January 16, 2022

Lead Scoring Hubspot: Why You Should Use Hubspot For Your Business

Are you looking for new software to help your business grow? If yes, then HubSpot is the perfect choice. This digital marketing tool provides you with several tools that make it easy for you to develop content, optimize it and get more leads. Here’s why you should use hubspot for your business. In this blog we will discuss lead scoring hubspot and how it can boost your lead nurturing.


Lead scoring hubspot is a tool that allows businesses to keep track of their leads. When you sign up with lead scoring hubspot, you will get access to HubSpot's Lead Qualification Flow, which helps you send qualified leads to your sales team.

What Is a Lead Scoring Hubspot?

Lead scoring hubspot is a process of identifying and quantifying the value of each potential customer. HubSpot uses an algorithm to determine how likely you are to buy from your customers, so that it can score them for higher or lower priority. 

It determines this by measuring things like the number of times a person has interacted with your site, their buying history on other sites they have visited, their social network activity and more.

When calculating lead scores in HubSpot CRM software, They look at all these factors as well as what kind of content people read when visiting our website – which helps us to understand how we can best serve them.

Hubspot lead scoring is an important part of Hubspot's customer experience and it's the backbone behind everything that happens in HubSpot CRM. 

It helps prioritize which leads are most likely to be valuable, so that they get the attention they deserve while keeping other people from ending up on a completely different page altogether! 


How Does Lead Scoring Hubspot Work?

HubSpot's lead scoring algorithm is based on the fact that every person who visits your website or interacts with you in some way has a different value. 

Customers are ranked by their likelihood to buy and how much they might be willing to spend, so hubspot can deliver more relevant content and marketing messages.

This means that people who have been around for longer will get higher scores than those new customers - but it also means that the system isn't just about quantity; It's about quality as well! 

Hubspot looks at all sorts of things when calculating our lead scores, which is why you'll see some people with a high score and others with low.

For example, let's say that John has been to your website once in the last week , but his wife Mary has visited twice. HubSpot CRM will use this information to calculate their chances of buying from you. 


It might look something like this:

Mary - High Score on Price : $500+ (1x) + High Scores on Social Media Engagement & Pages Read (2x each) = 4 points >John - Low Score on Price : $0-250 ( 1x) + Low Scores on Social Media Engagement & Pages Read (2x each) = 4 points

Hubspot CRM will then use this information to determine which leads are likely to have the highest value and give them more attention. 

It's also helpful because it means you can focus our marketing efforts on people who might be most interested in what you're offering, while leaving other visitors with less valuable content or messages out of your reach!

The Hubspot lead scoring algorithm is entirely automated - so there's no need for any manual intervention when calculating scores. However they take into account a number of factors when calculating scores, including:

How likely the person is to buy based on their behaviour in the Hubspot CRM system. How much they have spent previously with your company How many pages they've read from your website. 

The amount of social engagement (likes, comments etc) that people who are similar to them have had With this information we can calculate a score for each lead and use it as one factor in deciding how you'll be targeted by our marketing campaigns. 

Hubspot will also take into account any other relevant data points such as geographic location or previous purchases made using your credit card.

Lead Scoring CRM is an automated process and it doesn't require any manual intervention from you at all.

The only time that this information will be seen by anyone other than hubspot is when they are working with a third party marketing agency, who may wish to use the scores for their own purposes. 

This includes affiliates (people who have purchased products or services on behalf of HubSpot) as well as some targeted advertising partners.


Picture from bigcommerece

Lead Scoring Hubspot Models

Hubspot CRM has two lead scoring models, which are automatically applied to all leads that you create. The Hubspot Lead Scoring model is used for every lead in your account and it's based on a number of factors outlined above. 

This score will be the primary factor taken into consideration when deciding how hubspot market to you - so if you have high scores then this means that our marketing campaigns will focus more heavily on these leads than others with lower scores. 

The second model is called the HubSpot Marketing Automation Model (MA) and it's designed specifically for people who use third party marketing automation tools such as Marketo, Eloqua and Salesforce

This model is used when you create leads in Hubspot CRM that are sent to a third party marketing automation tool for further processing (such as segmenting the lead by email).

The MA Lead Scoring Model takes into consideration your personal information from all of these sources: Your name, address, phone number and date of birth. 

Hubspot also uses this data to calculate an average age for each lead so they can better understand how our customers differ across generations - it's not uncommon for older people to be more interested in buying than younger people.

What Are The Advantages Of Using HubSpot To Manage The Lead Scoring Process?

HubSpot is a comprehensive and robust CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software that helps you to manage all your customer interactions. It includes an email marketing tool, which helps you communicate with the customers via emails and SMS alerts.

It also gives access to lead scoring process through its Sales Hub feature, which allows users to collect leads from various sources such as social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, referrals from other businesses etc., 

And then score them according to their value based on certain parameters specified by the user in order for him/her to be able make better decisions about what type of product or service to sell.

This feature of HubSpot is a great way for businesses that want to improve their customer experience and also increase sales, as it can be used by anyone from the CEO level down through every employee in the company who wants to make better decisions about what type of products or services they should offer customers and how much money they should charge them for each one.


How Do I Use the Lead Scoring Process With HubSpot?  

Here are some simple steps on using this feature: 


Step 1: Go into the SalesHub option under your main menu at the top right corner, then click on the "Create a scoring rule" button, you will be directed to a page where you can create your first lead scoring rule. 


Step 2: On the next screen that appears, click on the "Add criteria" option which is located at the right side of the screen and then fill in all required fields like Name , Email field with email address of your potential customers so as to get their score.


Step 3: After adding all mandatory fields for creating new lead scoring process rules, select from dropdown menu under "Score type": You can select from following 4 scoring types:


  • Lead score: This is the default type of lead scoring process rule you will be creating. It calculates a number between 0 to 100 and displays it on your screen so as to inform users about how much money they should charge for their product or service, depending upon its value.
  • Profit score: If you want more control over how much profit each customer brings in for your business then this is the best way that you can use because it gives detailed information about what percentage of revenue generated by each customer comes from various sources like referral sales, repeat sales, and so on.
  • Sales score : This is the simplest type of lead scoring process rule that simply calculates a number between 0 to 100, displays it on your screen and informs users about how much money they should charge for their product or service. 


Step 4: Now click the "Save" button at the right side of the page which will take you back to the Sales Hub where you can see all new lead scoring rules created in the previous step along with other existing ones.


Step 5: You can now edit any existing criteria from the dropdown menu underScore Type": Clicking this option will take you to the editing page of your lead scoring process rule where you can edit existing fields and create new ones.

Step 6: After adding all required fields, select from dropdown menu underScore Type": You can select from following 4 types of score rules (Profit Score, Sales Score, Lead Score and Profit-Lead-Sales) that are available in this form so as to calculate how much money each potential customer is worth for your business. 


Step 7: Now click on Save button at right side of the screen which will save newly created lead scoring process rule along with other existing ones in Sales Hub.

You can also share lead scoring process rules with your team members by clicking on the "Share" button at the right side of the screen. 

If users are allowed to create and edit their own rules, then I would recommend that they be given full control over all fields as this is how most successful sales teams work. 

On the other hand if there is only one person who manages multiple leads (or customers) then it might be better for him or her to have complete control over all aspects of the lead scoring process so as to make sure that all leads are captured in the right way.


Lead Scoring Process Rules – How It Works? 

Lead scoring process is the most important part of your sales funnel because without this you will not be able to identify who are the best prospects and get them into an active pipeline in order to close deals with them.

In order for lead scoring rules to work properly, they must have all required fields populated with data so that it can provide accurate feedback on how valuable each potential customer really is as compared to other leads or customers that you might have captured before him / her. 

Here is a list of all the fields that you need to populate in order for your sales team members to be able to create, edit and manage their own rules. 

If you wish to give them full control over these fields then it would be better if they have access only on "Custom" tab as this will allow them do perform different actions like adding new score types (Profit Score, Sales Score or Lead Score), deleting existing ones or even creating additional scoring rule altogether.

  • Custom Tab – This is where users can add a new custom score type by selecting one of the predefined score types from drop down and clicking "Add New". 
  • Lead Status – If you wish to restrict access for your sales team members only to certain lead status then it would be good if you have them enter their own leads in this field since they will be able to see which are active or inactive.
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Himangi Lohar

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