December 29, 2021

How To Close Sales: 14 Selling Techniques To Close More Sales

Sales are hard work. It's never easy to push through objections and close the sale, but it is essential for any business owner who wants to see success. This blog post will walk you through some tips on how to close sales that can help make your sales process more successful so you can get back to focusing on what matters - growing your company!


We all know the importance of closing sales. Whether you are selling a product or service, it is essential to close deals so that revenue can be generated. The following article will discuss how to close sales in your business using different strategies. 

You should start by understanding what motivates customers and using these motivations as an opportunity for engagement with them. It's also important to understand their pain points and offer solutions that solve their problems!

How To Close Sales Quickly: 14 Selling Techniques

1. Ask for the business sooner rather than later- When you first meet with a potential customer, ask them if they're interested in what you're selling. If they are, ask for the sale right then and there. Don't wait until the end of the meeting or worse, until after they've had a chance to think about it.

2. Use a "yes ladder”- A "yes ladder" is a technique where you ask a series of questions that all have to do with yes in order to get your customer to agree to buy from you. 

For example, you might ask, "Are you open to trying this product?" or "Would you like me to explain how this works?" By getting your customer to say yes at each step, they'll be more likely to agree to buy from you in the end.

3. Use a "no ladder”- How to close sales smoothly? Use a “no ladder”. Just like a "yes ladder," a "no ladder" is a technique where you ask a series of questions that all have to do with no in order to get your customer to say no. 

This can be helpful if you want to weed out bad leads or if you're trying to get your customer to understand the risks of not buying from you. For example, you might ask, "What are your concerns?" or "How does this compare to your current solution?" By getting your customer to say no at each step, they'll be more likely to buy from you in the end.

4. Offer a free trial- Many companies offer a free trial of their product or service in order to get customers to buy from them. 

This is a great way to let your customer try out your product without having to commit to buying it. Just be sure to make the terms of the free trial clear so that your customer doesn't feel surprised when they're charged for the product later on.

5. Show them the value of your product- How to close sales in the most perfect way?  One of the best ways to get someone to buy from you is to show them how your product can benefit them. 

Why should they buy from you instead of your competition? What makes your product unique? By showing your potential customers the value of your product, they'll be more likely to buy.

6. Use scarcity to your advantage- Scarcity is a sales technique where you imply that there's only limited time, supply or availability of your product in order to encourage potential customers to purchase from you quickly. 

For example, you might offer your product at a discount for the first 100 people to respond, or tell them it will be available for purchase shortly but not if they wait too long.

7. Ask for referrals after the sale has been made- After your potential customer has purchased from you, ask if they know anyone else who needs what you're selling. 

Be sure to give them an incentive for their referral by offering a on their next purchase if one is made. This can help you generate more leads and sales from your current customers.

8. Use social proof to your advantage- Social proof is a term that refers to the concept that people are more likely to do something if they see that others have done it before them. 

You can use social proof in your marketing materials and on your website by featuring customer testimonials or displaying awards and accreditations you've received.

9. Offer a money-back guarantee- Many companies offer a money-back guarantee as a way to reassure their potential customers that they're making a wise decision by buying from them. 

This can be helpful in building trust with your customers and them feel comfortable about making a purchase from you.

10. Give them a strong guarantee in return- You can counterbalance your customer's satisfaction with a money-back guarantee with your own satisfaction guarantee for your product or service. 

If you offer one, be sure to define what situations would lead to the opportunity for someone to get their money back so that they know when it applies and when it doesn't.

11. Include freebies in the sale package- Many companies will include something extra in their sale package in order to incentivize people to buy from them instead of the competition, such as free shipping or another product for free on top of the purchase price of your product itself. 

This is especially effective if you're offering something that isn't easily accessible or that the customer would have to purchase separately.

12. Make it easy for them to buy from you- Make sure your website is easy to navigate and provides all the information potential customers need in order to make a purchase from you. 

Include clear pricing information, product details and images, as well as shipping information. If there are any questions or concerns that potential customers have, make sure you have a contact form or email address available so they can get in touch with you.

13. Simplify the purchasing process- In addition to making it easy for your potential customers to find the information they need on your website, make sure the purchasing process itself is simple. 

Include an order form with all the necessary fields populated so they can easily fill it out and make a purchase from you. Make sure your product availability is accurate so there is no confusion about whether or not a customer will receive the product by a certain date.

14. Let them choose how they want to pay for your product- One way to simplify the purchasing process even further is to let your customers pay for their purchase in a way that works best for them. 

Offer both online and offline payment options, such as online credit card payment, offline bank transfer, cash on delivery and more so people have many different ways to pay for what you're selling.

No matter which sales technique you decide to apply from this list, be sure it ties back into who your potential customers are and the problems they may be facing, this will help you in “how to close sales”.

Questions To Turn A "No" Into A "Yes"

1. What objections do you have?

The first step in overcoming any objection is to identify and understand what it is. Once you know what the objection is, you can work on addressing it.

2. What concerns do you have?

The second step is to address any concerns the customer may have. Addressing these concerns will help to ease their mind and may make them more likely to buy from you.

3. Is there anything I can do to help address those concerns?

If you can't address the customer's concerns, see if there is anything else you can do to help ease their mind. This may include providing additional information or offering a discount.

4. Why didn't you buy from us before?

This question can help you to understand why the customer didn't buy from you in the past and what needs to change for them to buy from you in the future.

5. If we could solve those issues, would you be interested in buying from us?

Once you know what the customer's objections are, this question can help to determine whether they would be interested in buying if those objections were addressed.

6. Let me walk you through what I think the solution could be.

If the customer is hesitant to buy from you, this question can help to show them that you understand their concerns and have a plan to address them.

7. Have you ever bought from us before?

This question can help you to determine whether the customer has had a positive experience buying from you in the past. If they haven't, this may be why they are hesitant to buy from you again.

8. How did that experience go for you?

The next step is to find out more about their past experience buying from you. This information can help you to determine what went wrong and how to make sure it doesn't happen again in the future.

9. Who else are you considering buying from?

This question can help you to find out who the customer is looking at for their business needs. If they mention a competitor, it can help you to determine why they aren't buying from you and how to change that.

10. Why haven't you made a decision yet?

When asking this question, keep in mind that there could be many reasons why the buyer has not made a decision yet. Some common reasons include budget constraints or other opportunities that have presented themselves. 

This information will give you insight into what you need to do to make sure your solution stands out among the competition when it comes for them to make their decision.

11. When will you be able to make a decision?

This question can help determine when the customer is expecting to buy and what you need to do in order for your solution to be ready by that time. It can also give you an indication of whether they are just looking or actively pursuing a purchase at this point.

12. Are there any other factors that I can address?

When asking this question, keep in mind that the answer may not always be readily apparent. Even if it's not an objection, knowing more about their concerns and motivations will help you know how best to present your product and close the deal with them. 

If nothing else, you'll gain valuable information for future conversations with them and other potential customers.

13. What would it take for you to buy from us today?

This question can help to close the deal with the customer by giving them a specific offer that meets their needs. It also shows that you are willing to work with them to find a solution that works for both of you.

14. Is there anything else I can do for you?

This question is always a good way to end any conversation, as it leaves the door open for future interactions with the customer. It also helps to ensure that they walk away feeling valued and appreciated, which may make them more likely to buy from you in the future.

15. How can I follow up with you?

The final question you should ask is what information they would like for you to follow up with them on. This will make sure that they feel heard and help you to gain the information necessary for a successful future conversation with them.

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Himangi Lohar

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