Drug use is common among offenders or employees, which is why many people utilize drug testing as a way to find or eliminate menaces from society
Drug use is common among offenders or employees, which is why many people utilize drug testing as a way to find or eliminate menaces from society. The majority of these tests rely on the analysis of urine samples, and within these samples, the concentration of certain drugs or their metabolites is often analyzed. One issue that often arises during urine testing is the problem with diluted urine. The purpose of this article is to determine the reasons for having the diluted urine in drug tests, the effects, and suggestions to eliminate it or at least reduce the impact.
When there is an abnormally low amount of creatinine, which is a chemical compound that is produced by muscles, in the urine, then it can be said that the urine is diluted or excess water has been added. Biological fluids that are secreted by the kidneys are primarily composed of soluble waste residues and non-soluble solutes such as electrolytes, toxins, and metabolites that were generated from the various bodily functions.
Except for diarrhea, in which case it appears to be an option, the amount of fluid that an individual consumes usually impacts the color and concentration of urine and its overall appearance. However when discussing the amount of water in urine and diluted urine as a concept, it can be said that there is an excess of water in the urine more than required and that is what diluted urine is.
Urine, as most people understand it, is the water excreted from the body, but there are instances when this water may be laced with minute traces of certain substances. The first step during a drug test always involves the collection of urine to determine the presence of certain drugs and their metabolites.
Many authorities, including the DEA, use urinalysis as a means to conduct drug tests. Urine metabolism occurs through the liver and as such, a drug may not be at its peak concentration within the blood, but it can be found in ample proportions in the urine and vice versa. With this in mind, here are a few reasons why a drug test might return a diluted result.
It is common in today’s time for people to flush out toxins or “cleanse” their system prior to drug tests. However, certain choices such as hyper-hydrating or even sheer nervousness can lead to urine that is too diluted. But this still does not mean that one can drown their bodies with water indiscriminately. There must be a healthy amount balance maintained that will prevent urine concentrations from reaching too low and thus making the drug test results pointless. Drinking too much water can lower creatinine levels which is bad as this particular compound tends to be of use when attempting to validate the credibility of the urine sample.
Diuretics, which are commonly known as “water pills”, may also be the reason behind someone’s lack of traces of illegal drugs in their protein. Based on the name, such medications stimulate the kidneys to filter more fluid out of the blood, thereby also stimulating the flow of urine. The carbohydrate-wall fluids that tend to remain platonic in the tissues get cleared out due to such medications. Such drugs are prescribed to patients suffering from both high blood pressure and other conditions.
Kidney function plays a vital role in the formation of urine. The absence of proper functioning of kidneys as is seen in kidney disorders, diabetes or hypertension the urine produced may be hy-poosmotic. The body’s kidneys are responsible for excretory function and regulating fluid and electrolytes. If kidney function is compromised, the body will produce urine that is more dilute than is necessary.
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is also associated with a more diluted urine. A urinary tract infection may infrequently induce an increased number of urination or alter the urine’s composition. UTI-affected individuals are likely to urinate more often than usual, and as such, produce more light-colored urine of low density, which is unfavorable for drug testing.
Some people strictly try to reduce their readings by digressing their urine before a drug test to not be detected in drug tests. There can be large water intake above the recommended daily allowance, or other marketed products that claim to wash the urine. All of these methods can effectively reduce drug levels in the body, but at the same time result in a clear urine sample which is not desirable the urine concentration issues result in test failure or retest.
Diluted urine has the potential to affect the ability of the test to detect the presence of drug usage. Drug tests typically look for the presence of drugs in the urine, relying on metabolites and other measures of concentration. If the urine becomes so dilute, it is possible that drug metabolites are in very low concentrations causing poor results. In this instance, a test might provide inconclusive results and call for the specimen to be sent to the testing agency for either re-testing or a declaration that the test is not valid.
In many cases, diluted urine draws doubts regarding its acquisition processes or possible cheating. The person must retest or give a second sample and this procedure he/she can do at home or anywhere by using workplace drug testing kits that are easily available in market. Certain testing centers define creatinine level cut offs that compare the concentration of creatinine to established levels and seeks to establish situations where dilution renders the sample to be of no value. If levels of creatinine are too low, then the test may warrant being classified as a potential false positive and the person being tilt retested or being barred from participating.
Measurement of dilution is as vital as the rest of the testing procedures to increase the odds of getting accurate results.
Here are some practical measures how to prevent urine dilution in drug testing:
One should not hydrate excessively before taking a drug test. It is better to be hydrated at a normal level a few days before taking the test and refrain from drinking too much the night before and the morning of the test. This will help achieve a state where urine will neither be too watered down nor concentrated.
If you take diuretics or any other medications that promote urination, consult a physician before the test. Such treatment approaches will help avoid potential interference with testing due to the effects of the prescribed medications.
The timing of when the urine sample is obtained may also add an error to the test. Most of the people provide their mid-stream urine (not at the beginning or the end) during the test. This reduces contamination factors and gives a better indication of the overall body fluid balance and its metabolic activity.
Healthy kidneys are vital in preventing a very quiet type of urine. Eating a healthy diet, exercising enough, and staying away from alcohol and other harmful substances are great ways to ensure the proper functioning of the kidneys. In case of any concerns, which are related to the kidney's health, it is recommended to consult one’s physician in order to ensure that certain health issues do not compromise any drug tests in the future.
One of the issues that could hinder the validity of drug tests is the dilution of the urine sample. It is important to know the factors that can cause urine to be diluted including excess hydration, usage of particular drugs, or sickness, in order to be better prepared for a drug test. This can be made possible by ensuring that you take enough fluids while avoiding substances affecting urine concentration and also ensuring a healthy kidney in a way that your urine sample provides valid samples and results.