Most people struggle to craft the perfect opening line in their emails. They don’t know what to say, or how to start it off. A good opening line will get you more attention, and encourage them to read on! We’ve prepared a list of unique email opening-lines that’ll really get your message across in style. With this step-by-step guide, you can easily craft a perfect email opening lines for your emails.
People rarely read emails that come from unknown senders. However, it is important to have a good email opening lines so that the recipient opens your email and reads it. This helps you establish an immediate connection with your audience and allows you to build rapport quickly.
Sales email opening lines are a marketing tool used by companies to sell their products or services. To make sure your sales email gets opened, you need to use an opening line that appeals to the recipient. The opening line is the first thing that a recipient sees in an email.
It should grab their attention and make them want to read more. The best sales emails use creative, compelling lines that will get your message opened as quickly as possible. There are many different types of openings you can use:
1. The "Temptation" Opening- This type of opening is used to get the recipient thinking about buying your product or service and then asking for their email address.
This line works by using a question that will make the reader want to buy, such as: "Wouldn't you rather…" It can be combined with other types of openings if desired, but it's usually best used on its own in order to maximize effectiveness (i.e.: Would you like …).
2. The Curiosity Opening- The curiosity opening uses an open-ended statement that asks questions related to your product or service.
This type of opening works best when you're trying to get the reader to take action, so it's a great choice for sales emails that are asking people to sign up for your newsletter or download an ebook.
It can also be used in other types of marketing emails as well if you want more information about your product/service and don't want them to just close out the email (i.e.: "Do you know what…?").
3. The Question Opening- The question opener is similar to curiosity openings because they both ask questions related to your product/ service, but they differ in that the question opener is a statement followed by one or more questions.
The question opener uses questions like: "What do you think?" or "Will it work for…" This type of opening works well when you want your reader's trust before asking them for their email address (i.e.: "Do you know what…?").
This type of opening works best when you're trying to get someone's attention and then asking them for their email address (i.e.: "Do you know what…?").
4. The Urgency email opening lines Opening- The urgency opener offers an urgent appeal to your reader with lines like: "Now only .99 cents" or "As soon as possible."
These types of openings are great for emails where there is limited time available before something happens, such as sending out an order confirmation after placing an order.
5. The Appeal to Authority Opening- This type of opening uses a person or company that is known for their expertise in the field you're marketing, such as an author, speaker or expert and then using lines like: "We can't wait to hear what…"
This kind of opener works well when you want your reader's trust before asking them for their email address (i.e.: "Do you know…?").
6. The Testimonial Opening- The testimonial opener makes use of someone who has already been heard by the readership before and then asks questions related to their experience with your product/service, such as "What did you think of…" or "Did it work…?"
This type of opening works well when you're trying to get someone's trust before asking them for their email address (i.e.: "Do you know what…?").
7. The Call-to-Action Opening- This opener is similar to the urgency openings in that they both offer an urgent appeal but instead use a line like: "… click here now".
These types of openers are great for emails where there is limited time available and one thing needs done right now, such as sending out an order confirmation after placing an order.
8. The Complimentary Opening- This kind of opener is similar to the testimonial openings because they both use someone who has been heard by the readership and then asks questions related to their experience with your product/service, such as: "… did it help?
Did I make a good decision ?" This type of opener works well when you're trying to get someone's trust before asking them for their email address (i.e.: "Do you know what…?").
Opening lines are a great way to introduce yourself and your business. The main reason why people don't open emails is because they're too boring or generic, but you can make them more interesting by adding some personality into the text of your email's first line.
Here are examples:
The best email opening-lines are those that will get you a response, and it’s the first thing people see. So if you want to write an opening line that gets your message across right away without wasting time on fluff or filler words, here are some tips:
1. Don’t be too general- Be specific in what you want to say, and don't use a lot of words that are unnecessary or meaningless filler.
If you write something like "Hi there" then it's unlikely anyone will read your message because they know exactly who is writing them an email and why.
2. Use short sentences with just two or three main points- You can also try using acronyms (and abbreviations) if you're not sure how many letters each word should have!
For example , "Hi there, I'm thinking of getting a new dog and would like to know if you have any suggestions for breeds that are friendly with other dogs" is better than "I am looking at buying my first dog".
3. Use active voice or the passive tense- this will make your email sound more professional! Example: If you're writing an email about how much time it takes to walk a dog then use the active voice ("I am walking my dog") rather than using something like (“My friend told me…”).
You could also try using ‘To whom it may concern’ instead of ‘To whom it may concern,’ which is also a good way to avoid wasting time with unnecessary words.
4. Use short sentences and paragraphs- don't write long emails that are difficult to read! You should aim for around 150-250 words in each email you send out (this includes the subject line).
If your message gets too big then people will simply delete it without even reading it because they can't be bothered sending back an email full of filler words or irrelevant information that doesn't add anything useful. So make sure you keep your messages short and sweet!
5. Don't use capital letters or italics in your email subject line- this is also a good way of making sure that people don't delete your message without even reading it because they can't be bothered to reply back.
If you want to write an email then try using just one word as the title, such as "Dog walking". This will make it easier for people to read and remember what you're saying (and less likely for them to accidentally click on something else).
6. Use bullet points if necessary- I've found that most emails are better when they are broken down into small sections.
This is because it makes the message easier to read and understand, which means that people will be more likely to reply back if they want a quick response from you!
7. Be specific- don't just write "Hi" in your email subject line as this can make it difficult for people to find what you're looking for on their inboxes (especially if they have 100+ emails waiting).
Instead try using something like: "Dog walking London". The reason why I say this is because most people's inboxes aren't organised by topic so instead of just using "Dog walking London" you may have to search through the other emails in order to find what you're looking for.
8. Don't use a lot of exclamation marks!- This is because most people don't reply back if they receive an email that has too many exclamation marks in it, so just try and avoid this by being more subtle with your wording when writing out messages (if necessary).
9. Try not to be rude or nasty- I've found that some people like receiving emails from others who are nice, friendly and polite towards them but unfortunately there are some people out there who will just reply back to anyone regardless of how they are being treated.
This can be very frustrating for other dog walkers and owners, so try not to write emails or texts like this as it won't help you gain more clients - especially if you want repeat business!
A good sales email will capture the interest of a prospect in less than three seconds. A bad one may take up to 40 seconds to finish opening, and never make it past the subject line. Here are the six most important words that need to be used in your sales emails.
1. Most important- The first thing a prospect should see when opening your sales email is the most important words in that particular message: "FREE".
It's not about getting people to buy, it's about them being free from something. If you don't use this word at least once every single time you write an email, then I'd say there are some problems with your messaging and/or writing style itself.
2. Attention Grabber- This one is simple - just put in the headline of your subject line what they're going to get for free! For example: "FREE DOWNLOAD: How to Get Your First 100 Customers" or "Get FREE Product Samples from [your company]".
3. Actionable- This one is a bit more complicated and requires some thought, but it's still important.
The key here is not to make your offer too obvious (it should be pretty clear what the freebie will do), but instead give them something that they can use in their business immediately - like an ebook or white paper, for example!
4. Call To Action- If you want people to take action on your product/service/ offer, then you have to tell them what it is. For example: "Click here for a free copy of our guide" or "Download this white paper now".
5. Freebie- This one's pretty self-explanatory - but make sure that the offer is actually FREE! If you're giving away something and charging $1 per page read rate, then don't call it a 'freebie'.
6. Follow Up- You want your prospects to remember your email by name so they can come back to get more information later on (and hopefully buy). You can do this by adding a 'follow-up' tag to your subject line. For example: "Click here for the free guide" or "Download our white paper now".
7. From- This one's simple, but it needs to be there! Your email should start with your name and whatever you call yourself in business (i.e.: Mr/Mrs, Miss/Ms). This is important because if they don't know who sent them the message then chances are that they won't open it.