February 27, 2022

The Simplest Guide To Make The Best Of Email Marketing Strategy Templates

In this article of email marketing strategy template, you will learn what email marketing strategy template is, what role they play and much more.


This template is a compilation of everything you need to know about email marketing. It explains the benefits of using email marketing, how to create an effective strategy, and how to set up an email marketing campaign.

So read the full article on email marketing strategy template to know more.

What is an Email Marketing Strategy Template?

The next time you write an email to promote your business, it's important to make sure that the email is engaging and effective. Here's a simple email marketing strategy template that you can use.

The 4-Steps (Welcome Sequence) That Turns Subscribers Into Buyers


AIDA stands for Attention, Interest ,Desire and Action.

As you can see from this simple line of text the active components of advertising are: attention - which is in fact a noun meaning fixation on a subject - how long does it stay on your mind; interest - what keeps it there; and once you're hooked, desire -- ultimately all-important to convert the prospect into an actual customer. 

Add these three ingredients together and we have our key selling message: "Watch my video now!" or any other similar suggestion that creates curiosity. More so than ever before, having some traction with your target audience is imperative before you begin to promote your product in the real world.

This creative example also has a very engaging call-to-action, which enhances it further and makes sure that readers are seeing this email because they want what's advertised -- not just out of boredom or curiosity. 

That catchy headline draws attention simply by being right there at eye level on their display, so when the video finally loads after clicking through to Youtube users won't feel like they missed out on anything-- they'll be extremely happy that the video was worth their time.

2. Ampersand Testimonial

If you try and promote your product via an email newsletter, blog or messaging service to generate interest in it amongst a group of people who are not customers yet - well, then you're missing one (it seems we can never have too many) crucial element: testimonials from past users about your product's features.

Forum testimonials are another effective way to help expand your customer base, especially with a new product or service which is not yet fully developed. 

A dedicated user community who has just found out about you can frequently make all the difference when it comes to generating business growth and getting that first paying customer .

On YouTube, speaking from experience, I have even had real users review my tool's features so I constantly get updates like this: 3. Helpful Content.

As a quick lesson in marketing psychology, joining the giveaway "contest" to do something - give away your product (as described above) - is 100 percent effective at driving more people to view that post. But if you go and announce something like this: "[Insert Your Product Name]... [Catchy Ad Copy]" Then it's no wonder why all of these other users are going straight for this advertising.

3. PAS

Purpose: This step outlines the purpose of the email. "About" emails are designed to do one thing and that is to introduce a product or service. In Ryan Deiss' case, he introduces himself and his company as well as how DigitalMarketer can help his audience with their own branding needs.

Action: Here, you put forward an action (click here to know more) that allows the reader to interact with your call-to-action and take an immediate decision (think now). You also make it personal by using first name subjects such as "Ryan".

Similarity : You can use relevant branding/copy samples such as: "Show interest, no obligation", "We've got a solution!...to your problem".

Element: Unique Quote from Ryan Deiss

In an email sent out to his subscribers however, he did something more interesting. He had produced this article through the website and it was quite appealing with its  "...that satisfied all those intimate details for each person." Element which compliments nicely the purpose of the email.

Conclusion: By using this distinctive branding, (the image with Ryan Deiss' face) he is able to determine that it is indeed him who has sent his subscribers this marketing email and not some random other company. 

His credibility because of course anybody would know who had made these incredible claims! If Ryan was making fake promises for his campaign then all the users would have been expecting a scam, but instead they were surprised by an ad that is all genuinely beneficial. And the consistency in use of Ryan's face along with the distinctive font helps to send out a message - "Use us and you will benefit! ".

4.Bonus: Click triggers!

Ask a benefit-centric question: How do we write high-converting follow-up emails?  Link the evidence to the product: The machine increases conversion rates by 34%.See how here: [LINK]  Show them their "new me": With The Machine, you'll know how to create an email marketing strategy that closes crazy deals.  

Storytelling: In our promotion of The Machine, Ryan Deiss tells the story of a time he made a huge mistake by failing to save money to pay a 6-figure tax bill.

This is an extra step that the majority of email marketers do. You can learn more about it either by going to SEOMoz blog or by reading Google's alternative research guide with Steve Pratt 

One little change, which we call "click triggers," is associated with click-through rates (CTR), which are promoted as a measure of how many consumers actually engage and respond to your email campaigns. 

The difference between this approach and behavioral targeting is that with click triggers you're so specific in your subject line, that you induce retargeting for those who have already shown interest in your product or your service. They have shown interest by clicking on your email, and now you can keep them coming back for more with any number of click triggers.

The concept is to subject-line the emails appropriately? That's right - do not include all those clicks in your numerator and denominator (never use negative numbers) so that they are easy to replicate again...no need for surveys, split testing or other shenanigans! 

As an example imagine if you are a service company, where you want to offer subscriptions with recurring charges. 

Your campaign would begin as regular email marketing and when the customer has clicked through on it (possibly because they have shown interest in your subject) then send out 2 or 3 more messages based on click triggers at a fairly low volume - between 10% but 25%. 

This extra message wouldn't include repeat customers. Once enough positive clicks have been made add another trigger / incentive by doubling or even triple the number of content and sign-up buttons, plus a short form to get customers closer. 

If enough people do so (and there are not too many that might sour you on using this subject language) then simply stop sending repeat messages for one time original purchase offers until trigger reached - in no more than 3 months' time!

Of course click triggers have limitations...it's hard to know at what stage your email will morph into an information email. 

When you get to that stage, then the whole campaign needs to be reassessed based on what works and doesn't work this time...and if it's not working go back to the narrow triggers method. 

Click-triggered campaigns are almost tailor made for retargeting - by automating their subject lines they make sending often interesting emails a very attractive option indeed!


Missing from this rule stated that the ever increasing cost of marketing emails is likely to continue pushing marketers towards higher quality messages. Marketing budgets are rightfully getting more tight, so following our model will provide significant benefits for your business both now and in future years!

Please feel free to share with other colleagues - just remember about attribution (a big bummer takes months of effort time) but at least you're helping yourself and others get a clear picture of what's going on in your inbox without having to go through the whole marketing effort again and again...


1.What are the benefits of using an email marketing platform such as MailChimp or HubSpot?

Using an email marketing software can help your business grow in the following ways:

  • You can create personalized and unique email campaigns for each customer.
  • It allows you to easily send emails to customers with one click.
  • Email marketing platforms make it easy to measure the success of your campaigns and tailor future messaging based on what works best for your audience, which helps increase revenue and build a loyal customer base.

2.What is the best email marketing strategy template?

There are many email marketing strategies that you can use.

Here are some of the best email marketing strategy templates:

  • Promote your blog posts with a special offer or discount code
  • Create a free resource that is relevant to your audience and offers them something in return for signing up
  • Offer limited time access to your content with an exclusive subscriber-only giveaway
  • Invite people to an exclusive webinar and give them the chance to win something special
  • Add a live call-to-action that reminds visitors about upcoming events or other content on your site by making it easy for them to attend

3.How do you write a marketing email strategy?

The key to writing a marketing email strategy is the ability to build relationships with your customers.

Build trust by providing helpful information and being transparent about what you are doing.

You can also use this time to ask for feedback or provide more information on products and services that people have been asking for, in order to increase customer loyalty.

4.What is the most effective email marketing strategy?

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your customers. It can be used to send newsletters, special offers, and more.

The best email marketing strategy is sending emails at the right time. A recent study found that people are open to receiving emails on their mobile devices in the morning and they're less likely to click through if they receive an email in the evening or on weekends.

5.What should be included in an email strategy?

An email strategy is what you should include in your marketing plan.

It includes all the following:

  • Sending emails to a list of subscribers and getting feedback on what content worked best for them.
  • Keeping an eye on the competition by looking at their progress and testing new tactics that may work better than the current ones.
  • Using email newsletters as a source of brand awareness, customer retention, lead generation, etc.

6.What is email marketing? 

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing in which marketers send emails to existing or potential customers, subscribers, and partners.

There are many benefits of email marketing like:

  • It can be more cost-effective than other forms of advertising such as television commercials.
  • It's easy to set up and start sending email campaigns without much initial investment.
  • The emails are personalized to the customer and they're more likely to open them if they believe the content is relevant.
  • Email newsletters often have better conversion rates than other forms of digital advertising because people who receive them tend to take action on what they've seen in the newsletter.

7.What is an email marketing template? 

An email marketing template is a document that has been created to help someone with the content and design of their email campaigns.

This template can be for an individual or for a company.

A template can also be made using any content management system such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.

Some of the benefits of using an email marketing template are:

  • It saves time by having everything in one place.
  • It reduces mistakes and provides a consistent look across all emails.
  • It allows companies to create multiple versions of the same email campaign based on different audiences and needs.

8.What makes email marketing so successful nowadays? 

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your business and reach a large number of people in an efficient manner. There are many benefits of email marketing that make it so successful.

Some of these benefits include:

  • It has a huge customer database which allows you to send targeted messages.
  • The majority of email marketing software is free, so it's easy to set up and start sending emails without spending too much money on advertising costs.
  • Emails can be personalized for each recipient, meaning that your message will be more personal and relevant to them than a traditional ad or website banner would be.
  • Most email clients allow you to segment recipients based on their actions (e.g., those who opened the email), giving you more information about who they are and what they're interested in.

9.What is segmentation?

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach your customers throughout the day. It also helps you segmentation, as well as nurturing new subscribers for longer periods of time. Email marketing makes use of email automation, segmentation and provides an opportunity to create more personalized content by sending tailored messages based on user characteristics such as age or gender


In conclusion, email marketing is a powerful way to communicate with your customers and prospects. It allows you to personalize your message, reach the right people at the right time, and measure results. Email marketing can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.

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Haris Mirza

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