December 14, 2021

15 Strategies for Creating the Best Sales Guide: The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need

A sales guide is a tool that sales professionals use to assist them with their sales process. It can be as simple as a written document or as complex as an online course. Sales guides are sales tools that sales managers can use to help salespeople close deals. If you're looking for help creating a practical sales guide, read on! #15 Strategies for Creating the Best Sales Guide: the only sales guide you'll ever need


A sales guide is a sales manual that provides salespeople with the information to sell products or services. Sales experts and marketing professionals often create them, but their effectiveness depends on how well you know your audience. 

If you're looking for help creating a practical sales guide, read on! #14 Strategies for Creating the Best Sales Guide: the only sales guide you'll ever need

Sales guides help sales professionals to close sales. They provide a structured and easy-to-follow guide that will help you achieve your sales goals by following the steps in the sales guide. 

Sales professionals should consider using sales guides to increase their success rate. It provides them with an organized structure for closing sales and helps them create rapport with potential clients. 

The best sales guides are explicitly tailored to your industry so they can be effective for everyone who reads them! So, read on the only sales guide you'll ever need.

What is a sales guide?

A sales guide can be an ebook, blog post, video tutorial, or other content that provides potential customers with the knowledge they need to make a purchase decision. 

Sales guides typically contain information on the benefits of purchasing products and services, how to choose between options available for sale, the most common objections sellers face when selling their products/services, and more.

A sales guide is a document that helps sellers sell more products by providing buyers with all the information they need to make an informed decision. Sales guides are usually created for specific product types, such as shoes or hammers. 

The sales guide may be used in person or online and can take many forms, from elaborate illustrations to simple text-based descriptions. 

Since ancient times, sales guides have been around when salespeople would use scrolls of paper attached to sticks to read while being shown the product. Today's sales guides can help you design a highly effective sales strategy for your business!

How do sales guides help your business?

Sales guides are great marketing tools because they save you time by providing all of this information in one place so that you don't have to spend hours researching it yourself. 

They also allow potential buyers to learn about your product without having to ask any questions - which is especially helpful if you're working with clients.

A sales guide is a sales and marketing tool that provides information on your sales process, sales tips, and sales techniques. It can be used to educate prospective customers on using the product or service you offer. 

Creating a good sales guide doesn’t have to be complicated! A sales guide also helps potential buyers understand more about your company's values and goals. Finally, it allows them to contact you for more information if they are interested in buying from you.

What are the benefits of a sales guide?

Selling a product/service can be difficult, especially if the potential buyer isn't familiar with it. A sales guide can help you explain how your product works and what makes it unique from similar products on the market. 

It also helps potential buyers learn more about your company so that they feel comfortable purchasing from you rather than another sales professional or online store. A sales guide provides salespeople with an informational resource to use during their sales process. 

That is why many companies have a dedicated person whose job title includes phrases like "sales developer" or "business development representative." 

These employees are responsible for creating different types of sales guides and maintaining existing ones - even though some clients prefer having access to them online.

Some of the key benefits of using a sales guide include: controlling the conversation with potential buyers, overcoming objections more effectively, increasing customer loyalty, and helping customers feel confident about their purchase decisions. 

Additionally, sales guides can be adapted to any medium and are perfect for print or online formats. One of the most important benefits of a sales guide is that it allows you to control the conversation with potential buyers. 

When you provide them with all the information they need to make an informed decision, they are less likely to ask you questions that could delay or disrupt your sales process. We are here to help you through the only sales guide you'll ever need.

Additionally, sales guides help sellers overcome objections more effectively because they have anticipated and planned for possible complaints in advance. 

Finally, sales guides can increase customer loyalty by helping customers feel confident about their purchase decisions - which means they're more likely to come back and buy from you again!

Types of sales guides:

There are several types of sales guides: textual, video, infographic, or interactive media (such as an online quiz). Each type has its strengths and weaknesses, so it's essential to choose the one that will work best for your sales process and your target market.

Textual sales guides are usually the most common type because they're easy to create and can be adapted to any medium, whether a website, brochure or even an email attachment. 

They also tend to be the most popular with buyers because they're easy to read and understand. However, textual sales guides can be boring if they don't include images or other forms of multimedia.

  • Video sales guides:

Video sales guides are a great way to engage potential buyers and help them learn more about your product or service. They can be used on websites, email marketing campaigns, and even as part of live sales presentations. 

Additionally, video sales guides can be adapted to any length - from short explainer videos to comprehensive product demonstrations. The only downside is that they can be expensive to produce and require a lot of planning and editing.

  • Infographic sales guides:

Infographic sales guides are perfect for companies that want to showcase their products or services as exciting and visually appealing. 84% of all sales training is lost after 90 days. This is majorly due to the lack of information retention among sales personnel.

Infographics are easy to understand because they use images and graphs rather than text, making them the perfect format for busy buyers who don't have time to read sales guides. 

However, they can be expensive to produce if you don't have the right tools or staff members who are skilled in graphic design or technical gizmos.

  • Interactive sales guides: 

Online quizzes are an excellent way to engage potential customers and help them learn more about your product or service before making a purchase decision. You can create one for your website with the WordPress quiz plugin.

For example, one company that creates sales-boosting software asked visitors for their email addresses by giving them access to a free trial of their software - but only after passing a short quiz designed to show how effective it is at increasing sales conversions. 

This interactive sales guide helps companies build trust with buyers. Theyinfluentialand, essential hands-on essential experience interacting with the product first hand - which means fewer customer questions during the actual sales process!

87% of sales and marketing leaders say collaboration between sales and marketing enables critical business growth.

Which sales guide is the most effective?

The most effective sales guide is the one that is tailored specifically for your company and your products/services. It should be based on your unique selling proposition (USP) - which is what makes you different from your competitors. 

Additionally, it's important to consider your target market and what type of information they would find helpful. For example, if you're selling a product used by businesses, you would want to include sections on how the product can help increase sales or improve productivity. 

If you're targeting consumers instead, you might want to focus on the benefits of the product/service and how it can make their lives easier. Hence, we have created the only sales guide you'll ever need to help you navigate through the creation.

How to create a sales guide

Creating a sales guide isn't as difficult as it might seem. You can probably make most of it using content that you already have on your website or in your marketing materials. 

The key is to organize the information to make sense for buyers and make sure that it's easy to find.

Here are 15 tips for creating a practical sales guide:

  1. Understand the customer journey: 

Before creating your sales guide, it's essential to understand the customer journey - or how buyers interact with your company and make a purchase decision. 

This means understanding the different stages that a buyer goes through, from becoming aware of your product/service to make a final purchase decision.

  1. Map your existing sales process: 

Your sales process might vary slightly depending on your industry, but most sales processes follow a similar pattern. 

For example, you usually need to research before making a purchase decision, and buyers often contact customer support or sales staff members before signing an agreement with you. 

Knowing this information will help determine the type of content that your sales guide should include and where it should fit in the buyer's journey.

  1. Highlight unique selling propositions: 

Every company has its own USP - which makes them different from other companies offering similar products/services.

It could be based on price, quality, speed, or ease of use - for example, one business might sell high-priced items while another sells low-cost items quickly through e-commerce channels only. 

Your sales guide should make it clear what makes your company stand out from the competition.

  1. Make sales information easy to find: 

You want buyers to find exactly what they are looking for - even if they don't know the exact terms used in search engines. 

This means linking important sales information together so that people can easily navigate through related articles, blog posts, or videos on your website. 

You also need a good internal linking structure throughout all of your content marketing pieces, as well as external links pointing back to relevant pages on your site.

  1. Optimize for customer support and sales staff members:

No matter how detailed and informative your sales guide is, customers will still have questions about products/services before making a purchase decision. That's why every piece of sales content should be helpful for sales staff members and support agents - so they can answer any questions without having to contact you directly.

  1. Make sales information easy to navigate: 

It's crucial, or that people who are reading your sales guide have an easier time navigating through the content than if they were just randomly searching around on your website. 

To do this, use effective navigation labels throughout the sales guide as well as breadcrumbs so buyers know where in the buyer journey their current location is relative to other pages or products/services within your company.

  1. Include testimonials from existing customers: 

there are few things more convincing than a customer endorsement! If you have access to relevant case studies about how particular products/services solved someone else's problem then include them in your sales guide. 

Not only will this add credibility to your sales content, but it can also help start a conversation with potential buyers who are still on the fence about making a purchase decision.

  1. Tailor the content to your target market: 

once you know who your target market is, you need to tailor the content in your sales guide specifically for them. This includes understanding their needs and what type of information they find helpful.

  1. Use images and multimedia: 

visuals are essential for sales guides because they help break up the text and make it easier for buyers to understand. 

Additionally, including multimedia like videos and infographics can help engage potential customers and make your sales guide more interesting to read.

  1. Make it easy to find information: 

Once you have a list of topics, organize them into categories so that they are easy to find. one of the biggest mistakes companies make with their sales guides is not organizing the information to make sense for buyers. 

The best sales guides are easy to navigate and include headings and subheadings explaining each section.

  1. Start by identifying the benefits of using your product or service. 

Then, list your product/service features that support those benefits.

  1. Test the sales guide:

Test the sales guide on a small group of people to get feedback before releasing it to the general public.

  1. Keep your sales guide short and to the point. 

Ideally, it should be no longer than a few pages. However, if you have a lot of meaningful content that needs to go in there, feel free to create multiple shorter guides instead! This will make the information more accessible for buyers to digest and remember when making purchasing decisions.

  1. Include call-to-action at the end of your sales guide: 

A call-to-action (CTA) is essential for any sales guide because it tells buyers what you want them to do next. 

Whether you want them to visit your website, download a white paper, or contact you for more information, be sure to include a CTA at the end of your sales guide so that potential customers know what to do next. 

  1. Collect qualitative insights and customer data-points: 

To improve sales, you need to understand what motivates your customers and how they make purchase decisions. 

This means regularly collecting qualitative insights (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups) and customer data points (e.g., web analytics, sales reports). Analyzing this information can create meaningful content that is genuinely relevant and helpful for buyers.


Sales guides are beneficial because they help sales teams communicate more efficiently and effectively with customers. 

By creating a sales guide, not only will your buyers have an easier time finding the information that is relevant to them - but you'll also save yourself from having to answer repetitive questions over email or phone calls!

Remember that every company's needs are different, so feel free to take inspiration from this post but adjust it according to what works best for your organization.

Creating a sales guide doesn't have to be complicated! By following these simple steps, you can create an informative resource to help potential buyers make informed decisions about purchasing your product or service. 

So what are you waiting for? Start creating your sales guide today!

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