March 23, 2022

How To Easily Manage Multiple Email Accounts From One Place

This blog article will go over the best ways to manage your different email accounts. We'll discuss the benefits of separating your various email accounts in Gmail and how you may do so without difficulty.


Why Separate Email Accounts


Many people have multiple email addresses. Some use them while they are working, some use them when traveling, and others use them when they are just out at the bar. It can be time-consuming to manage these email accounts from separate laptops or mobile devices. 

This is a guide about easily managing multiple email accounts in one place by using DropBox for email storage. You can also use a web-based email client like Yahoo Mail or as your main account for all of your emails, then have it set up on different devices so you can easily put that same inbox in other's mailboxes when you are travelling.


Why do you need different email accounts?

  • Different email accounts are used to separate business from personal
  • Different email accounts are used to arrange better filtering for spam and subscriptions.
  • Different email accounts are used to protect their online identity 
  • Different email accounts are used to organize various types of work 


5 Tricks for Managing Multiple Email Account Inboxes

Trick#1 - Restrict Address Purposes

Each email account's purpose should be limited to a single type. If you can, do it. For instance, I have one for each business I run for their operations and one for each customer service portal. 

Each email account is strictly personal and family emails, professional contacts, business deals, etc. 

They may be grouped and controlled with other techniques on this list, and they may be turned off when I want to concentrate on one kind of activity or another. It's easier to get into the correct frame of mind to respond to messages if you know what sort of messages you'll be seeing in a specific account.


Trick#2 - Use a Master Account

Using one master account is another option. You may set up email forwarding to send all of your messages to a single account from different accounts. Similarly, responses from that master account appear to come from the originating account, thanks to forwarding. 

The risk with this setup is that if you don't know who and what you're speaking with, you might inadvertently cross streams. Segmenting your various emails is very helpful, Therefore, unless all of the email accounts are for the same job, company, or topic, I don't usually recommend this.


Trick#3 - Make Use of Multiple Browsers

Some people may browse each of their email accounts at the same time using several web browsers or apps, especially if they only have a few.

A Firefox window for your Gmail, Outlook window for Outlook, etc. I wouldn’t say I like this one much – it can get cluttered, and you can lose your progress in each fairly easily – but it works for some people, and I’m all about providing varied solutions, so there’s something for everyone.


Trick#4 - Unsubscribe to Everything

Unsubscribe if you receive more than two messages in a row from the same person or organization. Every week, you lose cognitive focus and time dealing with it. It's well worth overcoming your innate Fear Of Missing Out.

Who gives a crap about the Amazon-suggested product, that guy's weekly app store marketing tips, or that proposal to help save some government program you liked two years ago? Unsubscribe and concentrate on the tasks at hand. You may resubscribe to any newsletter that you have missed.


Trick#5 - Set Up Automatic Filters

Everything that cannot be unsubscribed from or deleted may probably be filtered automatically. Set up filters for the senders or subject lines, and file those messages away. 

Forget about those weekly meeting minutes, those office party notices, and that reminder to finish your training module. Having a decent set of folders will be a godsend, and it will be well worth another trip later on.


How to Manage Multiple Email Accounts in Gmail

Gmail is a great tool for keeping track of emails. However, managing multiple email accounts in the same program can be challenging. 

You can easily manage multiple email accounts in Gmail with the steps outlined in this article. 

You can start with a Gmail account that you are using and then easily add an email account in Outlook or on Google Address Book. 

You will need some credentials for these mail accounts to include a password, username of both accounts and IP address information about your server that is running the services at home.

Gmail allows many free services like Contacts, Calendar subscription, Documents Management built-in but what if you want extra features such as File Sharing (you have to buy them) and many other things?



Go to Gmail on your computer.

Click on the Settings tab in the upper right.

Select Multiple inboxes from the drop-down menu next to "Inbox type."



Click Customize to modify numerous inbox settings.


For each section, specify the search parameters you want to add.

Use the same query to search for starred emails: is: starred.

The results in that section will also include emails from their alias when you search a person's email address. 

To limit the search to just the original email, put it between double quotes."" is an example of a valid address.

The findings will also include Drive sharing notification emails from when that person shared a file with you if you search "from email."



Enter a name for the section in the "Section name" field.



In the section, enter the number of emails you want to see next to "Maximum page size."

Select where you want to put the sections next to "Multiple Inbox position."

Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.


Possible Drawbacks of Having Multiple Emails


#1 - Spending more time sorting emails

You may be anxious to check your email frequently because you have a job that requires responding quickly to it. You might want to unsubscribe from 50 or more emails every day. 

So it might mean you're spending more time switching from one email account to another, dealing with multiple emails, and hopping from one browser tab or application to another. With multiple emails, you can have an email in different folders or accounts, by default your inbox will be a single-account view.


#2 - Email overload and lack of concentration/concentration issues.

The user has to pay attention to more than one account at a time rather than having one top-level mailbox(Mailbox that contains all of the mailboxes) they would suddenly find it easy to concentrate since their focus is concentrated only on one mailbox. With multiple emails they may find it hard to concentrate on a single purpose, thus lacking focus and concentration.


#3 - Inability to Organize Email

The user experiences the inability of his/her organization in organizing email rather than compartmentalized folders so that he can better distinguish between them for avoiding unwanted circulation through frequent transferring of mails among different people which is a very common problem even by experts


#4 - Having more distractions

You may rely on notifications rather than clicking through multiple email accounts every time. 

They also annoy people by randomly appearing and singing all the time. When it flashes on the side of your screen, it's impossible not to look at it.


#5 - Creating confusion

It's simple to mix up the tabs and send a contact from your email account to contact from work on a busy day. It's no big deal if both of your email addresses have your full name in the profile. 

Who the letter is from will be obvious to the recipient. However, you will spend time looking for this letter when you need to return to it.

Mainline: You might get into a heap of extra work and misunderstanding if you don't organize your emails properly. Nonetheless, if you have the proper strategies and tools in your email efficiency arsenal, the advantages of having numerous email accounts may often far outperform the disadvantages.


5 Ways to Manage Multiple Email Accounts Effortlessly

The reason behind having more than one email account is to help organize the various types of communications you regularly have. It might be challenging to spend a lot of time monitoring new emails and responding to each of them.

As a result, you'll need to know strategies for monitoring your email accounts.

#1 - Make Emails a Priority in Your Life

You should reduce the amount of time you spend responding to emails to boost productivity. Instead, check your mail accounts more often by stopping them all in one go. 

It's a good idea to schedule several times throughout the day to check your mail. It prevents you from wasting time on email because you regularly check and respond to emails. Just by doing the work you have to do, you'll no longer be robbed of all your energy, which makes it tougher to accomplish.

Pick a plan that works for you to check your email accounts more than once a day. You could check them at any time of day, from breakfast to bedtime. You'll lose most of your day to email if you check all of them in the morning. Checking your email often reduces stress and the bewildering feelings that come with managing multiple accounts—

Another way to boost productivity while travelling is via your mobile phone. When you have spare moments throughout your day, you can stay current with email. As a consequence, your productivity will skyrocket.

#2 - While Checking Email Accounts, Use Many Browsers

Using several internet browsers will help you save time when checking many email accounts since they are all available. Instead, do everything all at once. You may access each email account without logging out by utilizing many browsers. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and other browsers are among the options available to download and use.


#3 - Submit Emails to a Master Account

Each email account may be forwarded to one master account to boost productivity. This allows you to send all of your emails to a single account. All email responses from the master account will use the same email address, which might be a disadvantage. 

This isn't the greatest choice for corporate communications, but it's up to you. Yet, given that you want to conserve time rather than develop extra complications, you should evaluate this before merging all email accounts into one.

#4 - Use a Desktop Email Client

A desktop email client is another effective method to manage email accounts. There are a variety of free email clients available. Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, Mailbird, and other email clients are available. 

Using a desktop email client, you'll be able to access all of your email accounts from one location. If the email client does not have a mobile version, that might be a disadvantage since mobile-friendliness is more significant now than it has ever been before.


#5 - Create Folders and Filters for Your Many Email Accounts

The organization of multiple accounts is critical whether you decide to use a desktop email client or not. Much like you would work on your computer, you can organize by creating folders. 

Divide your inbox into different folders. Filters are a good idea for your email accounts because they automatically place your messages in the correct folder.

You become a member of the 4.4 billion email accounts in use worldwide because you use multiple email accounts. To place it another way, you aren't alone in this.

You may communicate in various ways if you have multiple email accounts. This filing system will help you stay organized and simplify managing several email accounts.

Depending on what they are doing online, the average person divides their emails. Because of the bombardment of unwanted emails and spam, they do this to keep their identity hidden from those they don't know. Using them for forums, social networking, and internet shopping are just a few examples of how they're being used.

When managing multiple accounts, these email addresses do not need to be given precedence. They don't need much attention. 

However, they do not have to be checked regularly. Just a glance is enough. This is, however, to ensure that you receive all emails you want. Take time to organize each of your accounts, starting with the ones you use most often, to save time in the future.

You'll have a less frantic email experience using these five practical methods to manage numerous email addresses effectively. In no time, our recommendations will help you increase productivity. This, of course, is dependent on your preferences.

Don't worry. Managing each of your email accounts will change dramatically once you apply a technique. It does not mean that you have to be swamped with many outstanding emails that wait for you, even if you must keep up with your accounts.

You now have complete control of your multiple email accounts, which is great. It may take some time to devise a strategy for managing all of your email accounts, but you'll feel very efficient in no time. Stop worrying about your inbox and focus on clarity.


Using Multiple Emails


If you're like many people, you may want to manage multiple email accounts from one place. You may want to share a business email with your family members or keep work-related emails separate from your messages. 

You always need to stay in touch with everyone, so the ability to do so from one location is important. With that in mind, here are some ways you can get started managing your email accounts on your brand new Mac desktop computer.


Managing Many Email Accounts from One Place: Mistakes & Solutions


As email becomes a more popular way for businesses and individuals to communicate, the number of people using more than one email account has steadily increased. If you are like most people, you may have been tasked with managing multiple email accounts from your personal computer or mobile device. 

Managing multiple email accounts from one place can be difficult and time-consuming. Luckily there is a much easier way - Microsoft Exchange Online! With Microsoft Exchange Online, all your email accounts can be managed from the same webpage.


The first step in improving email efficiency is to solve them. How do I keep all of my email accounts in one location without making a bigger mess by now? 

Let's talk about the most basic errors that lead to difficulties managing multiple account management before we get to the tools and procedures that may assist you.


#1 - Keeping your notifications on

Every time a notification appears on your phone or computer, your attention will naturally register the movement, effectively distracting you from the work at hand. And according to 2005 research from Loughborough University, it takes roughly 64 seconds to return to work at the same pace as before you were distracted.

Of course, that's a typical figure, but if you sum up all of the email notifications you get in a day from different email accounts and other diversions, you'll see how much time you are wasting.


#2 - Keeping a tab with your email account open at all times

Another source of diversion will be to pull you to click on a tab and see what's new, resulting in you clicking through all the other tabs that you have open.


#3 - Using your email as a to-do list or a bookmark manager

Email is primarily used for communication. Email accounts are not meant to track work progress to be task-related. You'll guarantee yourself a cluttered inbox and miss deadlines if you utilize it as a to-do list.


#4 - Wrong organization of mailboxes

If you don't have a specific goal for each of your multiple email accounts, it may get out of hand. You'll muddle your inbox with low-priority emails that don't require your attention during work hours if you subscribe to newsletters with your work email (even if they are work-related).


#5 - Subscribing to too many listings and keeping them

Subscribing to a blog or a newsletter that interests you is fine, but these messages will become dated and worthless if you don't read them. 

Do you remember how you occasionally receive a digest newsletter with a few interesting titles mentioned and think you'll read one or two? So all you have left is a bunch of headlines that should immediately go to the trash since none of the links will ever expire.

You may get actual messages or the full collection of new posts in a newsletter with several subscriptions. Just don't keep them unless you've read them.



#1 - Keeping your notifications on

Switching your email notification settings too high priority only is the first step. Via your email client's Settings menu, this is simple to accomplish. 

There are two options.

Turning off notifications and checking your inbox on a schedule is the second, more effective option. According to research, only 8% of coworkers expect a response within an hour. Therefore, once every hour is sufficient. If you just fix this error, it will be considerably simpler for you to manage email accounts.

#2 - Keeping a tab with your email account open at all times

Get an email client and store all your emails independently from online searches. Set a schedule for checking emails and opening your email accounts only then. Disable the Unread message icon (which reveals how many new messages you have when you see the tiny number) if you want to keep it open.

#3 - Using your email as a to-do list or a bookmark manager

Write it down in a notebook and store the email in a proper folder, archive it, or snooze it as soon as you get a task via email. Even better, forward the email as a task using Evernote's clipper or another suitable task manager.


#4 - Wrong organization of mailboxes

By their goals and priorities, divide your email addresses from one another.


#5 - Subscribing to too many listings and keeping them

Have a filter that sends all subscriptions to a newsletter folder or use a separate email address. Set a time to read them aloud. Unsubscribe from any newsletters you don't read. Deleted items will undoubtedly make managing email accounts simpler.

What are the Benefits of Using One Account?


One email account solves many problems associated with managing multiple email accounts, but it doesn't mean that you have to give up your old inbox once and for all! It's possible to get the benefits of using one email account while still accessing your old emails. The process is already in place, and it only takes a few minutes of your time.

“Now that I have multiple email accounts, how do I put them all in one spot and begin managing them effectively?” you may be asking at this moment. A suitable approach is by using an email client to link them all. Popular alternatives are shown below. Let's test which one is the best.

What is Email Address Management?

Email address management is a system that allows your company to keep track of all customer email addresses. 

Some companies use it because they want customers to have the same email address and communicate with each other even though they are using separate products (i.e., one might operate out of their office while another operates from home). 

Using multiple physical offices can make this more difficult by having everyone in different cities, states or provinces so being able to manage these lists is a huge advantage. 

As companies begin to use more online services and apps, many employees now communicate with customers via email directly without ever talking on the phone or connecting in any other way. Data collected through these means can be integrated into an address management system for communication between salespeople and customers.


Email Address Management Softwares

#1 - Microsoft Office Outlook

Outlook is a veteran of email clients, which one would expect from a tool that comes bundled with Windows. It has a calendar and task manager and manages email accounts.

Benefits for multiple email management requires a well-organized structure. To organize your emails, you may create folders and filters. Microsoft's other products are connected to it. The app comes with Microsoft Office and Skype, which you can use.

Social media is linked to this site. The app allows you to view Twitter and LinkedIn feeds inside it. There are no cons to speak of. Outlook is still cluttered, and finding the correct feature is sometimes difficult because of all the buttons, even with the new design. In addition, there is a variant of the following:

There isn't a single inbox that everyone uses. Users have requested the feature, but it isn't available. Viewing all of your mail takes a lot of work, and it defeats the purpose of being time-saving. Managing contacts becomes difficult as a result. You can't sort contacts by categories because you can't fit them into two groups without overlap, yet you can't filter.

Integrating non-Microsoft programs is difficult. 

Despite its numerous integrations and add-ons, users have reported difficulty integrating and using apps that aren't part of the MS suite.

Finally, we conclude. Outlook can manage multiple email accounts, but it won't be as simple and user-friendly. The interface is not very intuitive; rather, it's cluttered with many features and buttons. You can't view all emails from different email accounts at once.


#2 - Thunderbird

Mozilla's Thunderbird email program supports multiple accounts and is available for download. It has a more stripped-down interface than Outlook and is a functional app.

SPAM is filtered. It uses robust filtering technology to remove spam. It runs well, and there are no issues. Glitches are uncommon since they have been around for a long time and have been thoroughly tested.

There are a lot of extensions available. Thunderbird can be extended with additional features, such as RSS.

The UI has little to no resemblance to contemporary design regarding convenience and tidiness. In addition, there are these two: Is there anything else I can help you with?

The message box's small font size makes it difficult to read because you cannot make the window bigger while maintaining font size.

It's open-source, which should have been a benefit, but instead, it gives access to a plethora of user-created functionality that provides little benefit. 

Thunderbird's operation and development of new features are only partially supported by Mozilla, putting the entire project on shaky ground.

Finally, here's my conclusion: Using Thunderbird as an email client isn't the most convenient. Even though it provides that capability, it may not be the best to handle numerous email accounts.

#3 - EmClient

EmClient is a great Windows email program that mimics the classic Outlook user interface. It is free to use, but a paid version allows for multiple email accounts and device usage.

Personalization is an important part of the ever-evolving shopping industry. Compared to many Windows email clients, it's more customizable.

Popular IM platforms are connected to it. The app comes with a chat feature that you can use on Yahoo, Skype, and.

It comes with several basic and extra features. With a task manager, calendar, and spam filtering, you can boost your email efficiency.

Limited customer support and syncing problems are common complaints among users. In addition, there is the following statement:

It has a complicated appearance. Numerous windows open up from a window with a complete list of your accounts and folders (not icons) to a sidebar with contact details or chat. It's easy to get disoriented.

This isn't the most convenient perspective. For instance, when you pick the “All inboxes” folder, which is designed to display messages from all of your accounts, it becomes tough to discern which message came from which account and sort the folder by account.

An app with a paid version must have a free trial, but this is not the case here. The usage of the free version is limited. The free edition lacks functionality and professional assistance, and only supports two users.

Finally, here's my recommendation: If you're willing to pay for the Pro version, it's an acceptable way to manage multiple email accounts from one place.


Understand Better!

1. What is the best way to manage multiple email accounts from one place?

The best way to manage multiple email accounts from one place is by using a mailbox solution. These solutions allow you to store all of your emails in one place and manage it easily. This can be a great way to reduce stress and keep track of your email, all from the comfort of one place.

Some of the most popular mailbox solutions include Box, Gmail, and Outlook. The box is a cloud-based service that allows you to access your emails from any device, while Gmail and Outlook are both desktop applications that allow you to manage your email on a single computer.

It is important to find a mailbox solution that is comfortable for you to use. You should also take into account your needs and preferences when selecting a solution. For example, Box allows you to access your emails from anywhere, but it can be difficult to find specific messages. Gmail and Outlook are more straightforward, but they can be more time-consuming to use.

2. How can I use Gmail's filters to manage my email inbox?

Gmail's filters are one of the many features that make the email service stand out from the competition. They allow you to manage your inbox by automatically filtering out certain types of emails, or by setting up rules that determine how your emails are processed.

For example, you can set up a rule that will automatically delete all emails that are not from your contacts list. You can also create rules that determine how your email is sent, such as only sending an email when you are on your computer, only sending an email when it is morning, or only sending an email after a certain number of days have passed.

This is a great way to keep your inbox manageable and organized, without having to constantly go through and delete emails manually.

3. How do I manage all my emails in one place?

It's important to have an organized system to keep your inbox clean and manageable when it comes to email management. Luckily, there are many email management tools available that make this task easier.

One popular email management tool is MailChimp. MailChimp offers a variety of features that make it easy to create and manage your email newsletters, send out automated emails, and track your email campaigns. It also has a customizable interface that makes it easy to personalize your emails for different recipients.

Another great email management tool is Hootsuite. Hootsuite offers users the ability to manage their social media accounts from one place, track their website analytics, and monitor their email campaigns from one location. It also has a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to create custom emails and newsletters.

Both MailChimp and Hootsuite offer free trials, so be sure to try them out before making a purchase.

4. Can Outlook manage multiple email accounts?

Outlook can manage multiple email accounts, but it is important to note that this feature is only available in certain editions of the software. If you are using a personal or commercial edition of Outlook, you will not be able to manage multiple email accounts. If you are using the Office 365 subscription, you can manage up to five email addresses in Outlook.

5. How do I track multiple email accounts?

One of the most frustrating tasks that business owners face is managing multiple email accounts. It can be difficult to keep track of which account is which, what messages are in which inbox, and who has read which email. Fortunately, there are several solutions available to make this process easier.

One popular solution is email archiving. This involves using a service like Gmail or Outlook that can automatically archive all of your emails into a designated folder. This prevents you from having to search through old emails and makes it easy to find specific messages. Additionally, you can set up rules so that certain emails are automatically sent to a specific person or sent out at a certain time.

Another solution is email tracking software. This allows you to track the progress and effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. You can also track who opened and clicked on your emails, as well as where they are located on your website.

6. Is there a better alternative to managing multiple email accounts from one place?

There are many alternatives to managing multiple email accounts from one place, and the best solution for you depends on your needs. Some popular options include Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail. Each of these platforms has its unique features and benefits, so it is important to evaluate which one is best for you.

Gmail is arguably the most popular email platform in the world, and for good reason. It has a simple and intuitive interface, which makes it easy to manage your emails and contacts.

Additionally, it integrates with many other popular applications, including Google Drive, Calendar, and Docs. Outlook is a well-known business-oriented email platform, and it offers a variety of features that are beneficial for managers. These include tracking of work hours, automatic email replies, and scheduling.

Yahoo Mail is struggling to keep up with the competition, but it still has some key advantages that make it a viable alternative.




We hope you enjoyed our article about easily managing multiple email accounts from one place. We've given a detailed overview of the process that we used and some insight into a few alternative approaches that you might like to try.

The ultimate purpose of any kind of email is to create sales or to build relationships, so the customers can benefit from your service. So take care of managing multiple email accounts and sales. 

However, keeping track of each lead and sales progress is much more difficult but thanks to Cliently's Powerful AI through which you can track and keep a check on the entire sales journey of every sale leads to make a perfect and effective decision. 

Also, To keep you in the know on who's interested, how interested, and how to react, real-time view updates 24/7. When a lead gets a message, responds, watches a video, and other actions they've completed, you'll know right away. Never again will you miss an engaged lead!

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Haris Mirza

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