February 17, 2022

Why Your Email Sequence Template Never Works Out The Way You Plan

Email sequence template is a helpful tool to keep your email communication in order. It has a simple, yet powerful way of keeping your emails sorted and organized. This template is especially helpful for companies that have more than one employee who needs to be included in the email.


What is an Email Sequence Template?

There are a lot of email templates on the internet. They vary in length, structure, and style. However, you may have noticed that most of them follow the same basic format:

  • Greetings
  • Introductions
  • Body copy
  • Closings 

Here’s an email sequence template that fits all your needs.

What is an Email Sequence?

An email sequence is a set of predefined emails that are mailed out throughout the customer lifecycle, from the very first moment someone exits their email and becomes a subscriber, all the way to the end of your career as a loyal brand ambassador.

There are many email sequences on the internet. They vary in length, structure, and style. However this sequence does its job pretty well but without adding any value for your reader it’s not going to get you anywhere close to qualified leads.

It's common that anyone can simply copy+paste their favorite shortened templates and will just send them out blindly even after a person has contacted them or booked an appointment with you. So make sure to create your own email sequence template and ensure that it will serve your lead gen goals

The purpose of an email was first created by JBS in 1878 as a series of notes between cattlemen about their herds, published as "Cattle Record".

Within the following decade vaults were carved out into chalk cliffs for money transfer instruments (at this time accounting books followed the same layout), suggested names included Society Account, Clay Tell and Receipt Clerk.

Around this time pigeon post was used to ship newsletters (the first known pip email), and then in 1934 JPG mailed its 1 st image message. 

The following year UUO sent the world's first direct mail advertisement for an alumni association. It wasn't until 1961 that Oncore opened its doors as a marketing consulting firm providing database management systems along with billing adjustments software products.

Seq. 1: Capture leads with a lead magnet (send nurture sequence).

The first email you send to a new lead hinges on the fulfillment of your sending them a lead magnet.

The majority of marketers flush with leads only set one or two triggers for their sequences and run out of steam before actually converting an inbound traffic into paying customers.

A better approach is to use multiple triggers between each other, enabling you to test different messages based on how someone responds to the previous email(s).

Why not make it so easy! Well, your product has become super-complex over time… So instead of creating more advanced sequence templates, hire a team member.

Email 1: Download your eBook.

Email 2: Make [eBook] work for you!

Email 3: What to do next?

Email 4: More resources on [topic of the guide].

Seq. 2: Remind a person to download(lead magnet).

Return to the top of the guide, and copy below content. The first three email ids are based on sequence 1 above, while additional two emails are similar but added to this template.

Email 4: More resources on [topic of lead magnet]

Hey XYZ,

It’s been a week since you downloaded my eBook!. 

If you’ve applied everything from this guide, then I think it is safe to say that you have mastered one aspect or another related to the subject matter of my eBook and everything in it.

I sincerely hope that your company is growing at a fast rate, which means you’re on the road to building what I call an “influential” business. 

This can be done by working as a team; earning trust from prospects with content such as yours, treating people outside of your circle like family (they are too), getting referrals for this work and creating loyal clients who regularly work with you.

Your success stories have inspired me to this point, and I will leave it up to you now whether or not your journey so far has been worthy of being such a “hero alert” for one of the blue team members (meaning: me).

Referring people is what truly builds my business here on LinkedIn - let's show them how it can be done by working together! My very best to you, XYZ!

The same methods apply to other lead magnets as well (check out this guide for an idea about that). What if the prospect does not have internet access?

Or what if he cannot install PDFs from unknown sources? Can we still persuade him without “force” approaches like phone calls, emails and visits in our Slack team chats etc.?

Seq. 3: Double the open rate (newsletter broadcast).

Your strategy to double the open rate of a newsletter has worked. You’ve sent your emails out repeatedly with clear call-to-action links and an incentive to promote them via social media, resulting in 13% more downloads than usual.

But after three months it all felt stale. Your readers are sick of hearing you go on and on about what they can download today. The content is too repetitive; they feel like they’re being sold something instead of educated, which is embarrassing because that’s what you had told them – education not sales!

What do you do now?

Your emails are simply too sales-heavy. 

Before you send another one, ask yourself why this is the case: Are your emails effective? Yes! The conversion rate for each of these was 14 percent and more than 200 open rates (Tuesday had 565 total messages). 

But that number sounds so high because there were only 88 people who opened all five – which means 3/5th sent less than they usually do or didn ’t open at all.

The follow up email question you ask in your contextual emails is crucial for this next move of doubling the open rate:

Hi XYZ! This post will help almost anyone who’s following our blog to double their newsletter traffic…and get more qualified leads as a result. It uses algorithms, psychology and business tips we learned from our own experience so it should work with any audience! No matter where we are in the funnel, we’ll always leave people with a valuable resource that they can use immediately.

Seq 4: Pre-webinar sequence (templates).

Description: Don’t forget to include a call-to-action in your webinar emails. This ensures higher open rates and a greater likelihood that people will follow up after the webinar.

Goal: Send personalised email before a webinar event

Email 1: Pre-webinar sequence template 1 – HTML version of the script you're going to use in the session.

Hello XYZ, I just wanted to be sure you received my prezi presentation of [day] with links for all the action items, resources , how tos etc. Remember you don't have much time so it's better to speak in 1-2 sentences rather than 4. 

As I have mentioned, I'll be talking about and then answering all your questions during the prezi presentation with action items at the end of each one . If this email doesn't motivate or intimidate you enough go here for some inspiration: RSVP +1 Hey [person]! Hope that was a great mix up! 

This week I want to share [something about pre webinars] with you as an example of how it works. If there's something on your agenda (on the day) that we should talk about in-person, send me an email at... You can also add this "RSVP +1" button for those who are not confirmed for sure yet: RSVP

Email 2a: Pre-webinar sequence template 2 – Email that goes out to everyone in the list and invites them to a separate email 1a: if you still have confirmation requests as replies from your last post , personalise each of these again for additional lead acquisition step & send it separately.

Hey XYZ, I wanted all my [additional optional follow ups, extra info] friends on the pre-webinar distribution list to receive this email. Could you include it? Thanks in advance. If there are any other pre-webinar prep related questions that they have, they can also be answered through the same email thread.

Email 2b: If people were not addressed or contacted via phone 1a post, personalise each of these again for additional lead acquisition step & send it separately from webinars and subsequent to all RSVP's submitted by your invitation list (graphic above) on each of their inbox:

Hey XYZ! Hope this is going well. 

I wanted to touch base and give you a quick heads up that there will be a webinar at the end of next week where we'll do some follow-up slides, Q&As from our previous email conversations, suggestions for next steps if they're considering technology decisions around HCM softwares and ask "What's the next step here." The webinar will be available 2 days from the date, so it may make you want to look into your calendar and prepare a list of people that are interested in the topic.

If there is interest from only those who booked through this link , I would love to send [this additional email] for them instead (one week later) after scheduling:

To answer any other questions about this webinar "What's my next step to technology"

But in the case all of these steps were not taken, and those who did NOT [click on webinar agenda link , follow-ups, quotation from PDF description or Facebook pre-tweet] own a computer will lose control over them when they receive this email 3b post that you sent : All Techs: As per your request below

Seq. 5: Help them reach the “Aha” (Moment).

First, you get your trial users to sign up/create an account (something they’ll do within 24 hours).

The second one is similar in theme. This time instead of the desire for a feature that will make them convert on day 1 or 2, you’re convincing them to stay and give it a try so they can experience their first Aha moment.

Sequence 5a: Welcome signup trial users with welcome email templates

First, you invite your trial user through push notifications. Sample content:


We noticed that we have two employees who haven't shown up on a recent day off; which makes me think that something may be wrong with their schedule at work.

We have covered an account called "Employee" so this might not just be your name or email address getting displayed in the names list incorrectly (that would cause notifications to be sent out of turn). You can receive emails containing important info - like changes to employee schedules, benefit announcements and some project-related news.

Seq. 6: Push unfinished registrations to complete signup

In the current email sequence, our goal is to get registered users onto the website. To do this we need to offer them a reason (a benefit) for becoming a member and make their decision easier. Although the first few emails are pretty much freebies, knowing more about why someone wants membership will be beneficial in future sequences.

XYZ: [Company X] is here to change your life! Not just because we're going to provide you with a service or product you'll enjoy but because we want you to put that into action .

We want to give you the power to decide your own working hours and travel around our offices at will, make yourself available for happy hour on a night when nobody else has any time or just have some extra time where nobody is going crazy with work.

[In addition we are here] to change lives. Here at [Company X], let's not forget about those after us - It doesn't matter who comes next but everyone should be able to come in this world with a place of home and means to feed themselves.

"I am relishing the new possibilities I now have. That's what [Company X] is all about."

Seq. 7: Trial expiration emails

Trial expiration emails are a must if you run a product or a service with a limited trial period. However, note that not all users will qualify for these emails just because their trial has ended or is close to ending. We explored a smarter approach to reach out to trial users in our post on trial expiration emails.

Convert a trial to paying customers.

Seq. 8: Re-engage Expired Trials

Description: When a trial comes to an end, if the user declines to switch, Re-engage the user manually. If the user doesn't reply to your calls or emails, ship them an automated re-engagement offer.. Goal: Convert a trial to a paying customer.

Seq. 9: Increase adoption of premium features.

Meet newly upgraded customers and send an educational email sequence to aid them in using premium features. Goal: To increase adoption and use of product features.

Seq. 10: Educate users about a recently activated feature.

To increase feature adoption, send an educational email about a feature that a user begins using or activates. Goal is to Increase adoption and use of product features.

Seq. 11: Revive dead product leads.

If a product lead is older than 60 days and has not been converted to a Premium, send an inquiry: “Are you still searching for a high-value feature?” Goal is to Reactivate old product leads.

Seq. 12: Prevent inactive customers from churning.

If a customer isn't active for more than 10 days, shoot him an email with the question "Do you require help?" And if they don't open the email, start giving them successful case studies via Facebook ads in order to reactivate them. Goal is to prevent churn.

Seq. 13: Get feedback from a recently churned customer.

To increase product and customer experience, ask recently churned customers for feedback. It's crucial to understand the churning moment: A churn moment could be described as either: At the point where the subscription expires and renewal isn't feasible, or At that point when the cancellation occurs. 

When a customer cancels, they have not yet churned. Customers don't churn until the end of their subscription period, at which point they don't renew because they've already prepaid up until the conclusion of their previous subscription period. You still get a chance to win them back before their subscription ends if they've only canceled. 

This is why it's crucial to receive feedback from a recently canceled customer: it provides you an opportunity to achieve the following goals: to prevent churn, and get feedback.

Seq. 14: Prevent delinquent churn.

Follow up on failed payments to prevent churn. Add tag Payment Failed when a subscription is Past Due and remove it when subscription becomes Active again. Goal: Prevent churn.

Seq. 15: Nudge long-term customer to upgrade to annual subscription.

Description: Nudge a long-term customer to upgrade their monthly subscription to an annual one by offering them a deal. Goal- Prevent churn.


1.  Is there a reason why this type of email is more effective than others when it comes to building trust and engagement with your audience?

This type of email is highly effective because it provides a good amount of information to the readers. It gives them an idea on what you are offering and why they should sign up for your newsletter.

It also explains that the value proposition for their newsletter is not only about getting more content but also saving time. This means that you are providing an excellent service that will save them time as well as money by helping them get quality information in less time.

What is the best email sequence template?

The best email sequence template is one that starts with a personal introduction, including your name and contact information. This can be followed by an offer for free consultation or a request for more information about the business.

If you have multiple questions to ask, then it would be better to separate them into paragraphs and include a CTA at the end of each paragraph to direct people towards the next question.

2.How do I choose a good email sequence template?

Choosing a good email sequence template is very important because it will help you create an effective marketing strategy.

Before choosing a template, the first thing that you need to do is identify your target audience. Once you have identified your target audience, then you can choose which templates will be suitable for them.

Once the selection of templates has been made, then it is time to plan the content of each email so that it helps drive conversions and build engagement with your subscribers.

The final step would be to set up an automated follow-up process that would help deliver more personalized emails on a regular basis without being intrusive or annoying.

3.Why should you automate your emails?

Automating your emails can help you save time and increase productivity. It will also allow you to have a better understanding of how your customers are engaging with your brand.

Here are some key benefits of automating your emails:

  • You can set up automated email campaigns that send out a new promotion every day, week, or month without any additional work from you.
  • You can create drip marketing campaigns that send messages in small doses over the course of several days so people don't get bored and unsubscribe from your list.
  • Your customers will be able to receive notifications when there is an important update on the website or other communications they might want to see, such as a new blog post, event announcement, or product launch coming soon!

4.What is an email sequence?

An email sequence is a series of emails that are sent to the same list of recipients. They typically follow a pattern and contain information about different products or services that your company offers.

This is done to ensure you don't miss out on any potential customers who may have received one email, but may not be ready to buy at this time.


In conclusion, email marketing is a great way to reach your customers and build relationships with them. It is a very effective tool that can be used for many different purposes. You can use it to send out newsletters, promotions, or reminders of upcoming events.

There are many ways you can set up an email marketing campaign so that it will work best for your business. With some simple planning and preparation, you can make sure that you get the most out of every email you send out.

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Haris Mirza

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