February 5, 2022

7 Best Sales Management Books To Make You Great At What You Do

It can be hard to find the best sales management books out there. With so many options, it can seem overwhelming and difficult to choose a book that truly is going to help you grow your skills as a sales manager. Luckily for you, we've compiled a list of our favorite sales management books. These are all guaranteed to help you improve your skills in the field! Enjoy!


Best Sales management books can be extremely helpful in improving your skills as a salesperson. By reading and studying the concepts presented in these books, you can learn how to more effectively sell your products or services, and improve your overall sales results.

There are a number of different sales management books available, each with its own unique set of concepts and tips. It is important to find a book that fits your individual needs, and that you are able to commit time to reading and studying.

Sales management books can help you identify the strengths and weaknesses in your current approach to sales. By reading about what other successful salespeople do, you can learn new strategies that may increase your own success in the field.

How To Find The Best Sales Management Books That Fits Your Needs

When looking for a sales management book to study or read, try finding one that deals with topics of interest to you. For example, if you are currently working on developing sales skills but would like to learn more about management techniques, an ideal book will focus on this topic specifically.

Reading a broad range of different books can also be helpful. This allows you to expand your knowledge beyond just one subject area, giving you a more well-rounded perspective of the business world.

If you are a beginner to sales, finding a book that helps build your fundamental knowledge can also be helpful. 

You may want to start with a simple book about learning how to pitch your product or service, and then work your way up from there as you gain more experience in the field.

Finding a book that is available in multiple formats can also help make studying easier. If it is available online, you can study from anywhere at any time by simply logging into an internet connection and opening up the website where you have stored it.

You may also find books that are available for download as an ebook or audiobook, making them even more convenient to access when traveling or on the go. Alternatively, you can purchase a physical copy of the book to keep on hand for studying and reference.

Commit Time To Reading And Studying

The amount of time that you will need to invest in order to benefit from a sales management book depends on the individual. 

Some people may only need to read a chapter or two per week in order to start seeing improvements in their sales results, while others may need to read the entire book before being able to apply any of the concepts.

It is important that you find the right pace for yourself when reading a sales management book. If you try to rush through it without absorbing any of the information, you will not get as much out of it as you could. 

Conversely, if you take too long to read the book, you may find that the information is no longer relevant or applicable to your current sales situation.

By taking the time to read and study a sales management book, you can develop essential skills that will help you become more successful in your career. 

The concepts presented in these books can be applied to any type of sales environment, making them a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their sales results.

The Best Sales Management book

We have compiled a list of six books that we believe contain some of the most impactful tips that any sales manager should know when trying to help grow their individual business. 

These books were chosen because they not only provide good insight into how to become a better sales manager but also detail tips and tricks on how to make employees work better both individually and as a team.

7 Best Sales Management Books to Keep on Your Shelf

1. The Ultimate Sales Machine (by Chet Holmes)

This book has received high praise over the years and can be considered almost required reading by many sales professionals who want to excel in their work. 

It provides great insight into how sales leaders should act, offering 70 business rules that managers should follow in order to create an effective sales machine within their company. 

One aspect that we liked about this book was that it was written specifically towards growing small businesses or mid-sized organizations without requiring too much of an investment on the part of your company.

2. The Sales Bible (by Jeffrey Gitomer)

This book is perfect for any sales professional who wants to up their game and become a better seller. It is filled with advice from some of the top sales experts in the world, as well as containing case studies and stories that will keep you entertained while you learn. 

One thing we really loved about this book was that it didn’t just focus on the mechanics of selling but also delved into topics such as how to manage customer objections and how to create a lasting relationship with your clients.

3. High-Profit Selling: How to Make More Money by Doing What You Love (by Barry Moltz)

This book is all about helping sales professionals increase their profits by improving their skills and techniques. It is filled with actionable advice that can be implemented immediately, as well as real-world examples from the author’s own experiences. 

One thing we really enjoyed about this book was that it didn’t just focus on the tactical side of selling but also emphasized the importance of having a positive attitude and outlook when it comes to your work.

4. The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation (by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson)

This book has quickly become a best seller and is perfect for sales managers who want to learn how to take control of customer interactions. 

It details the findings of a study that was conducted on over 5,000 sales professionals, providing insight into how to become more effective in the workplace and what you need to do differently. 

One thing we liked about this book was that it provided a new way of looking at selling, breaking down the process into six different stages and explaining how you can use this knowledge to your advantage.

5. How to Win Friends & Influence People (by Dale Carnegie)

This is an oldy but goody when it comes to books on sales management. It has been around for over 70 years but contains lessons that are just as relevant today as they were then. 

You will learn about everything from basic business etiquette all the way up to being able to spot hidden opportunities in every interaction with another person. This book is perfect for managers who want insight into becoming a better leader at their company.

6. The Little Red Book Of Selling (by Jeff Gitomer)

If you are a fan of Jeffrey Gitomer then this is a great title for you! He has compiled over 100 pages worth of advice from his many years of experience in the field, providing all kinds of helpful insights and advice for anyone who is looking to further their career in sales. 

This book is a quick read that any manager can benefit from when they are trying to grow their knowledge and skills when it comes to selling.

7. The New Strategic Selling: An Updated Battle Plan for the Contact Center (by Robert J Miller)

This book provides a lot of great information about how managers can make better use of customer service representatives in order to improve their chances at closing more deals. 

It covers everything from knowing which reps have the right skills and attitude to make them good candidates for this type of position all the way up to developing new techniques for getting customers interested in what you have on offer. 

We found this book to be a very valuable resource for sales managers who want to improve their team’s performance.

Best Sales Leadership Books

Best sales leadership books can be extremely valuable resources for sales professionals. They offer insights and advice on a wide variety of topics, from how to close more sales to how to lead a team of salespeople.

There are many different leadership books on the market, but which ones are the best? We've compiled a list of some of our favorites to help you get started.

1. The 5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential by John C. Maxwell

This book is all about developing your leadership skills so that you can reach your full potential. It breaks down leadership into five levels, starting with personal development and moving up to leading teams and organizations.

2. First Things First by Stephen R. Covey

This book is all about time management and productivity, teaching readers how to get the most out of their days by focusing on what's important first. It's a great read for anyone looking to become more effective leaders.

3. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries

If you're looking to start your own business, this book is a must-read. It teaches how to use continuous innovation to create successful businesses, regardless of the industry.

4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

This book is another classic that teaches readers how to be more effective both professionally and personally. It covers seven habits that are essential for success, such as being proactive and setting goals.

5. E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber

This book is all about entrepreneurship, and it covers everything from starting a business to making it successful. It's a great read for anyone who's looking to start their own business or wants to improve their current one.

6. The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer

This book is all about the power of positive thinking, and it teaches readers how to use intention to create the life they want. It's a great read for anyone who wants to be more successful in both their personal and professional lives.

7. The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander

This book is all about change, and it teaches readers how to make the impossible possible. It's a great read for anyone who wants to achieve more in their lives, both professionally and personally.

8. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by Clayton M. Christensen

This book is all about innovation, and it explores why some companies succeed while others fail. If you're looking to create a successful business, this book is a must-read.

These are just a few of the best sales leadership books on the market. If you're looking to improve your leadership skills, these books are a great place to start.

Each of these books can provide valuable insights for sales professionals looking to improve their skills in either sales management or leadership. So if you’re looking to make the next step in your career, consider picking up one of these titles.


Sales management books provide the perfect opportunity for leaders in any field to learn how to better control customer interactions, identify new opportunities, and hone their skills when it comes to selling. 

Whether you are just starting out on your career journey or you have been in sales for many years, there is always something to be learned from these types of books.

If you are looking for a great read that will help you become a better sales manager then we highly recommend picking up a copy of The New Strategic Selling: An Updated Battle Plan for the Contact Center by Robert J. Miller.

There you have it! We hope that you were able to gain some important insight from our list of the best management books on the market today. When it comes to selling, there is always something new to learn or a different technique that can be implemented. 

By reading these types of books, leaders in any field will be able to better control customer interactions, identify new opportunities, and hone their skills when it comes to selling.

Whether you are just getting started on your career journey or have been working in this field for a long time, we would recommend checking out any book from this roundup if you want to grow as a leader and/or learn what it takes to become an accomplished sales manager.

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Himangi Lohar

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