Whether you're just starting out in sales, or looking to upskill your team with new skills, it's important to know the top skills that will make you successful in sales. In this blog post we will talk about the salesman skills list and how to master them.
What are the skills that will make you successful in sales? This is a question that many people ask themselves when they are considering whether or not to pursue a career in sales. Read the salesman skills list below to find out what it takes to be a good salesman.
What Are Qualities of a Good Salesperson?
"Good salespeople are not born, they are made. A good salesperson is a person who can be molded and developed to possess certain characteristics." - Kirk Litton
A good salesperson works well with others. They have great interpersonal skills along with the ability to network effectively. It is important for a salesperson to make friends easily, as this helps them achieve their goals more efficiently. In addition, this quality will allow them to build long lasting relationships that can benefit their business in the future.
A good salesperson must be perseverant and work diligently towards their goals from beginning to end. The best way for someone to improve upon these qualities is by setting short term goals for themselves that can be achieved within a certain amount of time.
All great salespeople are hardworking and have the tenacity to keep going until they reach their goal, no matter how long it may take.
Active Listening Skills of a Good Salesperson:
The ability to listen is the most important quality of a good salesperson. A salesman must possess both active listening skills and listening comprehension skills in order to understand what his/her customers actually want and need from him/her.
In addition, an effective sales rep will achieve this while maintaining eye contact with the customer, using body language such as leaning forward, nodding and smiling when appropriate.
All these actions reinforce an impression of attentiveness which persuades customers to continue providing information and open up to the salesperson.
Listening Comprehension Skills of a Good Salesperson:
A great sales rep will also possess good critical thinking skills, which allow them to make quick decisions regarding what their customers are actually looking for and need.
A salesperson should be able to read body language in order to get an understanding for how best to interact with each person that they meet.
They need to be able to sense when it is appropriate to push the customer towards making a purchase, or if it is better not to push at all and instead use different tactics (i.e., providing information, discounts, etc.).
Successful entrepreneurs will always have strong leadership skills, which can promote their sales and allow them to grow a successful business. A good leader is able to motivate others into working together towards a common goal.
In addition, they promote great teamwork by listening to what other people have to say and being open minded about suggestions from different perspectives, as well as being flexible with the plan for achieving success.
In order to succeed in sales you must also be organized. Having a disorganized work space can make it much more difficult for you to get things done and will take away from the time that you could spend selling. In addition, being organized helps a great deal with any deadlines that a salesperson may face.
Salesman Skills List
Here’s a salesman skills list that every salesman should master.
1) Listening - To truly understand what a customer needs or wants one must be fully engaged in listening or observing their words and actions without judgment or prejudice.
2) Discipline & Persistence - Without patience and persistence it is impossible to achieve success in anything that one puts his/her mind to. It takes dedication, hard work, commitment and motivation to achieve goals in any field of work.
3) Patience - "Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears." (Dale Carnegie). While it may not always be easy, patience will allow you to progress in all areas of life.
4) Confidence - One must believe in oneself in order to achieve success. Confidence comes from within and can't be attained without self-respect and believing in yourself.
5) Professionalism - Being professional means being able to effectively carry out the duties necessary for achieving one's goals. It also means to act with integrity, honesty and respect at all times by focusing only on relevant information related to business matters while paying attention to details without biases.
6) Initiative - The ability to act on one's own initiative means that no matter what obstacles are in your way you can push through them without depending upon others for things to get done.\
7) Decisiveness - Being decisive is always better than being wishy-washy because it allows you to focus on the present and achieve success with actions based upon facts rather than assumptions or opinions based upon personal biases.
8) Creativity - Without creativity, there would be no art, music, writing, movies etc. It takes an open mind and heart along with ideas and motivation in order to reach beyond traditional thinking patterns in order to develop new ways of doing things that will succeed
9) Honesty - Honesty means caring about something more than yourself, it is loyalty to what you believe in, it is having the integrity to be true to your values no matter what obstacles are put in front of you.
10) Flexibility - Salespeople need to be flexible with their time as well as their approach because nothing ever goes completely according to plan. They must remain calm under pressure and willing to bend or break rules in order to achieve success.
11) Communication Skills - Since a sales person is essentially a messenger between the seller and the buyer it is vital that good communication skills are present.
This includes listening, speaking clearly and making sure to not include any biases either verbally or physically which could be distracting from your message.
12) Competitive & Entrepreneurial Spirit - Having that competitive edge allows you to focus on what really matters, achieving your goals without focusing too much on petty things such as petty arguments with co-workers or ranking within an organization.
A true entrepreneur also focuses his/her efforts toward being self-sufficient so they can succeed by their own hard work rather than depending upon others for financial gain.
13) Time Management & Organization - A salesperson must be organized and use time wisely in order to focus on the goal without getting distracted by things that may get in their way along the way.
Great salespeople are also able to manage their time effectively in order to better balance their duties, work life with family life and personal life.
14) Teamwork & Cooperation - No one person can achieve any goal without working together as a team or being willing to cooperate with others in some form whether they are co-workers, friends or family members.
By cooperating you are building relationships which will foster long term goals and success. I understand that all of this information may seem overwhelming but just be careful not to overdo it.
15) Willingness To Learn - The best salespeople never stop learning and continue to focus on developing their skills in order to achieve their goals.
Every day you must decide what your purpose is and how you want the future to turn out for yourself, make sure that attitude is for more than just reaching materialistic goals such as wealth or power, but rather it's about improving the quality of life of others around you through your actions.
16) Perseverance - No one achieves anything of value without persistence because there will always be obstacles along the way which require determination and commitment beyond what normal people are willing to do.
17) Persuasiveness - A true salesperson knows how to make people want to buy their product because they are able to persuade others by making convincing arguments that promote the benefits of owning what's being sold.
18) Problem Solving Skills - Able To Quickly Find Solutions For Problems & Tell The Customer How That Will Benefit Them & Make Their Lives Easier
19) Reliability - A truly reliable person is one who can always be counted on, not only for completing a task but also keeping their word no matter what.
How To Improve Your skills
For most people, selling is a hard skill to master. Selling involves persuading someone to buy something from you, when they may not want to do so or they may know that it's in their best interest to decline your offer.
In order to be good at this, you need a lot of practice and knowledge of what makes a consumer make an action. Here are some tips for improving your skills as a salesman.
1) First thing in the morning before starting anything else, spend a few minutes visualizing yourself having already succeeded in your sales call with the client you had the day before.
Picture clearly how things went on that last call and see yourself making use of all that knowledge and wisdom gained for pulling off another successful day tomorrow.
Actually, you should be doing this each and every day whether or not you had a successful day the previous day.
2) Before making the call, make sure that you personally are in a good mood. People buy from other people who they find attractive, happy and confident in their product/service.
If you are not in this state of mind when making your sales pitch, your client will definitely sense it within seconds of talking to you over the phone.
Be positive about how things are going in your life already before even beginning with any energy in order to sell yourself effectively on future prospects.
3) Several minutes prior to making the call, visualize yourself talking to that possible client for several minutes while hearing them agree with what you are saying.
Hear the words they are speaking to you and visualize yourself responding with positive actions. Believe in what you are talking about because it's only when you believe in your product/service that your client will be more likely to buy from you.
You can't sell something that you don't believe in, so always know exactly what it is that you're selling before even making the call.
4) Make sure that when making calls that you have good speed dialing skills where all of the numbers come up quickly on your phone or if using a business card, make sure these prospects are neatly written out for easy reference when need be.
A person who has bad speed dialing skills may not sound very professional over the phone which could cause them to lose out on an important sale.
5) Always be prepared for any questions that the client may possibly throw at you. If they ask about your product/service, know exactly what it is that you are selling and where it can best be applied.
Be able to tell them everything there is to know about your product/service in order to make them feel like this purchase will really help take care of their needs.
6) The last tip here involves building rapport with the client which means making sure that you speak exactly where they are coming from; literally speaking.
Before starting up any sort of conversation with them over the phone, put yourself in their shoes first by imagining what their perspective might be like, then go ahead and try talking to them from that angle.
It's very important to be empathetic with all of your clients because they are the ones who will be buying your product/service, not you. So always remember that before calling any client or possible prospects.
Is It Hard to Be a Good Salesman?
Many will think that selling is common and it can be done by anyone, but that is definitely not the case. Selling requires more than just being able to talk for hours on end, you have to have some serious skills in order to become a good salesman.
The first thing you need to focus on when trying to sell something is your body language. You must always look up at the person or people who are listening intently to what you are saying, this will show them that you are interested in what they have to say.
Also, avoid shifting back-and-forth while speaking because this shows nervousness which will turn out poorly if the person isn't even interested in what you are saying. If the customers or people aren't paying attention, focus on not changing your tone of voice at all.
The hardest part of becoming a salesman is finding out which products to sell. Most people will look up the highest grossing sellers and think that is easy money, but that is far from true.
You must find something that nobody else will have, this gives you an advantage over everyone else who is selling the same thing as you are.
Also, make sure it isn't too expensive because if people can buy cheaper elsewhere they probably won't be willing to pay more for yours once they see how good their friend's product looks.
When it comes to actually starting your sales job there is one word that you should always remember, confidence. It doesn't matter if you are selling the best product in the world, nobody will buy it from you if you are showing that there is something wrong with it or worse yet yourself.
Always talk to your customers like they mean everything to you and they are simply walking out of your life soon. Being too nice can be a bad thing for some people because most people don't trust someone who is trying too hard or being overly polite.
It's important to remember that not everybody will want what you have to offer when trying to become a good salesman.
You must convince them that whatever it is you're selling isn't just the thing that they need but also something that perfectly fits their lifestyle and personality as well. It's very easy to tell if you aren't good at convincing people because they will simply walk away and never look back.