March 27, 2022

The Ultimate Guide To Check Email Address Validity: Why Should You Care?

Who says you have to be a geek to check email address validity? Well, you don't have to be one at all! Checking an email address's validity is a simple step every business professional and small-time investor appreciates.


Introduction: The Need to Check Email Address Validity

It's only natural to seek the answers to how this simple task can help you save time and enrich your knowledge. After all, there is always space and opportunity for the little things you can do that would enhance the efficiency of your day and make it all the more memorable.

The need to check email address validity is very real. For starters, you might not be aware of the fact that there are many scammers out there who will send emails in your name and ask for money or other sensitive information. This can happen if they know about a possible vulnerability in your system, which allows them to impersonate you without any trouble whatsoever.

This kind of scam has been on the rise over the years as cybercriminals have found new ways to trick people into giving away their personal details like passwords and bank account numbers by posing as legitimate companies' executives or even government agencies such as the IRS or the FBI.

We also can't forget about phishing emails – these are fraudulent messages that look like they come from a company you trust and ask for your personal information in order to verify your identity. These scams have been on the rise lately, and there is no way of knowing when one will happen to you next, so it's better if we prevent them at all costs!

The reason why checking email address validity is important? Well, let me explain.

Check Email Address Validity: Why & How

A lot of people check their email address validity in order to prevent themselves from falling victim to phishing scams, but there are also many other reasons for doing this.

Let's say you have a preferred retailer, and they send you emails about special offers or discounts, which make it seem like an urgent matter. You might get tempted into clicking on the link that is supposed to take you directly to your favorite store, only for them not being able to verify your identity when checking online if they really do know who you are! How embarrassing would that be? That's why we should always double-check our email address validity to avoid any kind of trouble.

As I mentioned above, there are many reasons for checking email address validity, and you should always ask yourself why you want to do this? Why is it important for your business or personal life? In most cases, these questions will lead us in the right direction so we can choose an appropriate solution that will fit our needs.

So what exactly is wrong with a fake email account, and how does one spot them out from real ones? Well, firstly, when checking if the sender's domain name matches their IP address (which means they have an actual physical server in that specific location), you can be sure the email address is fake. If it doesn't, then there's a high chance of being scammed.

Even if both IP address and domain name are correct (which means they have an actual physical server as well) but no one answers on the phone when you call them or emails to their support department don't work at all, that's also another sign of phishing scamming activity! So how do we spot these scams? Well, firstly by, looking for domains with similar names to your own personal ones so they don't look like phishing attempts.

If you notice that all the links in your email are always forwarded to a specific website, then it's most likely an automated program trying to scam you out of money or, even worse – steal information from your computer!

So what should we do if our personal domain name has been compromised? Well, f

irstly, we need to change our password immediately and try not to use any account which was registered with the same username (which is usually very easy for scammers). If this doesn't work, there could be some other issues at play here, so please contact support.

Professional Email Verification and Data Enrichment

If you want to be able to verify your email address on a regular basis and protect yourself from phishing scams, then we recommend using professional services such as This service is reliable for both business owners and individuals alike because it can check if the domain name matches with their actual physical location (which means they have an actual server in that specific place) or not.

The other great thing about this service is that it will also allow you to manually add extra data points like phone numbers, addresses etc., so when someone tries sending emails under your account, which are already known to be phishing scams, they will get flagged as spam.

This is very useful if you are a business owner because it allows your employees to verify that the email address they have been sent from actually belongs to them (and not someone else who has hacked into their account). Also, please note that this service only checks for emails and never blocks any of them!

Top Methods to check Email Address Validity

There are many different ways to check if an email address is valid or not. Here are the ones we recommend:

Method 1: Sending back an email to that particular address

If you receive an email from someone and they ask for your personal information, then the best way to check if their address is valid or not would be to simply send back a standard response. If it bounces back (meaning that it was sent by them but not processed), then this means that there are some issues with the account.

Method 2: Look up who registered on GoDaddy/Google Domains using WhoIsLookup

This method is very simple because all you have to do is go onto Google's search engine and type in "whois lookup" followed by any domain name which has been registered by that particular email address.

Method 3: Check if the domain name was previously used for phishing or spamming activities

This is a very good way to check if someone has been sending out emails under your account which are known scams because all it takes is one look at who owns the domain, and you will be able to see why they have done this (for example, there could be some kind of dispute between them). If their previous actions show that they are not trustworthy, then it would probably be best just to remove their access from your website altogether.

Method 4: Use an IP Address Lookup

This is a very simple way to check if someone has been sending out emails under your account, which are known scams because all you have to do is simply type in the IP address of their computer. If it matches with any other computers that were previously linked up with this particular email address, then there will be no doubt about how trustworthy they truly are!

Method 5: Search the Email Address in Google

This is another simple way to check if someone has been sending out emails under your account, which are known scams because all you have to do is simply type in their email address into the Google search engine. If there are any results that show up, then this will be a good indication that they may not be who they say they are.

How to Check Email Address Validity & Choose an Email Validation Tool for Your Business

Now that you have established that someone is sending out emails under your account which are known scams, you can then decide what email validation tool to use. There are basically three types of tools that will help:

1) Email Verifier (or Whitelist Tool): This type of software looks for any signs that the domain name was previously used for phishing or spamming activities, and if it finds them, then it simply blocks all further messages from being sent by this particular person. It also checks against a database that contains over two million IP addresses, so there is no way anyone could get around using it!

2) SPF (Sender Policy Framework) Tool: This type of software checks against the SPF (sender policy framework) database, which is a list of over two million IP addresses that are known to be used for phishing and spamming activities. It also checks against any blacklist databases, so there is no way anyone could get around using it!

3) SenderScore (or Domain Score): This type of tool looks at all three types mentioned above but instead only uses the results from checking them against each other. The result will then give you an overall score out of 100, which indicates how trustworthy they are.

Some Tools:

  1. VoilaNorbert Verify - This is a great tool that also checks against the SPF and blacklist databases, so there is no way anyone could get around using it! It also has a useful feature where you can set the email address that you want to validate, so it checks against all of your accounts.
  2. Halo Bulk Email Verification - This is one of my favourites as it also checks against the SPF and blacklist databases, so there is no way anyone could get around using it! It also has an advanced feature that allows you to check any domain names with just one click.
  3. Pabbly Email Verification - This is another one of my favourites as it also checks against the SPF and blacklist databases, so there is no way anyone could get around using it! It has a great feature where you can set the email address that you want to validate, so it checks all of your accounts.
  4. SpamHaus Bulk Email Verification - This tool allows you to check any domain names with just one click. It also has an advanced feature that allows you to check any IP addresses with just one click too!
  5. Mailinator Bulk Email Verification - This tool only works for Gmail users, but this is a great tool for Gmail users to use. It also has an advanced feature that allows you to check any domain names with just one click!
  6. Gmail Bulk Email Verification - This is another great tool that only works for Gmail users, but this is a very useful and easy-to-use tool if you are using Google's email service. You can set the email address that you want to validate, so it checks against all of your accounts at once!
  7. Clearout - This is another great tool if you are using Gmail! It also has a useful feature where you can set the email address that you want to validate, so it checks against all of your accounts at once.
  8. SpamCop Bulk Email Verification - This tool allows you to check any domain names with just one click, and it also has an advanced feature that allows checking any IP addresses too!

I hope that this has helped you to understand how email validation tools work.

There are obviously many different types of email validation tools, and they all have their pros and cons, but the best one to use will depend on your business needs. The main thing is that you make sure it works for you before purchasing!


Email validation is a great way to protect your business from email scams, and it's also an essential tool for any online business. Although there are many different types of tools, I've tried to explain how they all work in this article, so hopefully, you can use that information when deciding which one is best for you!

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