April 19, 2022

6 Email Personalization Techniques To Increase Your Sales

In this particular article, you will find answers to questions like email personalization and why you should do it?


So, before you look at the methods, let's first understand what email personalization is and why it matters.

What is email personalization, and why should it matter to you?

In today’s world, email personalization is used on a large scale to attract people. You may not even know this, but most of the content you view every day is customized for you to a specific extent.

The posts Facebook "suggests" to you that come from pages you don't follow, Instagram ads, LinkedIn posts – everything you see is specially designed for you, and it's based on various factors.

For example, according to Instagram's access, they show you ads based on your habits on Instagram and Facebook, as well as your general engagement online.

It also contains people you follow, the websites you visit, and the topics you like. Instagram profiles you – they learn what content you want to view and then serve it to you.

It's a familiar win-win situation: you get the content you want, and Instagram gets higher engagement rates and more money from advertisers.

At its heart, that's what customization is: studying your customers, learning their habits, and using this data to provide them with unique content that you know will make them curious.

Customization in email marketing is the process of targeting your campaigns to sets of particular customers and engaging them with a customized message.

Customized content doesn't guarantee success, but it gives you a better chance of converting. For example, personalizing emails have increased open and click rates.

Now that I already know what email personalization is, let's check out some customization strategies that you can begin working on!

An email is a powerful tool, but it can also be time-consuming if you don't know what you are doing.

If you want to get the most out of your emails, make sure they are personalized, relevant and engaging.

Here are six ways in which you can achieve this:

1. Relevant 

One of the main things of a customized email is Relevance. People's inboxes are cluttered, with the average worker receiving at least 121 emails per day, and, often, those emails will address the recipient by name.

Take email personalization further and grab your subscriber's attention, offering relevant content. If your content doesn't directly impact your reader, your email is highly likely to be relegated to the trash box.

2. Create Client Personas

As you know now that email personalization is essential for you, ,let’s move forward to the next step of achieving this, segmenting your customers' works. But you can take it even further using customers personas.

Customer personas are created with the help of a lot of data. Instead of asking a single question, you can group customers using a mix of attributes and actions they perform.

One case study that proves the value of customer personas is from the B2B sales and marketing firm NetProspex.

They wanted to understand their visitors better and develop a more personalized experience for customers.

They grouped each customer into three personas using website behaviour and download history. Every lead can receive personalized emails using the website behaviour and download history data.

For example, if a lead's activity determines them as a "Christina", the firm knew the visitor was more curious in Demand Generation.

After implementing client persona-based marketing, NetProspex saw a 111% increase in available email charges. It was a clever customized strategy that gave customers a highly targeted experience.

3. Divide your audience

Once you have created your list of emails, now it is time to divide them.

Segmenting is an essential step towards true customization.

Think about it: simply sending the same email to every lead, regardless of their purchasing habits and profile information, doesn't sound good.

That's precisely why you need to examine your leads and reorganize them into smaller groups.

Here are some excellent segmentations for dividing your leads:

Let’s understand these points in detail –

  • Mobile vs Desktop: The users who open most emails on mobile devices may require different creatives and HTML solutions that show up better on a smaller screen.
  • Demographics: Any set of demographic data can be important for target segmentation. For example, if your company sell clothes, you won't send an email with the same deal to both women and men.
  • Engagement level: Seeing who opens your emails and how often they do it can split your whole audience into two sections: the ones that are high-potential leads and the ones that don't want to be bothered.
  • Purchasing habits: One of the best practices in email personalization is targeting people based on their previous purchases.

4. Set Up Automated Behavioural Trigger Emails

Behaviour-triggered emails are real-time reactions to how your clients are with the help of your product.

When Facebook emails you because you have not logged in for a few days, that's a behaviour-triggered email.

They work amazingly well. If you aren't using it already, you should be!

Trigger emails have a higher open rate in comparison with traditional emails. They are an exceptional communication tool and transform window shoppers into lifelong customers for your company.

It's a clever use of behaviour triggers, as it brings clients back to their website and gets them using the product. It's an expertly timed and executed reminder that has value for the customer.

5. Customize your Business

Customization doesn't have to be confined to using your customers' data.

You also can customize your brand. Personalization can soften the edges of big business and add a level of human connection between you and your customer.

Although personalizing your emails is a precious step toward targeting your customer more efficiently, there is more than your business can do.

You can connect customized emails and landing pages to push your success rate further. Not only should your email and landing page have a uniform look and copy, but they both should also have the same personalized call to action for the customer.

It's also a viable marketing strategy for your business. Focus on what data you have or could collect on your customers and see how they could use it. It's simpler than you think to start today.

6. Timely

Another hallmark of a personalized email is that it has to be timely.

By gathering enough data about your subscriber, you can know what kind of content they need at a particular stage of their customer journey with you.

For example, if they search for a specific topic or solution on your website, you gain insight into what they need, then craft and send them a timely email.


Email personalization does not begin when you start writing an email – it's a process that starts with your leads and their habits.

You start by dividing your leads, ensuring that each of them is engaged at the right time, and making things more accessible; you can send automated behaviour-triggered emails.

Then you can begin working on messages and having fun with customization techniques.

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Shweta Gupta

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