February 1, 2022

Sales Process in Salesforce: How to Increase Sales with a Streamlined Sales Process

Salesforce is a CRM system that specializes in sales and marketing, but it can be used for many other purposes as well. This article provides an overview of the various ways to use Salesforce and how you can optimize your sales process in Salesforce.


Sales process in salesforce is a management process that varies slightly depending upon the type of sale, whether it is large or small, and differences in customer interaction. 

Most businesses have multiple sales processes to account for different situations or conditions. Each organization will need to determine which path best fits its needs based on selling strategy. For companies selling through partners or distributors the process may be entirely different.

Stages Of Sales Process In Salesforce

Each stage has certain tasks that you must complete before moving into the next one, so that your business can adequately address all variables involved in reaching its goals.

1) Discovery Stage

The discovery stage is where a potential customer becomes aware that there is a need, or an opportunity to buy from your company. The first step of this part of the process involves the following: 

a) Establish contact with prospective customers- And to determine what their needs are, who else they've talked with about it, why they've chosen your product or service, or decided upon a time frame for making a decision.

If you find out that the prospect has never heard of you before but will likely be a good candidate for a purchase make note of this information as well. If it turns out the customer ended up going with another provider, use it as information for future sales calls

It's very possible that this lead came to you by sheer luck, and may not be the first on your list for future sales development. 

On the other hand, if you're on their radar now, attempting to pursue them again in the future is likely to yield good results. The more information you can gather about this prospect's needs or goals will help shape your sales approach.

b) Set up appointments with potential customers- Depending upon what kind of business you are selling to, some appointments may involve face-to-face meetings, while others can be done over phone calls or video conferences. 

Since the goal here is simply to learn information that will aid in making a sale later on it doesn't matter whether this meeting takes place at their location or yours. 

However if they ask you to go to them, take the opportunity to get a tour around their offices. This will help you determine what your prospects' needs are by seeing how they operate on a daily basis.

c) Observe customers in action if possible- Have you noticed how some people can totally zone out while reading something aloud, making it difficult for others to understand what is being read? 

It may be hard to do this with most potential clients or employers unless they have invited you into their office, but try your best not to cover up any parts of the screen when sitting beside them. 

If it seems like there is going to be an instance where you're going directly back and forth between multiple devices without pausing in between answers then don't worry about it too much, just try to keep any lengthy silences to a minimum.

d) Let your customers know that you're here to help them no matter what their needs are- If they seem uncomfortable, or aren't sure if they need anyone's assistance, do the following: ask questions and probe for areas of concern without pressing too hard. 

You can even ask if there is anything else they may want to discuss about their company and how it operates, and use this opportunity as an icebreaker so it doesn't feel like you're trying to sell something from the start. 

When you've gathered enough information from all of these sessions, put together a list of potential ways in which the customer could solve the problem that he or she is facing. 

Hint: you might want to ask them directly if they have already looked into some of these options.

2) Lead Qualification

In the next stage of the sales process in salesforce, lead qualification, your potential customer is more likely to be engaged with what you have to say because a tangible solution is being presented. 

You've established contact and built rapport so now it's time to find out how serious they are about purchasing from your company. 

Here are a few ways in which you can differentiate between prospects who may not be going anywhere and those who could turn into big-ticket items: 

a) Building trust- Build trust with your prospects by continually proving that you're really there for them as consultants, and go above and beyond what was expected of them when making their original inquiry or request.

For example, you can take notes during face-to-face meetings and send them the information in an email if they made a note to get back to you after they've had a chance to read it.

On the flip side, if your potential customer is still unsure about making a decision at this point, never push too hard for answers or commitments until they are ready. 

Instead of continually asking about when he or she plans on purchasing anything from your company, wait until there's another meeting scheduled so you can discuss it then.

b) Flexibility-  If their needs are somewhat vague instead of suggesting unfamiliar services try to provide options that are similar but have enough difference in price that it will allow your potential client some flexibility when deciding between the two. 

If they continue to push for more information and opportunities, try to be as patient as possible.

3) Closing A Sales

After following this sales process and spending enough time learning about your potential customers it will become much easier to determine which ones are ready to purchase from your company. 

When you reach the final stage of the sales process, closing a sale, it is best done by email after having made initial contact with someone by phone or in person. This can help keep things easier; sometimes we can be too eager and end up appearing too pushy if we close quickly. 

Sending an email that ends with something like: "We look forward to working together" gives us an opportunity to respond without feeling rushed, and suggests that we're looking forward to talking again at a later date.

a) Email- However, if you do get a sense that your potential customer is ready and would like to make a purchase but isn't familiar with the standard costs of your products and services try giving them an initial quote via email. 

If they agree on it by responding back with something like: "I think we can work together" try taking this opportunity to set up another phone call or in-person meeting so you can get their billing information (if you haven't already).

As the final part of the sales process it's important to keep track of whatever contact information you have for each person that has expressed interest in purchasing from your company. 

This way, whenever they're ready again there won't be any awkward delays in getting in touch. Keeping track of the things your potential customers have said they are interested in can be helpful in remembering where you left off so when you get back to them again there won't be any surprises!

b) Social Media Platforms- Also, if you're really eager to close a sale, take advantage of social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook to reconnect with old contacts. These sites will allow you to map out where connections still exist between past co-workers or supervisors who may know someone who is looking for what we offer.

When these people on your contact list become more familiar with how we work and our competitive advantages as a company they will start referring us to their friends and family. 

Pretty soon our customer base will start growing and before we know it we will be a trusted source to a whole new community of potential customers.

So remember, when it comes time for the sales process to begin, simply follow the guidelines above and you will quickly start closing more deals successfully!


Sales process in salesforce is simple when following these steps. Always contact them by phone or in person first. By doing this, they feel like someone really cares about what they want instead of just trying to make money off them which builds trust between both parties. 

After finding out what they are interested in, try giving an initial quote via email if possible then set up another meeting with them in person or over the phone so you can collect their billing information (if you haven't already). 

After you have contacted your potential customer for the first time via phone or in person, send them a follow up email with your best deal so far. 

Also, if you can try to set up another meeting at this point as well after they have said something like: "I think we can work together" .

Lastly, remember to always keep track of whatever contact information you have for every person that has expressed interest in purchasing from your company. This way when it comes time for their next purchase there will be less waiting and more closing!

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Himangi Lohar

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