February 27, 2022

Warning: You're Losing Money By Not Using Sales Report Templates

In this article, you will learn about sales report templates, why sales report templates are important, and much more.


Sales report templates will help you send your sales report to the right people. They are designed by experienced professionals, who know what information is required to make sure that your sales team gets the right data they need to run their business effectively.


What are Sales Report Templates?


Sales report templates are a great way to provide sales data in a timely and efficient manner. This is especially important when you have multiple people working on a project, or when you need to analyze different metrics from the same source.

If you are a business owner, chances are that one of the most important responsibilities is writing sales reports to give your management team information on how well and efficiently your company has been doing. This article will provide you with some helpful tips on writing sales reports so that they are both accurate and professional looking.

We provide sales report templates for as many different companies and industries. No matter what your business, we've got the correct template designed in order to send you timely knowledgeable reports without fail.

A sales report gives you the opportunity to present all of your daily or weekly sales results. Sales reports provide a detailed look at the financial condition of your business, especially those that are managed manually. A good example would be a small independent general supply store selling in bulk and making payments on account in which case a typical monthly.


How Did I Create My Sales Reports?


The process for creating your first set of sales report templates is quite simple. First, all you have to do is choose the type of sales report and enter data into relevant fields. There are multiple types of reports that can be viewed in HQCR for gathering important information about your business:

  • Sales history – This style allows you to customize how much time has passed since the last entry was made or estimate a date range from when your company first launched until present day; this means that even if all the prior years are missing, you're still able to calculate all of your yearly sales and profit/loss statistics.
  • Matching - This reports allows you to compare day-to-day or business unit (e.g., full store vs. photo department) matching sales data against a target goal for each major category such as: Profit margin, Sales Growth vs Goal 3 Month Revenue from Campaigns; keep in mind that this could be a great way to ensure that your sales goals are being met and the right measures are taking place in order to reach them (i.e., a digital campaign has started, a price adjustment was made).
  • Formatting – Choose this option if you want your report specially formatted in ways such as: color coded by region/country or colored customer/cash register data; also includes some custom styles which allow you alias particular categories using regional names such as , "California" or "Texas"; all of these elements help you create a very specific look for your reports.

Key > Sales Report is the place where you enter each different type of report and has several fields that are relevant to building out the sales data in HQCR; this information could include: first entry date, last entry date, totals by region/country as well as total number of years between each subsequent year's entries.


Steps Involved in Sales Report Templates


Once you have key information entered and you are able to generate a report, it is time to analyze your data using the following quick tips:

Use Calendar - If this seems like common sense then great, every salesperson (or executive) in any business ought to use search calendar software regularly as well.  But how do they find that crucial 10th client of their 15 year career – or get back on track with clients who had cancelled service for 6 months or a year?  

It is a core skill that requires systematic review and scripting of qualified leads, contacts plus business relationships – simply put leading to sales! 

This can be done by scheduling all new incoming appointments/contact with an excellent calendar software program so you quickly identify the missed calls from last month; also, use it daily for planning your current projects (i.e., I have a conference call in 10 minutes…I




Sales reports can be an extremely useful tool for decision making and change. Sales managers and marketing professionals use them daily to measure performance, set goals, create new products or business channels ideas, evaluate success of those channels, plan actions that could improve sales results over time (such as direct mail campaigns) and more.

As a result of this very nature of the report it's really important to make it meaningful.

Sales management software like datapine (shown here in action) allows you to show detailed data right on your dashboard with custom visualizations such as pie-charts/slices where all this data gets summarized and correlated to drive ideas for improvement.

Key Processes

Residual Income (ROI) Analysis - First, collect the prospector's contact information from your CRM or SFA/CRM system . This should be quick in order to get you answering questions immediately on onboarding of new prospects because it prevents confused thinking by sales representatives by jumping into a big pile of historical contacts once they're enrolled in Yext. 

Second, all leads should be assigned a value based on their likelihood of conversion multiplied by the associated cost to you for performing that desired action (i.e., yes or no). Third, calculate sales/conversions for each contact as well as costs both direct & indirect when possible.

The goal is to determine how willing potential customers are in purchasing from your company and at what price discounting rates they will choose one over the other. This then becomes your interpretation of ROI and is easy to pull together in a dashboard. 

A common inclusion that's helpful on most charts are trend lines which allows the eye an easier way to see patterns over time. Market Share Analysis - What you're looking for here is evidence points may be pulled (in the form of limits) on what sales reps can do this month, quarter or year based on their past performance.

Also begins measuring company initiatives as the company's competitive position in the market.  

Application Platform Analysis - Using Yext software, it provides you a complete view of who already has this product and how they're using its capabilities. This enables more precise targeting and cross selling opportunities that can make all worth-while for B2B companies if prepared accordingly (i.e., we found $1M profit last quarter as well).



1. Where can I find a sales report template? 

A sales report template is a document that includes all the information about your company's product or service. It includes data such as products, services, and costs of production.

You can find templates on various websites like Google Docs and Microsoft Word to get started with your business.


2. How do you write a sales report?

A sales report is a document that contains information about the sales of a company. It includes data such as revenue, cost of goods sold, gross profit margin, and other important financial data.

The first step in writing a sales report is to identify what you want to include in your report. Once you have decided on what you want to include, write down everything that you need to include in your report.

After this, it is time to organize the information into categories based on what they are and then create an outline for each category so that readers can follow along easily.

3. How do I create a sales report in Excel?

You can create a sales report in Excel by following these steps:

  • Open an Excel spreadsheet and enter the data for your data range.
  • Next, choose the "Data" tab on the ribbon and select "Filter & Sort."
  • Choose "Sales Report."
  • The filter will now be applied to the range of cells you selected before so that only those values that meet the criteria are included in your report. You can then sort this range based on any of the column headings or click any column heading to sort in ascending or descending order respectively.

4. Which one is better: cloud-based or on-premises software for sales reports?

Cloud-based software is the more cost-effective option.

On-premises software can be expensive and require large investments in IT infrastructure, hardware, and data storage. Cloud-based systems are more flexible as they do not need to be installed on a particular computer or server.

5. Are there any drawbacks to using a sales report template?

There are many benefits of using a sales report template but it does have some drawbacks.

The first drawback is that the reports will be more difficult to create if you are not familiar with Excel or other similar spreadsheet software.

Another drawback is that the templates often do not contain all the necessary information that can help your business make better decisions.



In conclusion, a sales report template will save you 45 minutes or less for every week of the year and this could be a lot more time that your business can spend on other things.

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Haris Mirza

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