These days, people communicate with brands via email more than any other channel. With that in mind, it’s important to have a solid email subject line for sales prospecting and lead generation. After all, who wants to read an email about “Leather Goods”? You don’t. In this article we will give you 9 tips to create a killer email subject line for sales prospecting.
Email subject lines for sales prospecting play a key role in a successful email marketing campaign. They are an important part of the email’s creative content and can also be used to trigger certain behaviors.
The right subject line makes a potential customer want to open your email, making it one of the most important factors in determining the success of your campaigns. Read on for 9 tips to create killer email subject lines for sales prospecting.
Most of these email subject lines for sales prospecting are simple and easy to implement into your marketing strategy.
The first step is to make sure you have a clear objective in mind before creating any type of email campaign — whether it's an automated drip or something more personalized like our list building series.
Once you've done that, here are some great tips on how to craft powerful and compelling subject lines:
1. Include a Call To Action (CTA)- This is probably the most important tip on this list, so make it part of your marketing strategy from day one.
The call to action should be clear and concise — ideally with only two or three words that focus on what you want the reader to do next: click here or buy now. Make sure you include an email signature line that includes a CTA as well! This will help increase conversions by 20% in some cases!
2. Use Numbers & Stats That Help Build Trust With Your Prospects- Numbers can work wonders for your email subject lines — especially when they're in the form of stats.
For example, if you have a blog post that gets 100+ comments and 3 leads from it, then your next email subject line should include something like "100+ Commenters = $1K/mo."
If you've got a list with 1k subscribers and are getting 5 sales per month out of them , then make sure to use numbers for your emails!
3. Use Authority-Based Subject Lines That Will Help Increase Open Rates- When writing an email about any product or service (or even yourself), always consider the person you're writing to. Is your email subject line going to help increase the open rate of that particular reader?
4. Use Your Own Name In The Subject Line- This is a great way for prospecting emails and will almost always result in an increased response rate!
If you have any authority within your industry, then it's probably best to include this tip as well — even if only by using one or two words at the end of your subject line (like "Adam @ MyAwesomeCompany.").
These email subject lines for sales prospecting can be especially effective when used with numbers or stats from above!
5. Use Emotionally-Charged Subject Lines That Will Increase Open Rates- Emotional subject lines are always a good idea — as long as they're not too much (like "I'm so sad that I have to sell my company!").
If you can use the right kind of emotion in your email, then it will help increase open rates and response rates!
For example: if you've got an amazing product or service, but don't want people to be scared off by its price tag, try using something like this instead: "You'll Save $50/mo with our new pricing plan!"
6. Keep it short and to the point- The average attention span of a human being is 8 seconds, so make sure you keep your subject line short and concise. A good rule of thumb is to use 50 characters or less in length (including spaces).
7. Use keywords that will trigger emotions relevant to your product/service offering- For example, if you are selling a software product, use keywords related to the type of software that you sell.
If your business is in the construction industry and you're promoting a home remodeling service, then make sure to include words like "remodel," "home improvement" or even “construction” in subject lines.
8. Use action-oriented language (e.g., call us now)- This tip is similar to above—use keywords that will trigger emotional reactions relevant to your product/service offering and also encourage people into taking an immediate action by calling you.
9. Use action-oriented language that is specific to your industry- For example, if you are a real estate agent and want to promote the sale of a home in Miami Beach, then use words like "Miami," "beach" or “luxury homes."
Subject lines are a great way to increase the response rate of your email marketing campaigns.Subject lines should be descriptive and show the benefits of your product or service, but they should also have a call-to-action.
Here are some examples of email subject lines for sales prospecting that have proven to be effective:
1. “Get your free trial today!” – This is a very short, one-word sentence. It grabs the attention right away and makes it easy for people to click on the link in order to get their free trial.
2. “We can help you…” – A good call-to-action email subject line will include action verbs like ‘get, try or take advantage of something great and unique about what you offer. For example: We can help you build more powerful relationships with your clients.
3. “We’re hiring!” – This is a great subject line to get people interested in your job opening, but it also has the potential to help you find new employees if they click through and apply for that position.
Email Subject lines for sales prospecting should be descriptive and show the benefits of your product or service, but they should also have a call-to-action.
Here are some examples of poor email subject lines:
Here are some tips for starting a new email campaign:
1. Use your own domain name- Not one of the “stampede” domains (like /yourname) or any other generic domain that is available to everyone.
If you want to use an existing company email address like Gmail or Yahoo!, then be sure it has been set up specifically for sending marketing emails and does not have a junk folder in place where all unsolicited messages go!
You can check this by using the “Check Junk Mail” feature on Google Chrome browser or by signing into your account and going to the “Junk” tab.
2. Ensure that you have a valid email address- On file with your domain provider so that all of your messages will be delivered to the inbox of someone who can receive them.
If you need help setting up an email address for this purpose, check out my previous blog post about using Gmail as a marketing tool.
3. Make sure that there is no junk mail filter- In place at either end (for example, if it goes through Google's servers or Yahoo!'s servers). This could cause some recipients not to receive your messages.
4. Make sure you have an opt-out feature- If you are using a third party email service like MailChimp or AWeber, make sure that they have an opt-out feature and that it is not turned on by default (you may need to contact the support staff at these companies for assistance).
You can also set up filters in their systems so that all of your marketing emails will go directly into junk mail folders instead of being delivered to any inboxes where there might be people who don't want them!
5. Consider sending out one very important message- "If you did not receive this email from me , please email me at [email address] and I will resend your message." This is the only way that you can be sure to reach people who did not receive your messages.
6. Use a service like MailChimp or AWeber- so that all of your marketing emails are sent from one account (which makes it much easier for them to manage).
You may also want to create an autoresponder series with each new campaign where you ask recipients if they received their previous message(s) and then invite them back into the program.
7. Consider using an autoresponder series if it is available to help make sure that people who sign up for one campaign receive all future messages from you.
For example, AWeber allows users to create email campaigns and then choose which ones will be sent out in automated emails (called "autoresponders"). You can also use this feature at MailChimp.
You can't force people to sign up for your newsletter and you won't know if they're interested in what you have to offer until after the fact.However, there is one way that I recommend using when trying to get more people on board with your email list: a simple opt-in form.
The basic idea behind an opt-in form is this: You send out an email or post something online asking someone who has opted into receiving emails from you whether he'd like to be added as a subscriber at some point down the line – usually later than today!
Then, once she/ he's added to your list, you send him one or more emails a month that have something in them he's interested in.
The reason I recommend this approach is because it gives people who aren't subscribers an incentive to sign up now – which means they're already on the way toward becoming your future customers.
It also puts the power of "choice" into their hands and makes sure they don't get annoyed with you later when they realize how little value (if any) was offered by signing up for your newsletter today!
The downside is that you have to be creative and come up with some sort of incentive for them to sign up now – which means they're going to need something in your emails that's valuable enough for them not just to click the 'unsubscribe' button later.
Of course, there are many ways you can go about creating an opt-in form on your website or blog: You could use a pop-up window (which might work better than traditional email), put it at the bottom of every page on your site, or even create a special landing page where people who want more information about your product or service can sign up for a newsletter.
The bottom line is that an opt-in form will help you get more people on board with your email list, and it's the best way to do so without asking them to give you their personal information!