February 2, 2022

Get A Better Understanding Of Lead Scoring Model And How To Build Your Own

If a company is looking to generate more leads, then they will have a lead scoring model. These models determine the probability of conversion and can be used to generate different types of reports. In this article, we cover what a lead scoring model is, how to build your own, and how to get the most out of them.


In the world of marketing, there is one question that comes up again and again: "How can I get more leads?" Lead scoring models often help marketers find the best opportunities to generate leads. 

In traditional lead scoring models, the process starts with a manual evaluation of your marketing efforts and then a calculation of what you have already achieved in terms of leads or conversions . 

These lead-scoring models can also help you to identify and prioritize the best opportunities for generating leads. In this article, we will show you what a lead-scoring model is and how you can make one.

What Is A Lead Scoring Model?

Lead scoring models can help to determine which leads are most likely to become customers, and which leads should be discarded as they’re less likely to purchase from your business. 

Learn how these models work, what the key aspects of them are, and how you can build your own lead-scoring model based on company data.

A lead-scoring model can help you to understand and predict the behavior of your leads. It will help you to focus on the leads that are most likely to become customers, and which ones must be discarded.

Rather than focusing on every lead or potential lead, you can focus on your best customers.

A lead-scoring model can help you to increase efficient sales by focusing on sales leads instead of spending time on every single lead or growing a business that only serves a small percentage of the market. 

This will result in more focused and efficient sales, which is better for both your company and the customers. The Lead-Scoring model helps you to minimize costs and maximize sales by knowing how your leads will respond to your marketing efforts. 

The Lead-Scoring model helps you to focus on the customers that are most likely to respond by providing a customized marketing plan for each lead. The Lead-Scoring model helps you to increase the efficiency of your marketing efforts and increases the effectiveness of your sales.

Lead scoring is not just a new way to market a product or service. It is the key to successful marketing because it tells you how well your marketing efforts are working. 


What Are The Different Types Of Lead Scorers?

There are 2 main types of lead scorers:

1. The Top Down Approach

This is when you look at a customer and see how likely they will become a client, then work out what score to give them based on that likelihood. 

For example if we know that 60% of customers who sign up for an email marketing campaign convert into paying clients within 6 months, then our model would say they have a 40% chance or probability to be converted (40/60). 

We could rank all leads from 1-100 by their probability of conversion and then work out what score to give each lead based on that probability.


2. The Bottom Up Approach

This is when you look at a customer and see how likely they are to become a client, then work out what score to give them based on that likelihood (for example if we know 60% of customers who sign up for an email marketing campaign convert into paying clients within 6 months). 

We could rank all leads from 1-100 by their probability of conversion but our model would not say which lead was the best or most important because it doesn't matter whether one person has a 100% chance to convert or not.

Picture from salesforce

Why Should You Develop A Lead Scoring Model?

The process of developing a comprehensive scoring model is time-consuming and difficult work, but well worth the effort for several reasons: 

  • When you score a lead, you know exactly what the person is worth to your company, and how much of their potential profit they'll ultimately generate for your business
  • You can use the scores that you've developed to identify customers who are highly profitable but aren't good candidates for sales calls (because they're not likely buyers) or high-value prospects with whom it's more productive to develop a relationship before making an initial sale
  • By scoring leads in this way, which will provide valuable information about them as well as help determine whether or not those people would be appropriate for further sales calls, you can help your team focus their time and efforts on the most profitable customers.


Lead scoring is not a one-time process but rather an ongoing activity that should be done regularly to ensure that you're working at maximum efficiency. 

The key step in this process is developing a formula for determining which leads are likely to become high-value prospects or buyers of your products or services: if they don't meet these criteria, it's probably best not to call them back.

However, scores developed by well thought out formulas will give you valuable information about people who do qualify as potential high-value customers.


How To Create An Effective Lead Generation System?

Follow these steps to create an effective lead generation system.


Step 1: Develop a formula that will score each lead based on the criteria you've selected for your scoring model. 

The most important factors to consider in developing this formula are the following: How many of these people have bought from you before? 

What is their average order value, and what's their annual revenue generated by purchases made through your company? Do they make enough money to be worth calling back or selling products/services to them directly?

Once you've decided which variables should be included in your formula, it's time to develop an equation that can answer these questions.


Step 2: Once you've developed your formula, score each lead. You can do so by calling the person back and asking them questions about their past purchases or services from your company; however, it's important to be aware that not all of these people will qualify as high-value customers. 

For example, if they bought a product less than six months ago but have since stopped using it or made no more purchases in that time period then they probably don't meet our criteria for this type of sale (and thus should not receive a call). 

If after scoring leads like these prospects are still available, you can then decide whether or not to call them back.


Step 3: Once all of the leads have been scored and ranked, it's time to make a few decisions about which prospects should receive follow-up calls (and who should be passed over for that reason). 

The first step in this process is identifying the top 10% of those people who meet your criteria for high-value customers; these are probably going to be some of your best salespeople and will generate more revenue than any other group you target with direct mail campaigns. 

Next comes selecting from this list only those leads that you feel you can reasonably contact directly (i.e., without spending too much money).

This will help to reduce the amount of wasted effort and expense that results from sending out a mass mailing or cold calling people who are not qualified leads for your organization; it also helps ensure that you're only contacting high-value customers, which is important because this group represents the majority of sales opportunities in any given year.

Following these steps should result in an efficient lead generation system with minimal cost and maximum value - something every business owner hopes to achieve!

How To Ensure Your Lead Generation System Is Working?

A lead generation plan should be designed by you and for you. In order to ensure that you are working with a model that is effective, it's important to consider the following:


1. Your business goals - What do you want your organization or company to achieve? This can be anything from increasing revenue, reducing costs, improving customer satisfaction and so on. It should be something tangible and measurable in terms of results .


2. The lead generation process - How do you plan to generate leads? You can use many different methods, including:

  • Direct mail
  • Cold calling (phone calls)
  • Trade shows and conventions
  • Networking events/networking groups (i.e., meeting with people in your industry, buying from them or selling to them)
  • Advertising campaigns on television, radio and billboards
  • Public relations efforts like press releases distribution lists of all kinds of media outlets that target potential customers such as magazines and newspapers etc.
  • Online marketing tactics like blogging websites using social networks for customer acquisition via referrals Social media tools are also available to help you generate leads.


3. The lead generation system - How will you track the results? You can use a variety of tools to track your success: 


4. The lead generation process - How do you plan to qualify the leads? You can use many different methods, including: 

  • Webinars and online training
  • Surveys that provide information about your customers' needs or wants
  • Questionnaires (also known as customer satisfaction surveys)
  • Focus groups and other forms of qualitative research.


5. Your lead qualification system - What will you do with qualified leads? This is where business intelligence software comes in handy because it helps companies analyze data from all sources so they can make better decisions for their organizations.

With this technology, businesses are able to see what's working, what's not working and how they can improve.

Best Tools For Lead Scoring

Lead scoring models are a great tool for business owners. Lead scoring allows you to identify the most likely prospects for your business, the best time to contact them and the amount of work needed on each one. 

However, finding the best lead scoring tools available can seem like an ordeal. After looking through all the options and hearing a lot of mixed reviews from several different tools, we decided to review our top 4 options and their pros and cons: 


1. LeadScape- It is a great lead scoring tool that allows you to create multiple scorecards and assign scores based on different criteria. The product also has the ability to segment your leads by demographics, geography and other factors with automatic email templates. 

It’s not as robust or intuitive in some areas but it does have enough features for small business owners who need basic lead tracking functionality without having to pay big bucks for something like Marketo or Hubspot. 

LeadScape is available at a limited free trial period which can be completed within 24 hours of signing up (with $19/month subscription).


2. Zoho CRM- It is a great tool for small businesses. It’s intuitive and simple to use, and it allows you to create multiple scorecards in order to organize your leads by various criteria. 

The product also has the ability to segment leads into different buckets based on demographics and other factors with automatic email templates that can be customized as needed. 

Zoho offers free trials of their software which are available within 24 hours of signing up (with $19/month subscription).


3. Salesforce Marketing Cloud- It is an effective lead scoring tool for business owners who need more complex functionality than Lead Scape and Zoho CRM. 

It allows for multiple scorecards, segmentation by demographics and other factors with automatic email templates that can be customized as needed. 

The product comes at a higher price tag than the aforementioned tools but it has a lot of functionality in terms of lead scoring which is why we recommend it to business owners who need this type of tool (and don’t mind paying more). 

Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers free trials within 24 hours after signing up (with $25/month subscription ).


4. Hubspot Marketing Automation- It is another great option if you want an automated marketing solution that integrates with your website and social media. 

The product is simple to use, has a variety of tools that can be used for lead scoring (including the ability to segment leads by demographics), and it allows you create email templates which you can customize as needed. Hubspot offers free trials within 24 hours after signing up (with $30/month subscription ).


5. Marketo- Like most other marketing automation software products, Marketo provides a lot of functionality in terms of lead scoring including: automated follow-up emails based on various criteria such as name or contact information; automatic phone call dialing based on certain triggers such as date, time or location; and automatic email templates that can be customized.

Marketo also allows you to create multiple lead scoring lists of your own design by segmenting leads based on demographics (e.g., age group, income level). 

The product comes at a higher price tag than the aforementioned tools but it has an extensive list of features which is why we recommend it to business owners who need this type of tool (and don’t mind paying more). Marketo offers free trials within 24 hours after signing up (with $25/month subscription).

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Himangi Lohar

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