September 26, 2021

sales pitch email examples

Nothing can be more intimidating than a sales pitch email. Facing people with a business/sellers pitch right off the bat as soon as they open your inbox is nerve-wracking enough, but you could mess up the sale if it fails to convey exactly what you're saying. We have five crucial tips to increase your chances of closing deals faster when writing emails to potential buyers.



Emails are a great way to get in touch with potential customers and lead to some very successful business transactions. If you’re looking to boost your sales pitch email examples skills, start by mastering the art of email. Here’s everything you need to know to make an effective email pitch.

1. Plan Your Message Carefully

Before drafting your email, think about what you want to say. What’s the main point of the email, and how can you support that? Start by writing out your thoughts in a sentence or two, then expand on that idea as you write your email. In addition, include a catchy headline and a strong opening sentence.

2. Tailor Your Message for Each Individual

When composing an email, it’s essential to tailor it specifically for each individual recipient. Do they work in a certain industry? What do they do for a living? Once you have a general idea of who your audience is, start thinking about their personal interests and how you can intersect those interests with your product or service.

3. Be Clear and Concise

Your email subject line has a very noticeable impact on most readers. It’s very important that you use a compelling and accurate heading when naming your email so that it stands out from the crowd. In addition, pick your top three headlines for each email and use them to construct the body of your email.

4. Take Advantage of Header text when composing a message in your Outlook inbox, you have the ability to customize header text on all of your messages in Microsoft Outlook. This can be achieved by clicking a Settings button located at the top left corner next to the Subject box.

5. Use CapitalizationCorrect capitalization will go a long way in keeping emails professional and making them easier to read. From there, spell check is also an essential step toward high efficiency. Ensure your email’s copy is error-free, especially when it comes to capitalization.

6. FormatYour emails must be in the correct format to be regarded as effective and well written. This typically involves the standard subheadings of the First line, bottom third, mid-section and top third (depending on the length of your text). It should include meaningful bullets or numbers as per the heading you’ve chosen to place them on each page of your email.

7. Emphasize ElementsThere are certain things that make a great difference to an email’s overall look and feel but other elements tend not to be so critical individually yet considerable in total choosing any one word versus another can have a significant impact on how professional and good it means.

Sales pitch email examples: A Step by Step Process(TIPS)

Sales pitches can be daunting — but they don’t have to be. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be scoring deals in no time.

The first step is to come up with a solid sales pitch. A great starting point is to think about what your business offers and what the customer needs. Once you know that, you can start to tailor your pitch to fit the customer and the situation.

Here are some other important tips for crafting a great sales pitch:

- Be memorable. Your customers will remember your call-to-action and what you offer better if it’s something they can rally behind (like an interesting discount code or referral bonus).

- Use evidence. Show your customers how your product or service has helped others succeed. This will help them trust you and believe that what you’re proposing is worthwhile.

- Be concise. The average person can process about 2,000 words per minute, so make sure everything you say is helpful and actionable.

- Keep it short and sweet. People hate long sales pitches because they feel like they’re being forced into making a decision they may not be ready to make. It’s important to be brief.

Now that you understand how to craft a sales pitch email examples that drive conversions, you need to know how to write one that will drive qualified sales leads. Sales letters are critical before the sale is made, so it's important to work hard on your skills here.

Market Research or the fear of not knowing what you want to write about in your email

There's a reason email marketing is such a successful way to connect with potential customers. It's fast, easy, and can be tailored to fit your specific needs. However, crafting the perfect sales pitch email can be daunting for even the most experienced business owners. That's why we're here to help! In this article, we'll give you the basics on how to make an effective sales pitch email and tips for overcoming your fear of not knowing what you want to write about. Keep reading for tips that will help you become a better seller!

When creating your sales pitch email, start by positioning yourself as a valuable resource for your target audience. Explain how your product or service can benefit them and what they can expect from using it. Make sure to highlight any unique selling points (USPs) that make your product or service stand out from the rest.

Once you have a good understanding of what matters to your target market, it’s time to craft your message. Start by introducing yourself and your company. reintroduce the benefit of using your product or service and explain how it will improve the lives of your readers. Last but not least, provide a call-to-action: ask them to sign up for your newsletter and start using your product/service. Here are a few pointers as to how you can improve your email marketing message:

Sales pitch email examples TIP #1* Create lists of targeted subscribers based on useful categories, use the good examples above. You can also try adding keywords related to your products or service, particularly if they would make sense in the context of your message.

Sales pitch email examples TIP #2* Always integrate a call-to-action into your email marketing message; ask readers to subscribe to your mailing list so you can keep sending them informative content.

Sales pitch email examples TIP #3* Reread your audience pool carefully and allow for any foreseeable changes since last time. Redesigning and improving what works for that audience is much more important than maintaining some usual one-size-fits-all mindset.

Sales pitch email examples TIP #4* Collect feedback from existing customers via short surveys using your NPS (“net promoter score”) surveys.* Test new copy as much as you feel is appropriate. The only way to know for sure what works for your audience is to send a message and see what happens. Just because sending it out once or twice could be excused as “just a test” doesn’t mean that those can ever be regarded as any proof that the email template itself has broad enough resonance with potential customers.

Sales pitch email examples TIP #5* Remember: once you have a template, it may take some time before it becomes successful—especially if it takes initial learning and personal expertise on your and your customers’ part. By then, though, you can write off all the failures in advance by setting yourself up for success when it shows up.

Start with the subject line

First Name

Last Name

Phone Number

Email Address

Subject Line: 

"Acing your Sales Pitch Email"

Marie Allen


Blog Section: 

You can achieve an impressive level of success with email pitching by following these simple tips. First and foremost, start with a subject line that grabs attention. 

Secondly, be clear and concise in your message, while still sounding professional. And finally, always include your contact information in the body of your email so you can follow up if necessary! 

Hello Marie and Team!

I just got your book today and I couldn't be more thrilled about it, absolutely love what you do! Your brand new blog section for email marketers has been very interesting, I learn so much information that is so useful. 

Before this message, I come across your website and had no connection with the Traditional Marketers Market team! Anyway...

Before I start to write this mail, some quick details. 

My first name - Milvio (friends call me Yuka), and last name Tamo, arrived in Portugal at the end of 1989. In the beginning, was like some kind of circus-owner animal trainer without specific skills or development; years are passing with a family of five children. The number of books that I consumed on technical optimization has exceeded my own/present knowledge to a large extent, so it was only natural to split the work and create a site used by students. The last thing that you will read is: we don't sell links - just this page with information... continue

When building an email campaign, it's important to think about what your target customer is looking for when it comes to a purchase. Whether you're selling a new product or service, there are five key elements that should always be included in your pitch:

1) Clear value proposition - crafting a compelling argument for why your customer should buy from you instead of someone else is essential. Demonstrate how what you offer solves their problem or fills a need that they didn't even know they had.

2) Logical problem solving - motivate your customer to take action by describing their own struggle (or the struggle of someone they know) and how your product or service can help solve it. For example, if you're selling a digital product, explain how it can help them save time or work smarter.

3) Strong evidence - using statistics and concrete examples will help readers understand the benefits more quickly. Evaluate in a way that helps them visualize how they will benefit.

4) Self-defining statements - as you describe your product or service, make sure each sentence also tells your brand's story - showing why they have confidence in their decision to buy from you and why you feel it's the right one for them. This is especially important when writing copy for products that aren't yet available or not yet tangible.

5) Science goes through multiple iterations to be proven true or possible - While proving scientific claims is sometimes controversial, the reasons behind it must be logical from an audience perspective as well as empirical in nature.

Main points in a sales pitch email examples

A well-crafted sales email can be the key to unlocking a deal and increasing your chances of closing a sale. In this article, we will offer tips on how to write an effective sales email that will resonate with your target audience.

To start, make sure you understand the basics of what makes a good sales pitch. A great sales pitch:

Is purposeful - The goal of a good sales pitch is to close a sale. That means you need to be clear about why your audience should buy from you.

Is personal - The best sales pitches are ones that show empathy and understanding for your audience's needs. This helps build trust and gives your audience reason to believe you'll deliver on your promises.

Is concise - Keep your message focused and to the point. You don't have much time to sell, so make every word count.

Is targeted - When writing your email, make sure you target the right buyers by positioning yourself as the best option for them. This means tailoring your message to match the needs of your target market.

Example sales pitch email examples

If you want to ace your sales pitch email, it starts with practice. Here's an example of one that grabbed my attention:

Hello [First Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Recently I read in the business section of The Huffington Post that you are a top-ranked attorney in your field. I am looking for an attorney who can provide me with legal services and advice and I believe you would be the perfect person to partner with.

Please let me know if you would be available to join me for a coffee or Skype chat so that we can discuss this further. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your name]

Crafting a winning email that will get prospects to give their contact info

Email marketing is the key to success in any business. Creating effective email sequences helps you connect with potential customers and drive them toward buying from you. In this article, we will be talking about the most important part of an email pitch-the email body. 

The body of your email should be bold, concise and to the point. It should introduce yourself and your product or service, highlight what your prospects can gain by working with you and contain a CTA (call to action) to get them to sign up for your mailing list or make a purchase from you. 

Here are three tips on crafting a winning email: 

1. Stick to a Script - When writing your email, it's important to stick to a certain structure that will make it more readable and easier for your prospects to understand. For example, start each paragraph with a topic sentence (like "Why working with [you] is important"), followed by supporting statements that back up that sentence. Try not to use too many adverbs or adjectives; they'll only muddy up the text. 

2. Keep it Short and Sweet -Avoid going overboard with graphics and long descriptions; these will only bog down readers who want to get right to the point. But don't be afraid to include some images and photos, if it’s what ties the email into your story. 

3. Keep Your Tone Inconsistent - Separate opening and closing salutations are just fine, even required sometimes. But you should make them consistent within an email as well - keep them consistent throughout all channels, including social media posts. Having these two components filled out by different people can make it tough to maintain tone consistency when relying on social media or with those who have gone through a triage process of sorts (their sales team). 

Cons: Carrying out the steps described would take time, which leads us to the cover letter.

The process of creating a cover letter shows potential clients that you have put in the time and effort to craft an email that is tailored specifically for their needs. Your cover letter should highlight your qualifications, readability, and skills relevant to the position being applied for. If you are applying for a sales position, make sure to also include your resume at the bottom of your email.

One common mistake inexperienced candidates make is not keeping track of their MAIN selling points throughout the entire sales process. In order to be successful with a sales pitch, it is important to always keep your main points front and centre. This means writing down what you would say if called into a demo or meeting minutes beforehand! 

One final tip: Always keep a positive tone when writing a sales pitch. It can be easy to get caught up in the heat of negotiations, but always remember that your client is buying your expertise, not your anger or competitiveness.


If you've ever been hesitant to send an email pitch, this is the guide for you. Thanks to the tips and techniques in this article, you'll be a pro at sending irresistible sales pitches in no time flat!

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Samarth Gandhi

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