Every company needs to communicate with their audience, and this comes in handy with the advent of email marketing. Whether you're looking to send an email for a new order, or a newsletter about your latest product launch, this guide will teach all about sending mass emails in outlook.
Sending mass emails in Outlook can be a time-consuming task when you have to write out emails one by one.
But if you're just looking for an easy way to send mass email, you've come to the right place! Read on to know everything about sending mass emails in outlook.
There are a few steps to sending mass emails in outlook. Here’s how you can do it.
1. Open Outlook
2. Go to the Mail tab on the top left of your screen and select New Message from there (or click "New" in some other email client).
3. Choose a recipient, subject line, and message body all at once by clicking "Compose". You can change this later if you want to add more recipients or adjust text formatting like font size or spacing between lines.
Just drag out an empty area below where it says Subject: until you have enough space for everything that needs changing! If you don't see any blank spaces underneath the Subject line, click "More" and then choose the option to create a new message.
4. Click on your email address at the top of this screen (or in some other client) and you will be taken to an empty body where you can type whatever it is that needs saying!
You can add attachments or links if necessary - just remember that Outlook's default settings for these are set so they don't show up until someone opens them from inside their inbox, which may not always be what you want!
5. Once everything looks right, press send by clicking anywhere outside of your text box.
6. You can also send a copy of the email to yourself by clicking "Options" at the bottom left and selecting "Send an Email Copy".
This will allow you to edit it before sending, which is useful if something doesn't look quite right or if you want to include some extra information that isn't included in your main message!
7. Once sent, Outlook automatically adds a timestamp for each email sent so that any replies are easy to find - just click on one of these timestamps when replying from inside Outlook's inboxes!
8. To view all your messages from a specific sender, click "All" at the bottom of your inbox. This will show you all messages from that person/site - including any attachments!
9. You can also view your sent and read emails in Outlook by clicking on the small arrow next to each message (the one with two arrows).
The first option is for Sent Items, which shows all those items that have been marked as sent but haven't yet been received by their recipient(s), while the second is Read Items (which only includes email messages already received) and has a slightly different layout to the main inbox.
Now that you know how sending mass emails in outlook works, let’s see if you should do it or not. In most cases, it is not advisable to send bulk emails using Outlook.
There are several reasons for this:
1. You can only have a maximum of 100 items in your sent Items folder at any one time - if you try to send more than that, the oldest ones will be removed from view!
2. If you use attachments with every email message (which is highly recommended), then these may take up valuable space on your hard drive as well as clogging up other folders such as Inbox or Sent Messages which could otherwise be used by others who rely on them!
3. Sending bulk emails does not allow you to send attachments, which means that if the recipient of your email requires them for some reason (such as a scanned document or image), they will have to download them manually.
4. Sending bulk messages also limits what can be done with each individual message - it is impossible, for example, to reply directly from within Outlook's inbox!
5. If you need a large number of replies in response to an email such as "How many people are going?", then sending one message and asking everyone individually could quickly become tiresome and time-consuming!
6. If you use Outlook's Inbox rules, then any email that is sent to the same address as a message already in your inbox will be deleted. This can cause significant problems if multiple people are sending emails to the same person!
7. If you have several folders on your hard drive (such as Junk E-mail or Sent Mail), then it may not always be possible for all of them to appear at once when viewing an individual email - and this means that some messages could get missed out altogether!
8. Sending bulk emails does not allow recipients who do not own a copy of Outlook to reply directly from within Outlook's inbox. This means that if they need to send a message, they will have no choice but to download it and then open the attachment manually!
9. Sending bulk emails is time-consuming - even with an automated system such as our Bulk Emailer (which can be set up in just a few minutes), sending out 1,000 messages takes between 5 and 10 minutes each on average; whereas receiving them takes around 20 seconds (depending upon your internet connection).
10. Finally...if you don't know how many people are going or who has said they are going, then there is no point sending a message that will be ignored!