Closing calls are the most difficult part of sales - knowing when to stop the call, and then actually ending the call properly. There's a lot that goes into making these calls easy on yourself, but if you follow these few simple rules, you'll be able to get off the phone in no time!
Closing calls are a call made to the customer during the final steps of the sale.
They're called so that you can reiterate the details of your offer and set expectations for how long it will take for them to receive their product.
It's important to use closing calls because they increase customer satisfaction, retention, and lifetime value.
Closing calls are time-sensitive, so make it a point to be prepared. Make sure you are following up with all of your leads on the scheduled date.
Some tips to remember when making closing calls include:
- being dressed professionally if on a video call
- emailing them a day in advance
- staying calm and professional on the phone and not being too pushy
For a business to be successful, all the employees need to know that they are on the same page and not just doing it for their own benefit.
It is important for people working in a company to share the benefits of effortless closing calls.
In order to make this happen, your company needs to have three things in mind before starting any day:
i) What does success look like?
ii) How often should we set these meetings?
iii) What will happen during these meetings?
- The date and time of the closing call
- The bank's approval criteria for closings
- The loan amount, interest rate, and terms
- Any Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RAP) aid eligibility
Closing calls are fast-paced and crucial for your sales team.
Know what to do before the call begins and have a plan for follow-up discussions that will make you successful in the long run.
Once the call has been made, it's essential that you do not get discouraged.
Take a few deep breaths and release any anger or frustration that you may have felt during the call.
Let the buyer know that they are going to be receiving an email with all of their information shortly.
Most of the time the salesperson will offer a discount, but sometimes they just want to close the deal.
In that case, you need to do something that they can't resist.
That's all for now! See you later with a different topic! Till that keep the conversation going in the comment section below.