned leads and make an impact on your bottom line.

In case you are wondering what a “successful” strategy actually means in this context then let us tell you that it is all about making sure that every single person who visits your website has their interest piqued enough to take action – whether they end up buying or not! 

If they do buy from you then great but if not, at least those visitors have taken some type of action which can be useful for future marketing campaigns.

In order to create a successful lead capture strategy you will need: 

  • A website that is easy to navigate and understand – it is important to ensure that your visitors can easily find what they are looking for and navigate through the site in a way that will help them make an informed decision. 
  • A landing page – this should be easy to understand, engaging and informative enough so as to not only pique curiosity but also motivate potential buyers into taking action. 
  • The right offer – you need something special or unique about the product or service you provide if possible otherwise it won't matter how great your website design is! 
  • An effective email capture strategy - making sure people who visit your website have their email address saved so that you can re-engage with them later on. 
  • An effective social media strategy – it is important to ensure that you are building a relationship with your potential buyers and not just selling to them! 
  • A lead nurturing program - this should be part of an overall marketing campaign so as to make sure the leads get nurtured from start until end. 
  • The right type of content - if possible, create something unique or interesting about yourself (a blog post perhaps?) which will help people relate better and feel more connected to what they are reading/watching etc. 
  • Content that is engaging - if your content isn't interesting enough then it's unlikely that people will stick around and read the whole thing. 
  • The right type of calls to action – make sure you are giving visitors a clear call to action so they know exactly what needs doing next! 
  • A good email marketing strategy – this should be part of an overall marketing campaign so as not only ensure that leads get nurtured from start until end but also help build relationships with those who have taken their first step towards buying something.

7 Ways To Grow Your Business With Quality Leads

You will be able to easily generate more leads and sales with the help of quality content.

The following are some tips that you can use to increase your business: 

1. Invest in a quality website that can help you generate more leads and sales: A good website is one of the most important tools for marketing your business. 

It will help you promote yourself online and increase brand awareness, which is an effective way to reach potential clients who are looking for products or services like yours. 

A well-designed site will also make it easy for people to find information about your company, contact details, testimonials from customers and so on; thus helping them decide whether they should work with you or not by providing useful content such as case studies or other forms of content that will help them to understand more about your business.

A website also helps you create a good first impression of yourself and gives potential clients an idea of the kind of work you do, which is important because they want to be sure whether or not they should hire you for their project.  

2. Create quality content: There are many ways in which people can learn about products and services like yours; however, it's essential that this information comes from reliable sources so as to prevent fraudsters from stealing money through fake reviews on sites such as Yelp or Google+. 

It is therefore very important that you create quality content that will be useful to people and help them decide whether they should hire your services or not.

For example, if someone is looking for a website developer, then he/she might want to know more about the different types of websites and how much it costs.

This information can come from an article on your blog written by you or other reliable sources such as Google Analytics , which allows site owners to track visitors' movements around their sites via cookies. 

You could also share case studies written by clients so that potential customers get a better idea of what kind of work you do.

4. Use social media sites correctly: Social Media has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to reach out directly into our customers' hearts through their Facebook pages or Twitter feeds; thus allowing you to reach a wider audience and gain more followers. 

However, it is important that you use social media in the right way so as to not waste your time posting irrelevant content or getting into arguments with other people; this will only make potential customers lose faith in you, which could ultimately lead them not hiring your services at all.

You should therefore be careful when creating new posts on these sites because they are very easily shared by others who may think of using them for their own purposes. 

For example, if someone tweets about how much he/she loves one of your products then everyone else will see that and assume that you are also promoting it; so make sure to only post relevant content, such as new products or special offers. 

5. Give more attention on your social media profiles:  

As I've already mentioned above, a good way of increasing the number of people who visit your website is by sharing interesting content from other websites on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter,

Which will in turn increase traffic to your site because any time someone shares an article they find interesting their friends may see this too; thus causing them to click through for themselves. 

However, you do not want these posts to be too spammy or over the top because, as I've mentioned above, people will think that you are being annoying and this may cause them to lose faith in your company.

Therefore you should only share articles from websites which have a lot of followers on their pages; for example if there is an article about how great one of your products is then it would make sense to share this with all of these users rather than just posting it onto Facebook where no-one will see it. 

This way they can also tell other people who might not know about the product yet what a brilliant service you provide.

You should also be careful when sharing articles from other websites because some people may think that you are being spammy and they will not share your content; so always make sure to only post relevant information on social media sites, such as new products or special offers. 

6. Create a blog: Blogs are great for promoting your website because they allow you to write articles about the services that you provide which can then be published onto the internet for anyone who is interested in reading them.

Thus increasing traffic to your site by exposing it more widely than just through social media pages alone would.

You should also use blogs to update your customers on the latest news and information regarding your business, such as any new products that you have launched or any special offers. 

This will show them that they are not just buying from a company but rather one which is interested in their needs and wants; thus increasing their trust towards you. 

7. Create an email newsletter: An email newsletter can be very useful for promoting your website because it allows people to sign up for regular updates about what's going on with the site without having to leave home every day. 

Thus meaning more people will see it. You should also use it to promote your new products and special offers.

You can either create the newsletter yourself or you could get someone else to do this for you, although if they are trustworthy then there is no need for them to be paid as long as they provide a good service.

But always make sure that their email address does not end in @gmail.com , @yahoo.co .uk or any other similar domain name because these emails will never reach people's inboxes!

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Himangi Lohar

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