March 20, 2022

Email Lists For Purchase: Are They The Way To Boost Your Business?

Let's talk about email lists for a moment. You've heard that your business needs one, you have the data to prove it, and you're willing to shell out the dough for one. But is that all you need? You might be surprised to find out how often email lists for purchase fail without enough content or people actually unsubscribing!


For many, email lists for purchase are an excellent thing. After all, who wouldn't love the idea of having an easy and effective way to drive more people to their website? However, are email lists for purchase really the way to boost your business?

What Is A Purchased Email List?

Email lists for purchase are a very popular tool that many people turn to as an effective, and low-cost way to market their business. The value of a purchased email list depends on how much you can use them, and how well they serve your needs. 

There is no standard price for email marketing lists, so the value is really what you get out of it. Many people will look at how many subscribers the list has and use that to determine if it is worth the money. 

However, buying an email list should not be based on the number of accounts, rather, it should be based on your needs. 

For example, if you need a list that is mainly used for sending out email newsletters, but you want to add a few accounts of people who are interested in your products only, this is an example where you should buy a mail list. 

If you only need a few accounts, then the price for these lists is cheap, but if you need hundreds of accounts, then you will be paying a lot for the same list. 

As you can see, buying an email list is a very complicated process. However, if you are a business owner or even if you are a website owner, then you need to know how to buy an email list.

7 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy An Email List

Here are 7 reasons why you should never buy an email list:

1. It’s Unethical- Email lists for purchase is not only unethical, but it can also be a waste of money. The best way to build your list organically is to use your audience as an asset in the sales process. 

If you buy an email list, you’re just asking for trouble. Creating a program and list to give away is better than buying one. It’s not the same thing at all, and the best way to build your list is for free. 

You can use the same process of building your audience and getting them to sign up for a newsletter that you use for any other marketing campaign.

2. It’s a Waste of Your Time- Buying an email list is a lot like buying stock in all those hot start-up companies that get so much buzz these days. 

In the beginning, everything is great, you’re getting tons of new subscribers and people are asking you to invest in their company. 

But then, over time, things go downhill, and they just stop paying you back. This happens with email lists too. Email list for purchaset is a poor investment because it will eventually become outdated.

3. The List Owner Can’t Deliver on Their Promises- Buying email lists is a big scam that you shouldn't fall for. Lists are bought and sold all the time, so it's almost impossible to know what you're really getting. 

It's essential to get a sample of the list before buying it, and that can be quite expensive. Not only that, but the owner might not deliver on their promises - meaning they might not send you any leads, or they might not share their own profits with you.

4. It’s Illegal- There are a lot of misleading claims out there about what it takes to create an email list. The truth is that buying an email list is against the law and illegal in many countries. This means that you should never buy an email list - it’s strictly against the rules!

5. You Might End Up with a Bogus List- It is not a good idea to purchase an email list from someone on the internet, because you could end up with a bogus list that is not good for your business. 

In order to ensure that you get a legitimate list and don't lose money, it would be better for you to build your own list using social media marketing.

6. You Lose Trustworthiness When You Buy an Email List- Buying an email list is a big, big mistake. Buying an email list from a third-party vendor, especially if you have never bought one before, is just like buying any other asset. 

You need to make sure that you're getting the most value out of it and not putting your trust in someone else because the third party has no way of guaranteeing what you'll get when you purchase this asset.

7. Emails are expensive to acquire and maintain- This is especially true for business owners who purchase a list no matter how large it is. 

There are also many email list brokers out there that promise huge discounts on email lists on purchase, but you may be paying for something that's no longer useful to your business. These seven reasons will make you reconsider the idea of ever buying an email list in the future.

So What To Do Instead Of Buying Email Lists?

So, you're planning to build your email list. Something is stopping you from going ahead and doing it though. 

Maybe it's the fear of negative response or the time it would take you to create a list that works for your business. No matter what the reason, here are some alternatives to building an email list.

1. Start your own blog- When you're just starting out with your own blog, the best way to reach people is by building a fan base. 

If you have a blog that's been around for a while and is growing, there are still plenty of ways to make sure your content is seen by as many people as possible. Creating high-quality content that fans love will not only increase visibility but also help build your audience.

If you have an established blog, it can be helpful to look at what other companies in your industry are doing and then create similar material for your own blog. One of the best ways to do that is by commenting on other blogs and sharing them on your own.

2. Give away free content on social media sites- The common misconception among businesses is that building a large email list is the most effective way to grow their business.

However, this is not true because emails are incredibly expensive and time-consuming to send, especially if you're sending them to your older customers as well. 

As a result, creating content on social media sites and distributing it for free can be an easy alternative to building your email list. Also, people love free content. One of the most valuable marketing strategies to tell your customers about is giving them gifts. 

This works far better than advertising because your customers want to do business with you and they want you to like them. In fact, most people will take the offer of free stuff as a "gift" from you.

3. Advertise on Reddit- If you're going to advertise online, sign up for Reddit. If you want to reach a certain demographic, this is the place to do it. There's no better place to find an audience of like-minded individuals.  It may seem slow at first, but stick with it.  It's worth it.

4. Promote on Facebook groups and pages- Many people are worried about current laws and how they are affecting them. One way to avoid these laws is not to buy email lists. 

The easiest way to stay out of trouble is by promoting your content on Facebook groups and pages rather than emailing the same message to everyone who subscribes. 

Try to target a niche audience. If you are not already doing this, start your marketing plan by making sure that you have a topic that you are passionate about and that people will respond to. This will keep you from sending out generic email messages.

5. Turn your website into an online course- While there are many ways to market online, buying email lists is not the best choice. In fact, it's a costly mistake that can end up costing you your business. 

If you're looking for more ways to stay on top of customers and sell products, consider turning your website into an online course where people can learn how to use your product or how to get started in marketing.

6. Create and market a podcast- The Internet is full of content, and the best way to get your message heard is through podcasting. 

Not only does it give you the opportunity to reach a wide audience, but it's also relatively inexpensive to create one. With a little bit of effort, you could be on iTunes in minutes.

7. Start a YouTube channel- Buying email lists from companies that offer this service usually means that you don't get to pick which list you get. If you want to start a YouTube channel, try going through different topics in your niche and asking questions on the channel. 

You'll be able to find out what people are most interested in, and can offer a variety of content related to that topic.

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Himangi Lohar

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