February 1, 2022

Pardot Lead Scoring: How to Boost Your Marketing Strategy

Pardot Lead Scoring is a powerful tool for boosting your marketing strategy. It helps you generate more leads and close more deals by identifying the right targets at the right time. In this blog post, we will explore how Pardot lead scoring works and give some tips on how to use it in your own business!


Automate the process of scoring and prioritizing your sales leads to identify which campaigns will generate the best ROI

Pardot lead scoring allows you to easily score each new prospect and assign a corresponding dollar value to them, then prioritizes your targets based on that information.

You can create lead scores based on any custom field in Pardot, such as time submitted or number of times visited; but the most common criteria is using Lead Score (Leads > Advanced > Lead Score). 

You can set up rules here such as: "If this lead has never been contacted by our sales team, give them a lead score of 1." Then for people who have been contacted once you can increase their score by 25%, if they've been contacted twice increase it by 50%, and so on.

Another way is to create a list of predefined rules. For example, one might be "If they're located in California, give them a score of 10." Another may be "If they signed up for a trial within the last 14 days give them a score of 1." 

You can add as many criteria as you want here to add multiple levels of scoring. The higher the lead's score the more priority should be given to this prospect when it comes down to deciding which opportunities receive your team's time and attention.

Once you have your lead scores set up, you can use them in combination with Pardot automated workflows. With this feature, you can create specific rules that fire when a lead score is reached. 

For example, if someone has a lead score of 5 you could send the information they submitted in an email template to their sales rep or yourself. 

You can also use workflows to make your leads wait in a virtual queue until they reach the correct score before receiving any communication from your team, creating more of an opportunity for the prospect to get to know you and begin building trust.

A Few Additional Tips:

1) You can set up multiple criteria for scoring leads at different levels, so for example one might be 2-3 points above another based on if this person was just browsing through your site or had filled out a form with contact information.

2) If you have an extremely large list of leads, use the custom field to give them all unique names or numbers instead. Then you can import that data into excel and sort it alphabetically by last name, which will make it much easier to view your rankings at a glance.

3) Once you are using workflows, consider having everyone on your team assign themselves to opportunities that match certain criteria.

For example if everyone on my sales team is assigned to any opportunity with a lead score of 9 or above that would be in line with their current quotas and goals, then they'll always know exactly where we stand in terms of our pipeline when we're done prospecting for the day.

4) If you want even more control over your lead scoring and how it works, try using the custom fields in Pardot along with Zapier to set up triggers for emails or phone calls when someone meets a certain criteria. 

For example you could have any leads that just signed up and haven't been contacted yet get an email from your CEO welcoming them to the company and inviting them into a free webinar on how we help companies just like them grow revenue by 10% or more.

The New Paradigm in Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a popular topic these days, not least because consumers are getting savvier about sharing less information online. 

They know that companies use social media activity, especially Twitter analytics , as one way to assess their interests and intentions. They also know that lead scoring is just as important for B2B buyers as it is for consumers, even if the latter generally aren't aware of this fact.

The old paradigm in lead scoring was based on a straightforward set of rules: you gave points to leads who showed an interest in your company's products or services, then assigned a value to these scores. 

This process allowed marketers to identify high-priority prospects within large data sets, but it meant that they had to manually review every contact.

This is where pardot comes into play. Lead scoring with pardot allows marketers to automatically score leads based on predefined criteria, which empowers them to make decisions about priority prospects without personally reviewing each one. 

It's a paradigm shift that allows you to:

  1. Enable your sales representatives to focus on the leads who matter most, and ignore those who don't. When you're boosting revenue and productivity with efficient lead scoring , there's no need for your reps to spend time on low-priority prospects.
  2. Eliminate non-response as a potential point of failure in your process. There are plenty of reasons why leads don't respond, some more valid than others—but if they aren't responding, they aren't likely to become customers, which will only slow down your growth .
  3. Ensure compliance with regulations such as the U.S.'s Financial Transparency Rule or Europe's General Data Protection Regulation. Regulations like these require you to remove leads from your lists if they don't respond to an offer or a marketer's request . It would be difficult, if not impossible, for a human agent to do this work.
  4. Improve your lead quality by cutting down on outdated information and duplicates. This means you can focus on prospects who have the most up-to-date contact information , which will help you get more out of your communications .

How Pardot Lead Scoring Works

Lead scoring with pardot works because it automates certain key processes that are necessary for accurate lead scoring:

1. Pre-Scoring : When a new lead is entered into the system, it's pre-scored based on the data that's been entered. This ensures that new data is scored quickly and that historical information is up to date.

2. Matching : When a lead score threshold has been reached, paradot matches the contact to either another list or a file of contacts who have opted out, left the company, moved on from their old positions or otherwise become obsolete.

In doing so, it eliminates duplicates and outdated contact information—which also helps you maintain more accurate records of your prospect interactions .

3. Updating : As new interactions occur between marketers and prospects, these are added to the system as updates to existing records.

They're not considered new leads because they already exist within the paradigm. By viewing updates instead of separate entries, paradot keeps historical information up to date—which is essential when evaluating a prospect's interest in your business.

3. Validation : The lead scoring process checks a contact's information against a list or a file of contacts who have opted out, left the company, moved on from their old positions or otherwise become obsolete.

If there's no match, you can be sure that the data is accurate and up to date ; if there is a match , you know that you need to adjust your records accordingly .

4. Post-Scoring : In addition to pre-scoring and matching, lead scoring also allows marketers to post-score leads based on new criteria once they've been passed along to sales reps. 

This empowers them to make changes after reviewing each contact , which will help them boost revenue and productivity even more through a well-informed, data-driven approach to lead management.

How Paradot Improves Leads Quality

In addition to automating these key lead scoring processes, paradot also helps marketers improve their lists' accuracy and increase revenue by eliminating non-response as a potential point of failure in their processes. You can achieve this through:

1. Response Profiling : pardot lead scoring profiles responses according to how they're generated—whether via an email link on your website, a form fill or a phone call—so you know exactly how many contacts are responding, where they're coming from and what types of messages likely motivate them.

This will help you prioritize which leads to follow up with first , when it comes time for outreach campaigns .

2. Lead Scoring : pardot lead scoring uses the criteria you've set to rate your leads—so when a lead responds or doesn't respond, its score rises or falls.

This means you can eliminate non-responders and focus only on the contacts who are ready to move forward —eliminating time wasted on low-priority prospects and ensuring that every contact has an equal chance of qualifying and moving forward in the sales pipeline.

3. Customization: You can also customize paradot to meet specific needs, for example by giving certain marketing team members more autonomy over pre-scoring processes, enabling them to update critical information without relying on other teams. 

This will help drive accuracy , empowerment and coordination throughout your organiza- tion .

Pardot Lead Scoring Example

In this example, ABC Company uses a lead-scoring system with paradot to evaluate prospects that aren't responding directly to its marketing efforts. 

By scoring leads based on criteria that includes the number of interactions they've had with company representatives, their social media activity and other data points commonly used for scoring, ABC Company ensures that it only composes communications for the people who are most likely to convert into customers . 

This enables it to reduce costs by eliminating unnecessary operations such as sending out "dry" mailers or cold calls. Not only is contacting non-respondents expensive, but it also wastes valuable time that could be better spent on customers who are more likely to convert.

Benefits Of Lead Scoring

Here are some of the great benefits that you get when you implement lead scoring within your business:

1) Higher conversion rates - With this amazing tool, you can make sure that only qualified leads will get in touch with your company. 

Now, it won't matter whether prospects need technical assistance or they're ready for hosting services; all will get matched with the proper team member. This way, you'll be able to concentrate on buyers who are most likely to make a purchase, leading to higher conversions.

2) More time for valuable tasks - You can give your whole workforce access to the most crucial data in real-time. No more spending hours searching through spreadsheets or complicated reports. 

Now all they need is one click and they're connected with all the relevant information that they might require at that given moment.

3) Better decision making - Pardot's lead scoring feature allows marketers to sort leads based on their expertise levels, resulting in better qualified leads being assigned to specific agents. 

This way, you can allow your staff members' skill sets to do all of the work for you, helping them make better decisions for your company.

4) Improved productivity - With Pardot's auto-assign feature, the system will take the duty of finding qualified prospects and assigning them to a specific agent at a specified time slot. 

Now, you can focus more on improving your lead nurturing techniques and generating new acquisitions, as well as building lasting relationships with important contacts. 

You'll also be able to build trust from those who need it most: those that are already part of your clientele.

5) Consistency - This tool is designed to automate the lead scoring process by comparing various data points from each prospect's history in order to assign a score within a certain range – you have full control over which factors should or shouldn't be taken into account during the process. 

This way, you'll be able to maintain a consistent method of scoring across all your employees.

6) Greater control over the sales funnel - Now, marketers can determine which points in your sales funnel are most significant for each lead. 

In order to do this, each user will have to set their own personal criteria – depending on the type of product or service they offer – and select values between 1-10 for those specific metrics. 

Once a lead's score is calculated according to their provided answers, it will reveal which stage he/she is currently in with respect to your business.

This allows marketing teams to truly understand what kind of traffic is needed for each department within their company; technicians will have different types of traffic than account managers, for instance.

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Himangi Lohar

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